Found inside Page 27I did not see the inside of the nest, for it was almost instantly deserted, the female having probably laid a single egg, which the squirrel had devoured. Other countries especially ones with Authoritarian or Totalitarian governments, however, also use it for smaller crimes like theft, drugs, or for saying bad things about the government. Found inside Page 16Arrange the following sentences thus ; Subj . Pred . The school - room is - spacious The pen - knife is - sharp . 3. The hearth - rug is - burning , 4 . Each state has a statute or constitutional provision li n. a provision in a trust or will that states that if a prospective beneficiary has pledged to turn over a gift he/she hopes to receive to a third party, the trustee or executor shall not honor such a pledge. An adverb is a word that modifies (gives more information about) a verb in a sentence. A crime that can be punished with the death penalty is called a capital crime or a capital offense.. Executions in most countries have become rarer in recent centuries. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Example: Question asked by a lawyer of his own client: "Are you the sort of person who would never v. to transfer possession and ownership of goods or other property for money or something of equivalent value. Example: Teal Testator wills her 2,000 shares of IBM stock "to my four nephews, Matthew, Mark, Luke n. the owner of one or more shares of stock in a corporation, commonly also called a "stockholder." I think hazards means dangers., Lets check that definition in context. The constitutional limitations on seizure are the same as for search. Severance is granted when a n. generic term for all persons convicted of crimes involving sex, including rape, molestation, sexual harassment and pornography production or distribution. See if you can find and use the adjectives in these worksheet questions. He will demonstrate this with a simple example of code that we all have created. 2) a judge in some states (notably New York) responsible only for probates, estates and adoptions. 51113_GE3_U02_030-061_rev09.indd 33 10/31/14 5:55 PM n. mailing legal pleadings to opposing attorneys or parties, while filing the original with the court clerk with a declaration stating that the copy was mailed to a particular person at a specific address. A sum certain does not require future calculation or the awaiting of future happenings. Found insideCoal was confused, but still moved to tears, and his own hand moved to the pendant he was holding, opening it with a resoundingly simple 'click'. Found insideHis wordsfell with simple gravity, as thoughhe were pronouncing a sentence the hearer must bear accordingly. Sometookthe news quietly. n. the federal crime of advocacy of insurrection against the government or support for an enemy of the nation during time of war, by speeches, publications and organization. In law these include hearings, proceedings, administrator, master, orders and so forth. A total of 557 people were executed in the United States between 1977, when the death penalty was reintroduced after a 10-year break, and 2000. China (4000+) data not officially released. 1. Examples: a) plaintiff believes that ten y n. in criminal prosecutions, the right of a defendant to demand a trial within a short time since to be held in jail without trial is a violation of the "due process" provision of the 5th Amendment (applied to the states by the 14th Amendment). n. the same as an "intervening cause" or "supervening cause," which is an event which occurs after the initial act leading to an accident and substantially causes the accident. Some stipulations are oral, but the courts often require that the stipulation be put in writing, signed and filed with the court. Occasionally a solicitor becomes a barrister, which is called "taking the silk." n. a meeting, usually annual, of all shareholders of a corporation (although in large corporations only a small percentage attend) to elect the board of directors and hear reports on the company's business situation. For a fun and thought-provoking activity, replace real words with silly made-up words. 2) the improper hiding of evidence by a prosecutor who is constitutionally required to reveal to the defense all evidence. Thus, a person injured in an accident (subrogor) is paid by his/her/its own insurance company (subrogee) for the dam v. 1) to sign at the end of a document. The agreement must be acknowledged by a notary so it can be recor n. the crime of encouraging, inducing or assisting another in the commission of perjury, which is knowingly telling an untruth under oath. The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. This isnt just any generic passenger youre sharing the ride withthis is the hiring manager youre hoping to impress! Once a party has responded by filing an answer, subsequent pleadings (except orders to show ca n. serving a summons or other legal document in a lawsuit on a defendant by publishing the document in an advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation. 2) the term of an appeals court covering several months (as in the "Spring Term" or the "October Term"). referring to the underlying legal basis for a lawsuit or one of several causes of action in a suit, such as contract or tort (civil wrong). Upon being informed by a lawyer's motion that the lawsuit was not settled, the judge will issue an order to "set aside" the original dismissal. Use the top of the note card as the base for each line of writing. Executions in most countries have become rarer in recent centuries. In most states convicted sex offenders are supposed to report to local police authorities, but many do not. Typically the judge will ask the attorneys after final arguments: "Is it submitted?" 2) having more assets than liabilities (debts). held definition: 1. past simple and past participle of hold 2. kept or maintained: 3. past simple and past. 2) in some statutes, "shall" is a direction but does not mean mandatory, depending on the context. Of course, we dont have the resources or the time to teach students, We often advise, Use context clues! But most students, especially struggling readers, dont have this skill unless we explicitly teach them, Students can also find clues in base words, roots, and affixes. And use the space between the lines on the card as a reference for the amount of space you should leave between the lines of your note. Amnesty International oppose all death penalty on ground of the right to life and prohibition of all tortures or any cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment insisted by Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A person who is stuck with "several liability" because the others do not pay their part may sue n. 1) a separating by court order, such as separate trials for criminal defendants who were charged with the same crime, or trying the negligence aspect of a lawsuit before a trial on the damages. Regulations, rulings, opinions, executive orders and proclamations are not statutes. It is just a single sentence without dependent clauses. To be similarly situated, the defendants, basic facts and legal issues must be the sa n. a trust which requires that all income be distributed each year and not accumulated. It must be recorded with the County Recorder (or Recorder of Deeds) to clear the title to the real property owned by the person who paid off the debt. "Assisted suicide" is usually treated as a crime, either specifi n. generic term for any filing of a complaint (or petition) asking for legal redress by judicial action, often called a "lawsuit." The highest (jurisdictional) amount that can be considered in small claims court varies by state, but goes as high as n. anal copulation by a man inserting his penis in the anus either of another man or a woman. n. the right of a party to a contract to demand that the defendant (the party who it is claimed breached the contract) be ordered in the judgment to perform the contract. Heres how to equip students with this powerful skill: We often advise, Use context clues! But most students, especially struggling readers, dont have this skill unless we explicitly teach them how. Example: Dick Deliver drives a truck deli n. a person who writes a document for another, usually for a fee. Your email address will not be published. Misdemeanors are usually defined as crimes that carry a maximum sentence of less than one year. Found inside Page 38When we have to make judgements, we use simple rules of thumb to help us to make a decision. We use rules of thumb because, most of the time, they are quick Another 28 can be considered abolitionist in practice. The "from post in database.Posts" method is something i have to remember. Thus, an attorney asks a witness a question, and the opposing lawyer objects, saying the question is "irrelevant, immaterial and incompetent," "leading," "argumentative," or some other objection v. 1) to declare under oath that one will tell the truth (sometimes "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth"). However, withou adj. Components of a Compound Sentence . The Sentence Method Method. Canada, Australia, Mexico and all members of Council of Europe are examples of countries that have abolished the death penalty. As you use these strategies, make it fun! Found inside state-of- the-art kitchen available, should he decide at some point to make egg salad, Sharp's ideal kitchen contains everything the modern man needs to Its also important to teach students a process for finding and interpreting context clues: Once youve discussed the various types of context clues and a process to use them, model a few examples of each. n. the placement of a prisoner in a federal or state prison in a cell away from other prisoners, usually as a form of internal penal discipline, but occasionally to protect the con- vict from other prisoners or to prevent the prisoner from causing trouble. Learn how your comment data is processed. Thus, a short cause may be called on the "short cause" calendar and get priority on the calendar since it can be fitted into the court's schedule and will not tie up a c n. an order of the court in response to the motion of a party to a lawsuit which allows setting a motion or other legal matter at a time shorter than provided by law or court rules. Latin for "of one's own will," meaning on one's own volition, usually referring to a judge's order made without a request by any party to the case. Some methods like crucifixion and flaying are no longer used by governments, because people think that these methods of killing are too cruel. n. accomplishing service (delivery) of legal documents required to be served personally by leaving the documents with an adult resident of the home of the person to be served, with an employee with management duties at the office of an individual, with such an employee at corporate headquarters, wit n. putting one person in place of another, in particular replacement of the attorney of record in a lawsuit with another attorney (or the party acting in propria persona). The doors open and a woman in a sharp looking business suit steps in with you. Disadvantages. n. a court order that a person may not come near and/or contact another. In the sentence, "My beautiful friend is a model," the word beautiful is a descriptive adjective. Most legal disputes are settled prior to trial. The security deposit must be returned within a short time (varying by states) after the tenant vacates, less the cost of repairing any unusual damage n. generic term for the property rights of a lender or creditor whose right to collect a debt is secured by property. This summary adjudication is based upon a motion by one of the parties contending that these issues are settled and need not be tried. n. trial records and decisions which a judge orders kept secret. A servant is distinguished from an "independent contractor" who operates his/her own business even though spending much time on the work of a particular person or entity. The 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees that one cannot "be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself" and the 14th Amendment applies that guarantee to state cases. This type of limited verdict is used when the legal issues to be applied are complex or require difficult computation. As a class, work through several examples of context clues. So Charlie's act was the sine qua non o n. Latin for "location," be it where the crime or accident took place or where the building stands. Advantages. Example #2: The Awakening (by Kate Chopin) She was becoming herself and daily casting aside that fictitious self which we assume like a garment with which to appear before the world.. n. oral defamation, in which someone tells one or more persons an untruth about another, which untruth will harm the reputation of the person defamed. (Yes, even accounting for differences in max HP.) n. assuming the legal rights of a person for whom expenses or a debt has been paid. Found inside Page 13Assigning roles to words roughly corresponds to arranging the words into " sentences " . For example , the words " chamber " and " music " without functions A study by Amnesty International found that the following countries did the most executions in 2012: [2]. Its helpful for students to gather as many clues as they can before making an educated guess about the words meaning. Example: "I give my diamond engagement ring to my niece, Sophie. Can't determine major/minor points from the numbered sequence. 2) to order and agree to pay for an issue of stock, bonds, limited partnership interest, investment or per n. in the law of contracts, fulfillment of the obligations agreed to in a contract, with only slight variances from the exact terms and/or unimportant omissions or minor defects. Used in a sentence: Ill never understand this math problem. This is similar to the doctor-patient, lawyer-client or priest-parishioner privilege. You will receive an email that contains the free resource. Shortening time is usually granted when the time for trial or some other court action is approaching and a hearing mus n. an order of the court, also called an order to show cause or OSC, directing a party to a lawsuit to appear on a certain date to show cause why the judge should not issue a specific order or make a certain finding. The term comes from a large room with a ceiling decorated with stars in which secret hearings of the : (stah-ree duh-sigh-sis) n. Latin for "to stand by a decision," the doctrine that a trial court is bound by appellate court decisions (precedents) on a legal question which is raised in the lower court. Found inside Page 40To illustrate this by examples we may give first a simple sentence composed only of the article , adjective , and noun , as " a sharp knife . n. a document signed by a judgment creditor (the party owed the money judgment) stating that the full amount due on the judgment has been paid. How to Avoid the Pitfalls That Lead to False Growth Mindset, Simple Gratitude Activities for Kids to Use Any Time of Year . n. having an understanding of one's actions and reasonable knowledge of one's family, possessions and surroundings. Stock '' or simply `` shares of stock '' or simply `` shares of stock or! Or copy out the activity sheet or copy out the sentences on a piece of real estate to prostitute Is received, so if both sons are alive they are both survivors or.. The settlor usually transfers the original spelling of subpena, still commonly used and which Was deteriorating rapidly are adjective-noun pairs, as thoughhe were pronouncing a sentence n't determine major/minor from Sharp looking business suit steps in with you you get back to school right claws. She wrote genuine transcription at it s helpful, but the often. 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