2 Committee on Trauma, American College of Surgeons. Sethi RKV, Khatib D, Kligerman M, Kozin ED, Gray ST, Naunheim MR. Laryngeal fracture presentation and management in United States emergency rooms. 4. Inspect the chest wall looking for signs of injury, including asymmetric or paradoxical movement (eg, flail chest), auscultate breath sounds at the apices and axillae, and palpate for crepitus and deformity. Evaluation of the trauma patient begins with standard practice following ATLS guidelines; with rapid assessment of airway, breathing, circulation, and disability. J Laryngol Otol 1985;99:1127–9 The assessment and treatment of neck trauma is a complex topic for which various systematic algorithms and expert recommendations are available. The CARE case report guidelines were used when writing this report. The strict adherence to well-established diagnostic and management protocols has decreased both the mortality due to airway compromise and the poor outcomes due to delayed diagnosis. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. J Trauma 1990;30(1):87 – 92. J Trauma. Epidemiology of minimal trauma rib fractures in the elderly. Hoarseness of voice is one of the most commonly encountered symptoms in blunt laryngeal injuries. Assaults and fights make up the bulk of other blunt-force trauma to the neck. Table 70-1 Symptoms and Signs of External Laryngeal Trauma in 33 Cases. It often occurs as part of a multiple injury. Acute laryngeal trauma: a review of 77 patients. Minor laryngeal injuries may be missed as more severe injuries supercede the management of the larynx. LARYNGEAL TRAUMA 2. Stable internal fixation of fractures of the partially mineralized thyroid cartilage. Ann Thorac Surg 2000; 69:1563–7. Laryngeal trauma, a rare injury, occurs in <1% of all victims of blunt trauma. South Med J 1996;89:631-3. The use of dexamethasone inpediatric bronchoscopy. reported that hoarseness of voice was a presenting symptom in 28 of 33 cases of external laryngeal trauma he reviewed. Cassada DC, Munyikwa MP, Moniz MP, et al. Mazita A, Sani A. Sequelae of traumatic laryngotracheal separation: the nedf o riv u alz g tm p .A sN L y x 2005; 32: 421-5. There are a few management options of acute laryngeal trauma as follows: (1) observation, supportive care including observation, humidified air, supplemental oxygen, voice rest, and elevation of the head of the bed for injuries consisting of minimal mucosal trauma and minor hematoma and no visualized or palpable fractures; (2) observation, supportive care, direct laryngoscopy, and esophagoscopy, if the full extent of acute laryngeal trauma could not be determined; (3) direct laryngoscopy … Abstract. Am Surg 2001;67:75-9. Blunt Laryngeal Trauma: Classification and Managment Protocol. Airway stabilisation is the first and most important step in management, followed by exclusion or management of major vascular injury. PubMed Google Scholar 4. 3 DISCUSSION. Silver FH, Glasgold AI. Management of Blunt Tracheal Trauma in Children: A Case Series and Review of the Literature. J Trauma 1986;26:869-73. CT is the modality of choice. Review of airway obstruction includes evaluation of edema, hematoma, foreign body or displaced fractures. CT review for larynx function should also include close inspection for lacerations especially to the vocal cord and anterior commissure, and arytenoid cartilage dislocation or avulsion. Blunt laryngeal trauma can have immediately life-threatening consequences 9 which highlights the importance of sports clinicians having a heightened awareness of this problem. 1 In particular, cricoid injury is reported to occupy <50% of laryngeal traumas. Novel management of an isolated comminuted cricoid cartilage fracture. Acute laryngeal trauma should be recognized by trauma radiologists and emergency room physicians. Early diagnosis and management of acute laryngeal trauma may prevent unnecessary specialty consults and long-term complications. 1. Introduction Laryngeal trauma is rare but potentially deadly injury. In this respect, facial injuries fall under zone 3. Isolated cricoid fracture associated with blunt neck trauma. This paper aims to discuss a case series of sports-related blunt laryngeal trauma patients and describe the results of a thorough literature review. J Trauma. J Laryngol Otol 19859911279; About PowerShow.com Recommended. Schaefer SD, Brown OE. Acute laryngeal trauma: a review of 77 patients. De Mello-Filho FV, Carrau RL (2000) The management of laryngeal fractures using internal fixation. Results Our series consisted of 16 men and 4 women presenting with laryngeal fractures caused by blunt (n = 16) or penetrating (n = 4) trauma. 4. Sign in or subscribe to listen. 1990 Jan. 30(1):87-92. . Acute injuries of the trachea and major bronchi: importance of early diagnosis. Hayward G, Thompson MJ, Perera R, et al. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1994;110:195â 202. F.H., and Buerk, C.A. 1990;30(1):87-92.PubMed Google Scholar Crossref. J Am Coll Surg 2003;196(5):679 – 84. With an overall mortality approximated at 2%, 1 airways management is the priority. These patients have been studied retrospectively with attention to type of injury, management, treatment, and outcome. 3. The Journal of Trauma, 87-92. Bent JP 3rd, Silver JR, Porubsky ES. Because of a low incidence and a paucity of peer-reviewed information, there is no universally accepted treatment protocol and few clinicians have extensive experience with complex laryngo-tracheal trauma. Standlee AG, Rogers DJ. Fibreoptic bronchoscopic intubation is preferable to minimize complications such as laryngeal disruption, laryngotracheal separation or the creation of a false tracheal lumen. • It involves forward flexion of the neck on the chest and atlanto- occipital extension of the head at the neck. Summary; Conversation; Downloads; Laryngotracheal trauma is a rare and potentially deadly spectrum of injuries. Laryngoscope. 1,2 The incidence of traumatic airway injuries is low, although it is recently increasing. 4. Blunt laryngeal trauma can have immediately life-threatening consequences 9 which highlights the importance of sports clinicians having a heightened awareness of this problem. Ten patients with the diagnosis of blunt laryngotracheal trauma were admitted to Orlando Regional Medical Center from March 1, 1987 through September 30, 1988. 2011;51(2):109-113. Ch 19 - Trauma and Surgical Management. Does tachycardia correlate with hypotension after trauma? Laryngeal fracture is a rare phenomen occuring in less than 1% cases of blunt trauma [1,2]. Asphyxiation is the most common cause of death in blunt laryngeal trauma. 00:00. J Trauma 1990;30:87-92. Leopold DA. Blunt laryngeal trauma: Classification and management protocol. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1982;91(4 Pt 1):399-402. Simon BJ, Cushman J, Barraco R, et al. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. With an overall mortality approximated at 2%,1 airways management is the priority. Blunt laryngeal trauma: Classification and management protocol. Blunt trauma neck to larynx is an uncommon injury that results in a wide spectrum of damage to endolaryngeal soft tissues as well as underlying cartilaginous skeleton leading to upper airway obstruction requiring emergency tracheostomy. 2–4 If not promptly recognized and adequately treated, it can … 21 In patients who are hemodynamically unstable the transition towards resuscitation with blood products should be made quickly, as hemorrhagic shock is the most likely source. J Trauma 1996;40:845–6. Laryngeal fractures interest in order of frequency the thyroid, cricoid and arythenoid cartilages and are more common in older persons because of calcification of the laryngeal cartilages [3,4]. January 1990 ; Ghorayeb BY, Shikhani AH. Laryngeal injury is rare, occurring in less than one per cent of admissions to a major trauma centre, t Major vascular injury secondary to blunt neck trauma is also uncommon, and is more often seen with penetrating neck wounds. Primary management of laryngeal trauma. Clothesline-type injuries are more associated with motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle, and bicycle accidents. If you have a flash blocker then try unblocking the flash content - it should be visible below. Blunt laryngeal trauma is rare but deadly; this review presents normal laryngeal anatomy, various blunt laryngeal injuries at multidetector CT with case examples, and pitfalls of diagnosis and discusses the role of multidetector CT in acute management. Dunsby AM, Davison AM. J Trauma. No me gusta! 1 – 3 Published data tend to focus on penetrating neck injuries and blunt neck trauma independently, and data commonly address only major vascular injuries. Complications include 6: airway stenosis; respiratory tract infection; aspiration PURPOSE: Laryngeal fractures can occur in association with maxillofacial injuries and may lead to life-threatening airway obstruction. PLAY. Critical Care. 5. Calcif Tissue Int. Extrinsic civilian trauma to the larynx and cervical trachea--important predictors of long-term morbidity. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. •Fractures of C7, T1 with haemorrhage and disruption of . 1993;109(3):441-449. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Laryngeal trauma is rare; nonetheless, initial laryngeal trauma management should follow advanced trauma life support guidelines without missing potential trauma to other parts of the body. He arrived in Casualty at Juba Teaching Hospital 10 hours after the incident. Difficult diagnosis of laryngeal blunt trauma. 3,4 In contrast, mortality due to traumatic airway injuries is high, in part, because of associated injuries to other organs, which are present in about one half of the cases of blunt or penetrating airway trauma. J Trauma. 6 Flin R, Patey R, Glavin R, Maran N. Anaesthetists' non-technical skills. An Overview. Patients and methods: All patients with laryngeal fractures admitted to the trauma service at Legacy Emanuel Hospital and Health Center (LEHHC; Portland, OR) from 1992 to 2004 were managed by the same surgeons, using a standard protocol based on the stability of the airway, and were retrospectively identified using the LEHHC Trauma Registry. Unknown laryngeal fracture / incomplete airway transection. Oh JH, Min HS, Park TU, et al. Vassiliu P, Baker J, Henderson S, et al. Acute management of laryngeal trauma. Fuhrman GM, S. F. (1990). (Finland national database review) Using information from the Trauma Registry and … Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. Management of blunt and penetrating trauma Airway management with protection of the cervical spine is essential. The Laryngoscope 110: 2143-2146. Post-mortem: •Complete transection of trachea & oesophagus. 1 Occurring most frequently in the setting of MVCs (63-78% 2), falls, blows from blunt objects, and blast injuries, blunt chest injury represents the third leading cause of death in polytrauma patients. The Journal of Trauma 1990; 30: 87-92. 02:14. PURPOSE: Laryngeal fractures can occur in association with maxillofacial injuries and may lead to life-threatening airway obstruction. Sep 1993;109(3 Pt 1):441-9. Fuhrman GM, Stieg FH 3rd, Buerk CA. Chicago, IL: American College of Surgeons, 2004:42–3. External injuries to the larynx threaten both the quality and maintenance of life. ... resulting in blunt tissue trauma. Kim JP, Cho SJ, Son HY, et al. J Laryngol Otol 1985;99:1127–9 Vol 30(1): 87-92. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 116(3):192-194. PMID: 8414560 These patients have been studied retrospectively with attention to type of injury, management, treatment, and outcome. J Trauma 1990;30:87â 92. This ranges from minor endolaryngeal haematoma formation or laceration without detectable fractures in group 1 to complete laryngotracheal separation observed in group 5. Both blunt and penetrating laryngeal injuries may Austin JR, Stanley RB, Cooper DS. Sethi RKV, Khatib D, Kligerman M, Kozin ED, Gray ST, Naunheim MR. Laryngeal fracture presentation and management in United States emergency rooms. Hosny A, Bhendwal S, Hosni A. Transection of cervical trachea following blunt trauma. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. The key goals of management are: maintaining airway: preserve life; restoring function to larynx: voice quality; Blunt trauma has a worse prognosis than penetrating trauma with increased length of stay and short-term mortality (40% vs 20%) respectively 6. Guri S. Sandhu and S. A. Reza Nouraei. PMID: 2296072 3. Advanced trauma life support for doctors. The most common presenting feature of laryngeal trauma is hoarseness, followed by dysphagia and pain (Table 70-1). ALGORITHM FOR DIAGNOSIS AND INITIAL MANAGEMENT OF LARYNGEAL INJURIES (14, 15, 16) References 1 Sniezek J.C, Thomas R.W, Chapter 8: Laryngeal Trauma, In the Resident Manual of Trauma to the Face, Head, and Neck First Edition, 2012 2 WHO International Society of Surgery and International Association for the Surgery Although airway management is most important in patients with neck trauma, the diagnosis of cricoid fractures is … These patients have been studied retrospectively with attention to type of injury, management, … Fuhrman G, Stieg F, Buerk C. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. J Trauma 1990; 30: 87-92. Vol 30(1) 87-92. EXTERNAL LARYNGEAL trauma (ELT) is a rare but potentially lethal injury. 6 The most common mechanism of injury worldwide is a stab wound from violent assault, followed by gunshot wounds, self harm, road traffic accidents and other high velocity objects. The use of dexamethasone inpediatric bronchoscopy. For example, in a patient with blunt or penetrating airway trauma, advancing a bougie or tracheal tube blindly beyond the vocal cords risks penetration through an airway laceration, leading to airway obstruction, pneumomediastinum, and the creation of a false passage. The management of blunt chest trauma is discussed separately. The larynx protects the airway from aspiration, acts as the respiratory gateway to the lungs, and is the primary organ of phonation. Airway Management in Trauma Conventional trauma airway management: Position: • The sniffing position is the optimum orientation for laryngoscopy- assisted orotracheal intubation. Furthermore, laryngeal trauma may go unrecognized because patients may appear deceptively normal for several hours after the injury has occurred. Cartilage wound healing. The use of a flexible nasopharyngoscope in the Emergency Department, significance of a patient's … 6. Causes of laryngeal cartilage and hyoid bone fractures found at postmortem. J Trauma. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. Laryngeal injuries are often undiagnosed in the initial evaluation of the trauma patient. (9.) Epidemiology. An 3 DISCUSSION. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. Tracheal injury is an uncommon occurrence seen primarily after healthcare procedures, blunt and penetrating trauma, and caustic inhalations. 2-6 A case is presented in which crico-laryngeal separation The mechanism of injury includes angulation during intubation, which forces the blunt end of the endotracheal tube against the … J Trauma 1990;30:87–92. J Trauma. 1 Fuhrman GM, Stieg FH, Buerk CA. The management of blunt fractures of the thyroid cartilage. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. Laryngeal trauma, a rare injury, occurs in <1% of all victims of blunt trauma. Airway injury is a major cause of early death in trauma. Jan 1990;30(1):87-92. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. 1990;30:87–92. Iatrogenic Injury. Fuhrman GM, Stieg, FH, Buerk CA (1990) Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocal. They are rare, with an estimated incidence of one in every 30,000 emergency department admissions [].Delayed recognition and intervention may prove fatal in the presence of upper airway obstruction [].Blunt laryngeal trauma may present with varying degrees of severity, from mild to life-threatening … Although airway management is most important in patients with neck trauma, the diagnosis of cricoid fractures is … Treatment consisted of either surgical reduction of fracture (and associated intralaryngeal injuries) or conservative, nonsurgical management. External injuries to the larynx threaten both the quality and maintenance of life.2 The quality of phonation is the product of The authors recently published their experience with laryngotracheal injuries at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland, Oregon, which incorporated these advancements into a classification scheme and a protocol for the management of patients who have laryngeal fractures based on airway status, high-definition CT, and physical examination . These injuries were classified into one of three categories: nondisplaced with minimal associated laryngeal injuries (four cases), moderately displaced with intralaryngeal defects (12 cases), and severe fractures with intralaryngeal avulsion injuries (four cases). 1990 Jan. 30(1):87-92. . Schaefer SD. Larynx is a well protected structure in the neck Functions: airway ,tracheobronchial protection & phonation Skeletal framework : hyoid,thyroid,cricoid Divided into supraglottis.glottis,subglottis Supraglottis –soft tissue Glottis-relies on external support,cricoarytenoid jt mobility and neuromuscular coordinaton Subglottis - cricoid Bent JP, III, Porubsky ES. J Trauma 1990;30:87–90. The use of dexamethasone inpediatric bronchoscopy. Stable internal fixation of fractures of the partially mineralized thyroid cartilage. Most of these patients presented with severe fractures classified as category III (n = 6), IV (n = 10), or V (n = 1), according to the Schaefer‐Fuhrman classification. Cannot be intubated after paralysis and accompanied with difficult surgical airway. He returned to professional play in March 2018, 6 months after the initial injury. Laryngeal injury after blunt trauma is uncommon, but can cause catastrophic airway obstruction and significant morbidity in voice and airway function. We sought to characterize the contemporary mechanisms, diagnostic modalities, and outcomes common in laryngotracheal trauma … Blast Trauma tissue and organs damaged. 2005;59(5):1256-1267. 1990;30(1):87-92.PubMed Google Scholar Crossref. ... Fuhrman GM, Stieg FH. January 1990 Ghorayeb BY, Shikhani AH. Laryngeal trauma manifests as a spectrum of symptoms and signs ranging from cardiopulmonary arrest due to airway obstruction to subtle changes in voice quality. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. Am Surg 1989;55:303-6. Ganzel TM, Mumford LA. 3. J Trauma. Penetrating trauma Mechanism. The CARE case report guidelines were used when writing this report. DOI: 10.1002/lary.24068 Corpus ID: 12832003. J Trauma 1990;30:87-92. Severe laryngeal injury caused by blunt trauma to the neck: A case report. The flash player was unable to start. The Laryngoscope 110: 2143-2146. (11.) 2. Blunt laryngeal trauma is a sporadic occurrence that mainly is associated with motor vehicle accidents. Clothesline-type injuries are more associated with motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle, and bicycle accidents. J Trauma. Knife, gunshot, and blast injuries account for most cases of penetrating laryngeal trauma. Apart from blunt trauma, an isolated cricoids injury can be seen in the specific circumstances of violent injury such as strangulation [19]. - Initial trauma management in the severely injured child - Trauma secondary survey - Critical physical findings of trauma - Normal respiratory rate and heart rate in children - High-risk trauma mechanisms - Injury severity - Pediatric thoracic injuries - Classification of pediatric hemorrhagic shock - Glasgow Coma Scale and Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale - Wound management and tetanus prophylaxis Schaefer Fuhrman Classification of Laryngeal Injury Severity assists in evaluation of tracheolaryngeal injury but utilizes primarily endoscopic findings. Abstract. Herein, we present a case of combined penetrating and blunt neck trauma, resulting in delayed diagnosis and infectious complications of PLL. Fuhrman GM, Stieg, FH, Buerk CA (1990) Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocal. Management of acute blunt and penetrating external laryngeal trauma @article{Schfer2014ManagementOA, title={Management of acute blunt and penetrating external laryngeal trauma}, author={S. Sch{\"a}fer}, … Title: An Airway Disaster tracheal transection Assaults and fights make up the bulk of other blunt-force trauma to the neck. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. 1998;62(3):274-277. J Trauma. 1990; 30(1):87-92. ... and laser. 2019 Oct. 129 (10):2341-6. . Penetrating neck injury describes trauma to the neck that has breached the platysma muscle. Update. British Journal of Conclusions: With an appropriate and thorough evaluation of the pediatric patient, endoscopic management without a surgical airway may be considered as a viable alternative for blunt laryngeal trauma. Here we report a case of airway management of a patient with blunt trauma neck with tracheal tear posted for tracheal tear repair under GA. Tracheostomy, FOB guided intubation and direct laryngoscopy are the standard methods used to secure the airway in these patients, but sometimes they may aggravate the underlying injury. Angood PB, Attia EL, Brown RA, Mulder DS. The purpose of this report is to promote early recognition, expeditious evaluation, and judicious management of acute external laryngeal trauma. Laryngeal trauma is an uncommon but life threatening injury which is uncommon in British practice. Pitfalls: Equipment failure. Laryngeal trauma is often divided into two main groups—blunt trauma and penetrating trauma. Laryngeal trauma 1. Blunt laryngeal trauma is a sporadic occurrence that mainly is associated with motor vehicle accidents. Laryngoscope. In penetrating trauma with hemorrhage, delaying aggressive fluid resuscitation until … J Trauma. Standlee AG, Rogers DJ. Oh JH, Min HS, Park TU, et al. Diagnosis and management of acute laryngeal trauma. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. J Laryngol Otol 1997;111:1174-6. Laryngeal reconstruction following shrapnel injury in a British soldier: case report - Volume 123 Issue 2 J Trauma. Laryngeal trauma patients present with acute complications that require immediate prompt management by experienced professionals. Psychosocial effect of COVID-19 lockdown suicidal cut throat injury: a case report The novel coronavirus pandemic of 2020 presents vast challenges to the population particularly to vulnerable ones such as those with addictive disorders amid lockdown with no access to alcohol and difficult to reach overburdened healthcare. (8.) Different zones of entry mandate different protocols for evaluation and management. Laryngeal trauma patients present with acute complications that require immediate prompt management by experienced professionals. See Management of Mild Head Injury for discharge criteria; Abdominal imaging negative in stable blunt Abdominal Trauma. 5 Fuhrman GM, Stieg FH, 3rd, Buerk CA. A case report of blunt trauma neck anterior is presented who developed upper airway obstruction necessitating tracheostomy. The Legacy Emanuel Hospital and Health Centre laryngeal injury classification is commonly used, and is summarised in table III. Hanft K, Posternack C, Astor F, Attarian D. Diagnosis and management of laryngeal trauma in sports. The remainder of this article further defines this management protocol … Classification and Management Laryngotracheal injuries are classified into 5 distinct groups based on the severity of the injury (Table 1). In the U.S., blunt chest trauma is associated with a mortality rate as high as 60%. [28] Victorino GP, Battistella FD, Wisner DH. Complications. Primary management of laryngeal trauma. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. Blunt laryngeal trauma Classification and management protocol. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. Abstract. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery® is designed to provide the scientific basis to optimize care of the severely injured and critically ill surgical patient. 5. (9.) Major laryngeal injury may cause catastrophic airway compromise and death. 1: Computed tomography scan, sagittal section. (See "Initial evaluation and management of blunt thoracic trauma in adults".) De Mello-Filho FV, Carrau RL (2000) The management of laryngeal fractures using internal fixation. J Trauma 30: 87-92. Jitpakdee P, S. T. (2016). Med Sci Law. Aerodigestive injuries of the neck. Fluid resuscitation and avoidance of hypotension are important principles in the initial management of blunt trauma patients, particularly with traumatic brain injury (TBI). J Trauma 1990;30:87-92. Blunt Laryngeal Trauma: Classification And Management Protocol. Corticosteroids as standalone or add-on treatment for sore throat. 3 Schaefer SD. He returned to professional play in March 2018, 6 months after the initial injury. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. January 1990 Ghorayeb BY, Shikhani AH. We report a case of blunt laryngeal trauma and describe types of laryngeal trauma, airway management and surgical approaches. (10.) J Trauma 30: 87-92. Case Report. Blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol. Duval E, G. S. (2007). Austin JR, Stanley RB, Cooper DS. Iatrogenic injury to the laryngeal soft tissues is seen in approximately 10% of patients after short-term intubation for surgery . An eight-year-old boy sustained blunt laryngeal trauma while playing with a stick-rubber game (locally called Chung). STUDY. [3] Other symptoms include hemoptysis, dysphagia, neck pain and/or stridor. Key Words: blunt trauma, endoscopy, laryngeal trauma, larynx, pediatrics, tracheostomy. F.H., and Buerk, C.A. A retrospective chart review was performed of 112 cases that were managed at a Medical College of Georgia tertiary care hospital by the senior author (E.S.P.). J Trauma. Neuroimaging negative in Mild Head Injury. , resulting in delayed diagnosis and management high priority for basic and translation research to fulfill this objectives flexion the... Attarian D. diagnosis and management of acute external laryngeal trauma is often divided two... ; 30: 87-92 ( 2000 ) the management of blunt trauma, a rare injury,,! Occurrence seen primarily after healthcare procedures, blunt and penetrating trauma % of laryngeal traumas, Bhendwal,! Compromise, is acutely life-threatening he reviewed resulting in delayed diagnosis and infectious of.: 98-104 motor vehicle accidents, personal assaults, or sports injuries,! As high as 60 % symptoms in blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management an. Report of blunt tracheal trauma in 33 cases although it is recently increasing was a presenting symptom in 28 33. Commonly results from motor vehicle accidents, personal assaults, or sports injuries the most common of! 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blunt laryngeal trauma: classification and management protocol 2021