xoxoA. Fracas is gonna have quite a busy night, beating the living daylights out of all you hataz! I’ve been avoiding all Paco Rabanne fragrances since they ditched Calandre. I even got compliments while trying it out, and it still makes me feel like I am trapped in a gas station bathroom For Over 10 Hours! The first time I bellied up to the fragrance counter, the Clinique SA told me she didn’t HAVE a tester. Found insideThis is certainly the effect of the worst part of his descriptions in an age like the present. ... Take the disgust out of one's senses, O flower of true Christian wisdom and charity, now beginning to fill the air with fragrance! Several others in this category: Angel, Flowerbomb, Jimmy Choo, and on and on…. I love this for being is a deeply smokey fragrance with a woody and leathery backbone. (Macabre much?) Soap too? LOL! Found inside – Page 539... that his companion began to think that he had really become a convert to his own favorite creed . ... Not one at least to be seen above Are gathering fragrance from herb and from tree ; the thick foliage of the luxuriant growth of ... It is fruity and rich with notes of bergamot, blackcurrant leaves, apple, pineapple, pink-berries, birch . Oh, yes, it is that. "…partnering with Jeremy Fragrance could increase traffic to brand sites…". )… Continue Reading →... Frederic Malle Cologne Indelebile and its soaring sunshiny scent reminds me of some other orange blossom perfume, but which one? Whatever, haterz. Before placing your perfume in a closet or on a shelf, put all the bottles in a box. OH, that explains it! Ick. Reviews from everywhere are wildly mixed! I know I’ve smelled it, and there’s nothing shy about it, but that description of disposal cracks me up. The Creed brand, based outside of Paris, is responsible for some of the most famous luxury colognes on the market today. I used to hate Poison too. So you just never know. You are so knowledgeable!”, “Not really, no. This is a fragrance in the Oriental floral fragrance group. Loud, vulgar, crude, and oily, with one of the most animalic and musky (in the wrong way) base notes I have ever smelled – sort of like skunk meets rancid baby oil. Found inside... troubled frame of mind; but the pleasantness of his situation had already made him forget the worst of his cares. ... as he meditated, that the late and great Victorian, Mr. Rudyard Kipling, had exactly formulated his creed. Yikes, I spritz it with abandon, and I think I better stop that! . We have very funny people that read here. Worst cologne you've ever smelled??????????? Compounded by a visit there on a Sniffa trip where they held us hostage in the Never be 2 Busy Basement for hours going onandonandon about what great perfumers they were and blah, blah, surrounded by all those lush-like products with all of that smell coming off of them. In this extensive ultimate guide, I have selected the most important and the best men's fragrances of all time.. Having a holy grail scent can be a powerful thing. I’ve always liked white florals, but I think the difference is that people used to marinate in the stuff. Whale Bag? This bar soap contains notes of pineapple, blackcurrant and lemon as a sweet and fruity alternative to traditional male fragrances. Found inside – Page 67... for his bride's hair some of these same blue The very worst of creeds is better than no creed at all . flowerets . ... with their fragrance , and the on an electrical machine . sweet “ clove ” pinks and early roses came in bloom . It smells really nice and fresh. It’s a sacrilege to even call it a perfume, but Elizabeth Arden’s bilge-water Sunflowers is the worst stuff I’ve ever smelled (of course, I haven’t smelled Secretions Magnifique yet…). I’ve had a couple of those ‘snake in the bottle’ perfumes .. How have I missed Pampleune? Pure litterbox on me…I can’t conceive anyone would buy this!! 2. Giorgio is next up on my hate list, followed closely by cheap formulations of Tabu. Escape. Try to at least swipe a paper towel with water across….everything before going to work. I was nervous to write Iris Silver Mist, but clearly 50_Roses is in agreement with me. But we’ll all have fun trashing the…, Patty and I laughed like hyenas (HYENAS!) Insurrection was receiving a lot of hype in the fragrance community. #Shorts #fragrance #cologne #parfum #perfume #fragrances #perfumes #edp. I hate hair dye smell and the combo of the two was baaaad. I am married to a wonderful man called Maciej with whom I vlog on a seperate channel (everdaters). Unlike Bart Simpson I did not say, “Smell ya later!” because I hope I never have to smell Jimmy Choo again. Not only was it the worst blind but I ever purchased, but it is one of worst perfumes I've ever smelled period. Found inside – Page 165There may , on the other hand , be more than one element of positive error in the creed as we judge of it , and yet ... to their names a sweetness and a fragrance exceeding the sweetness and fragrance of nearly all other names which the ... Hey maybe it shares a note or two with Winter Delices. Hands down 100% Love by S-Perfume. I think about returning to Fracas, but maybe that time has passed–along with the ex-husband. They sprayed that stuff with abandon. Then there are the general culprits of Angel, Womanity, and ANYthing that smells like grapefruit or praline candy. Antipathy in a bottle. Millesime Spray 4.0-Ounce Bottle - One of the more popular fragrances by Creed. Found inside – Page 180Then were the same princi- Romish creed the Jesuit creed ; can any thing tend Peace to that gallant ship so brave ... and to know any thing I'd shed a lasting fragrance o'er church at Wittemberg , Rome , to use the words of an ens their ... Funny that you smell Patchouli in Pomegranate Noir, Patty. Patty, I’m not really replying to you, but I want to add a few things that i loathe. Found inside – Page 12God's Love , Like sap rising in the body of a tree , Climbs and claims His Son , And as fragrance from a flowering ... day comfortable Christians the very thought of our becoming of no reputation is as dreadful as the worst nightmare . Tuberose, vetiver and patchouli in one bottle, each beating the crap out of the other. oh, my goodness! This is a though question because I think my brain tents to delete certain memories… I sure remember some perfumes I had rub off with soap as soon as I got home. I cannot stand Poeme or Tresor. She was supposed to be the more grown up, knowing sister of Daisy – and I liked Daisy pretty well for what it was! White Diamonds has a similar vibe – the chemical “tuberose” in both of them would stun a rutting rhino. The perfume was actually designed for a charitable cause, with all proceeds from its sale donated to 'Action Against Hunger'. Open door to tiny, shared, unventilated bathroom and realize that it is that time of the month for someone and the garbage really needs to go out. Spray after showering. That being said, I actually manage to wear it lightly so that no one can smell it unless they hug me. ahaha your description of Fracas is pretty hilarious! Hey, beauty! I’m sure there are more killers out there but one of the most difficult are those cheap smelling fruity florals that attacked most shelves in perfume stores… and also by poor reformulations of old classics… and what makes me laugh are weird faces of SAs when I say that the fragrance doesn’t smell the way it used to before the change;-) If a perfume had a sound track, hers would go: “SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (breathe) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE(breathe) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”. I’m not a Thierry Mugler fan, but I have nothing against his fragrances except one – I absolutely hate A*Men. Do you agree with Creed Fragrances's TrustScore? But in my entire life I’ve never smelled one quite as gag-worthy as Angel. Then one night, I had over applied it. And, yes, I have outgrown it, but I still have a bottle of that Index Pom-anise. Creed Aventus. I couldn’t tell you about Lush. To this day, I cannot even go near the same shade of purple! OMG, even though a few of these I love! I have too many bad memories of Poison to ever enjoy it, I think. I wanted to like this so much and the notes of almonds, chocolate, and caramel were so much up my ally that I decided to blind buy it. , Clair de Musc smells exactly like the Vitalis cream, which protects face in cold weather. Fracas, agree. I did try BoG, though……..God could maybe use a TicTac, I’m so with you on Breath of God. Angel – I can enjoy it in an abstract way from afar as a really “interesting” aroma, but I can’t apply it to skin. I think Patty’s talk in her review about it being malevolent got my hopes up!! I literally had a dream where I was vomiting on top of a house ( I don’t know why I was on the house, it’s a dream!) Nice SA was as horrified as I was and said it was hard enough to sell that crap. It’s a weird world where that’s not happening. SL Borneo – vomit. Found inside – Page 291... yet to what was the unwonted food , their walls had weakened it he condemned her ? and attenuated in the strong rush of the pulsNot to the worst that might have been in ing torrent . The sword had proved , indeed , the easy creed ... Man, talk about butchering one of my most loved Perfume Sacred Cows. I was too busy hating on those Nest things. I gave her YOUR address, too, li’l missy. But THIS ONE is so horrific it literally drove me to tears. Piver Musc: acid musk on an hold dirty man, Ups! And then there’s Joy, I mean melancholy. Smelled like Raid. Creed is a find brand, and I like all the notes. Poison seems just right for that sort of person. It’s pretty much 100% Hate for me. This is by far the best description of Angel I’ve ever read! Oh yeah, I just have to add Charlie. "The worst thing a girl can do is put perfume on and then different scented lotions. Ahhhh, much better! Kiki, on the other hand, I love in both formulations. Like out-of-date raspberry liqueur chocolates FROM HELL. I wanted to like Alien, but after the initial jasmine fades, I get a slightly minty windexy thing that I just can’t get past. Also despise the reformulated Magie Noire. Now after a couple of years I very carefully applied a tiny amount before meeting with some friends and they all complemented me on the perfume that smelled very CLEAN. Versace Blonde: “Slut”. Axe is horrific. It’s not NICE to make an old lady snort coffee up her nose! Found inside – Page 255To draw rich scent from aromatic flowers ) Here , canoniz'd , let creed - mongers be shown , In structure neat , and deck'd with polish'd grace , Red - letter'd saints , and red affaslins kaown ; Shall equal first , then heighten ... The Sacred Cows that I would happily send to the glue factory are Fracas, Amouage Tribute Attar, Ubar and that whole numbered series, and Lancome Tresor. Exactly what you said, I smelled like freshly served up Masala. Eternity (for anyone) Spike to the brain via tearduct. yup, EL uses the YDade in everything. I don’t want to find out. Fragrance Family: Oriental Key Notes: Juniper berries, nutmeg, coriander, musks, ambery woods, vanilla. En Passant – lilac-scented liquid laundry detergent (sorry, folks). Verified Purchase. And don’t even get me started on all the more horrific Baby Jane aspects of Angel…shudder…I have a few olfactory sociopaths to add: Dammuso by Profumi di Pantellaria, aka Eau de Noxzema; Clean by whomever. The worst performing fragrance in the history of parfumerie. I think Rumba is one of the absolute worst ever. Just singes my nose hairs. Alas, nobody ever seems to stop at one drop. Focus on the right spots. Who wants to smell like they just go out of the kitchen. Founded on a philosophy of giving the perfumer a very broad idea of what they wanted, then letting the perfume create it. It’s cheap and young women stock up on that body mist and then drown themselves in it, and it is just bloodcurdlingly awfu. I don’t get the TF ‘ass’ accord. Partially digested grass is priceless. Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes - $6,800 per ounce. Went back later and found a tester, and it was as I remembered: a rosy hedge drenched in pee. I have a weird fondness for Borneo. Elephant poop. Hmmmm. I even adore the smell of the stores! Oh, yes. Perhaps I’ll give it another shot someday but my first experience was bleh. White Poison, you mean Pure? All rights reserved. Well, by us anyway, the rest of the world seems to love it so much. Creed Green Irish Tweed - Best Creed Cologne. So, interesting list you got there Patty. Another baddie: Givenchy’s original Ange ou Demon is a horrible, screechy, nails on the chalkboard kind of scent to me. Dior Cherie: strawberry semen. It is very fresh and salty, with the fruit ingredients being dominant throughout. Horse digests hay. Judging from the description online it sounded so cozy and gorgeous. I had forgotten about it. Favorite Fragrance Bottles. Apparently so were the 32 other reviewers! Poor little darling, I need to give it some comfort and petting. Found insidenotes said: 'A mature wine with a heavenly perfume of rich sweet plums and wild strawberries, a soft, ... And David realised that they were teaching a creed to a generation of winemakers which minimised risk and emphasised consistency, ... If Youth Dew helped launch fragrance in America, I wonder if it wasn’t because women wanted to get something that smelled good instead of that sludge? Praline Sandal, has anyone tried it? Luckily! Many were retching and fainting. I’m still puzzling about that and hoping it is going to switch back.