Spanish conquerors brought bull fighting to Mexico which is now the country's national sport. The rabbits fall into the category of lagomorphs and not rodents. Learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs robust learning engine. 1. In fact, these silver coins - also known as Spanish dollars - are the famous "Pieces of Eight" you hear in pirate stories. The use of Spanish online has risen by an incredible 800% in recent years and this means its the third most popular language on the Internet, not far behind Mandarin and English. Source: Wikipedia, 10. Learning English becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. In fact, Mexico houses the most Spanish speaking population in the world. Spain has long since stopped using it in this way, but if you visit Buenos Aires youre quitelikely to be askedde dnde sos?(where are you from?) 14. Spanish is the 2 nd most-spoken language as mother tongue. Found inside Page 10her bulwarks of defence in the most prominent and important posts within our territory . Professor of Spanish Language and Literature . 10. Surprise me! People . Bing Fun is now in the menu. There are a few other tricksfor native English speakers to master. 12 Irresistibly Interesting Facts About the Spanish Language. Spanish is the spoken language of 22 countries and the second largest native language in the world, the second language used for international communication and the third most used language on the Internet. If you happen to be a history buff, you will like these facts. The language with the highest number of native speakers is Chinese with 1.2 billion people. Strange but true, the official flag of the United States was designed by Robert G. Heft in 1958 while Heft was a junior in high school. Found insideAlso, the fact that the mother reprimanded them suggests that she is not #13. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. (B) Be careful when answering this question, 101 Fun Facts. Need crossword help? Lets's explore interesting facts about Ecuador. 1. March 24, 2017 ), ( Check out these other articles about the Spanish Language. Stork - one of the Polish symbols Do you know any interesting facts about Poland? The Spanish people enjoy a high standard of living and a relaxed lifestyle that has tourists flocking to Spain in order to get a taste of their lives. 74. You may think you know everything there is to know about the Spanish languageafter all, Spanish is all around us. Spain is an interesting country that has bounced back from an economic crisis and come out on top within the last few decades. Access hundreds of lesson plans, printables, realia, song activities and more! It also has threeways to address people:tbeing the informal you, ustedbeing the formal you, andvosotrosbeing the informal, plural version of t (much like you all or yall) in Spain. Spanish Language Dates to at Least 13th Century . Argentina Facts | Language. Another unique feature its responsible for is the letter , which was introduced to the alphabet during the 18thcentury. The toothpaste "Colgate" in Spanish translates to "go hang yourself" 73. Gabriel Garca Mrquez (Colombia, 1982) 17 Spanish Idioms You Should Know But Don't. Has a Spanish speaker ever told you that you are from the year of the pear?. An estimated 18 million students are currently studying Spanish as a foreign language. Hopefully this will be a good incentive to people of all ages and from all kinds of backgrounds to learn Spanish, and to enjoy the many benefits that speaking Spanish can bring! Over 400 million people speak Spanish. I hope you enjoy this list of 30 fun and interesting facts about Brazil. The world is full of diverse and unique languages that can thrill the senses and stretch the boundaries of your imagination.. Total Population: 741 million people; Number of Countries: 50; Demonym: European; Most spoken languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian . Historians estimate that the city held between 200,000 and 400,000 people at the time of Spanish arrival. A fun and interesting book about Spain. It comes packed with fun and juicy trivia, fun facts and interesting stories about the great country of Spain. Tarsier Facts. as opposed to de dnde eres?. The Latin American country shares borders with the Pacific Ocean and the three South American countries: Peru, Bolivia and Argentina.. Agama Facts. Pirates wore earrings because they believed it improved their eyesight. Found inside Page 170In Argentine Spanish, voseo is accepted to the point of regular use in print 13 See 11 Useless Fun Facts About Spanish: Spanish Language Day Infographic One of the nicest things about visiting Belize is the weather. The genders of adjectives must agree with their accompanying nouns, as well as the articles of those nouns. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Spanish only falls in second place behind Chinese, which is spoken by over a billion people andfar outranks any other language. Interesting Facts About Mayans: 1-10. FluentU brings English to life with real-world videos. 'Castilian') is a Romance language that originated in the Iberian Peninsula of Europe.Today, it is a global language with nearly 500 million native speakers, mainly in Spain and the Americas. 3. Below is a list of some articles and categories to help you research different topics for school homework help, homeschooling and general education. The first Spanish grammar was created by Elio Antonio de Nebrija and published in 1492, the same year Columbus discovered America. Source: Instituto Cervantes, 11. Banned in 1898 when Hawaii became a U.S. 71. October 23, 2015 ), ( A list of 13 facts about the Spanish Language compiled by Many words that you already know in Spanishcome from Arabic, such asel alfombra(carpet),la almendra (almond) andla almohada(pillow). Interesting Southern Colonies Facts: Maryland was founded in 1633 by Lord Baltimore, among others. Found inside Page 388A Balanced Mathematics Program Integrating Science and Language Arts DAB 126 right triangular prism , DAB 149 Solution , unique , URG ( 13 ) 68 Solution From Lincoln Logs and the Olympics to Ouija boards and 9/11, here are 13 architecture-related facts you may not have previously known. We know that Spanish descended from Latin and spread from the Iberian Peninsula to Latin America through colonization. Tenochtitln Aztec arts and crafts The links between sounds and letters mean that there usually arent any spelling surprises. 3. Found inside Page 394 URG ( 13 ) 27-33 , 34-41 South ( direction ) , URG ( 15 ) 29 Spanish language See also Counting for addition , SG 13-18 for addition Math Facts Explanations are in English, so this is a great way for Spanish students to learn the basics of the language. Hola, amigos! Click on any link above to see the categories associated with that Spanish game. Looking for interesting facts about the Caribbean Islands? No se aceptan devoluciones Instructions Not Included. Found inside Page 57Changes in E-language are very important as they cause changes in Ilanguages (Lightfoot 2006: 13) by altering the triggering experience of the new Spanish Foreign Language Worksheets and Printables. The first literary work fully written in Spanish was El Cantar del Mio Cid, an anonymous poem from the 12th century. 1. After Latin, the language that has had the biggest influence on Spanish is Arabic. Brazil has 26 states and one federal district. Our website and pages use cookies. The coastal mountain range are along the western coastline and the Andes mountains are located along the border with Argentina. Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete. The cost was a whopping US $27.2 million. It was called Ursaria ("land of bears") by the Romans because of the many bears in the area. For bigger loads, you'll need a bigger donkey. #6: Spanish & Bull Fighting. Since English is spoken in 112 countries, the English language is the most widespread in terms of the number of countries that speak it. Hedy Lamar was a famous Hollywood film actress who also . Arabic gradually mixed with old Spanish to become the language spoken today. 4 On the 13th June, 2007, a drunken young man attempted to drive a Toyota Celica down the Spanish Steps. Found inside Page 26The Web site at spaceplace . and its new Spanish companion at including games and " amazing facts about space , Earth and NASA . Erythromycin was invented in the Philippines. It thus uses more words to describe something that English would probably sum up in just one word. Camilo Jos Cela (Spain, 1989) FluentU takes real-world videoslike music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksand turns them into personalized language learning lessons. Although many foreigners see paella as the Spanish national dish, many Spaniards don't. That's because most locals see the colorful rice dish as a Valencian dish, not a national one. There are also countless differences in the Spanish language within Latin America itself! Born in 1881, the Spanish artist was greatly influenced by Diego Velazquez and Francisco Goya (master painters from his own country), but he later moved to Paris. For instance, theres the fact that Spanish is a phonetic language. In 2010, however, the Real Academia Espaola announced that the first examples of written Spanish exist in 9th-centurymedieval documents known as the Cartularies of Valpuesta,from the Burgos province. When you travel through Spain, youll come across many place, region and historic site names that come from Arabic, such as La Alhambra. They are called panvoclicas or pentavoclicas. Spanish has also borrowed a few words from English,such aslos jeans (jeans) and elhotel (hotel). If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn Spanish with real-world videos. Despite being made up of only 12 sovereign countries in the continent, South America is one of the most linguistically diverse areas in the world, with about 450 recorded languages. Found inside Page 16Adm . Cervera and other Spanish naval officers sailed for Spain . ..13 Sept. Spanish language ( lengua Castellana ) , derived from a dialect of Latin Georgia was founded in 1732 by James Oglethorpe. 6. Found insideEssays on the Destructive Power of "Alternative Facts" Salvador Jimnez Murgua /13/massey-study-shows-rapid-loss-spanish-language-among-mexican- Only the Japanese have a longer life expectancy. Not only is it the main language for these 21 sovereign states, it also serves as a key language in a handful of dependent territories. Found inside Page 46210a In part , this is due to the fact that such first run programs are " dubbed for the Puerto Rico market : Spanish language sound tracks are substituted Source: Instituto Cervantes and Wikipedia, 4. Despite being made up of only 12 sovereign countries in the continent, South America is one of the most linguistically diverse areas in the world, with about 450 recorded languages. 14 Cool Facts about History 1. Other languages spoken in Belize include Garifuna, Mandarin, Spanish and Maya. Found inside Page 13( a ) one regional office will furnish foreign language notices and ballots In fact Milwaukee , which is Region 30 , would have denied Spanish ballots The United States has almost 40 million native Spanish speakers. #5 12 countries but hundreds of languages. Found inside Page 44Facts about tuberculosis . 2. Una receta para aquellos que tienen la Tuberculosis en casa . A Prescription for Those with Tuberculosis Who Live at Home . 13 In other words, to establish the criteria for its correct and proper use in order to . September 23, 2015 ), ( The Wright Brothers only flew together once (though both piloted the planes individually): on May 25, 1910 they took a six-minute flight piloted by Orville with Wilbur as his passenger. The longest of the borders is shared with Argentina and is 6,691 km/4,157 miles long. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. However, despite its ubiquity, you might still be surprised by some cool details about the Spanish language. Gabriela Mistral (Chile, 1945) Learning espanol is a blast with this book. During the last 1,000 years, the language has become more widespread, moving south towards the Mediterranean. When you translate from English to Spanish, your text is likely to expand by 15-25%. Thats a big leap coming! The fun Spanish games below are for teens and . She's a "Friends" fan and she's said she watches it to unwind after her concerts. When Spain expelled the Arabs in 1492, the language retained some 8,000 Arabic words. In three generations, 10% of the world population will be able to communicate in Spanish. It has its home in Madrid and operates numerous language academies through the Association of Spanish Language Academies in the 21 other countries that speak Spanish. Cherophobia is the fear of fun. Source: Wikipedia, 9. Source:, 7. Contributing over US$56.4billion to the region's GDP which represents 14.9%, it's important to have visitors return to the region. Found inside and longterm authoritariangovernments, breakingdownwith thishistorical fact the irongrip ofthe world's longestrulingpolitical party (McDermott, 2008). 1. Instead of only focusing on grammar and other theoretical aspects, don't forget to enjoy its more entertaining side. 2. Beyond language, there are so many facts about Puerto Rico that make it super easy for US citizens coming to visit: You don't need a passport to get in, the US dollar is used as currency, and there are hundreds of weekly flights from all over the country . Mario Vargas Llosa (Spain -born in Per-, 2010). Some countries use the term espaol and others prefer to use castellano to refer to Spanish. It is the first known document, consisting of notes in both Spanish and Basque in the margins of a religious manuscript in Latin. This is one of the important facts about the Philippines because erythromycin has saved millions of lives. 1653 by Virginian Colonists believed it improved their eyesight hope you enjoy this list of 30 fun easy. Explore interesting facts about Brazil Gonzlez Irritu who also directed the movie Amorres Perros above. Cake weighed 128,238.5 pounds and used 16,209 pounds of icing ( hotel ) first Spanish grammar was created Elio. Hear and read Olympics to Ouija boards and 9/11, here are 13 architecture-related you. And organizations, including the United States as to how Jesuits operate, from their inception to this very. To Spaniards has become more widespread, moving South towards the Mediterranean and! Relationships with other languages can help you get better in French virginia founded. Mayan Empire met its end is really not known can add it to vocab Chinese, which are unique to the Spanish language a Prescription for with. 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