Found inside – Page xx... Use ) Amdt Regs 903 Telecommunication Industry ( Rateable Values ) ( Amdt ) ... Food ( Ämdt ) Regs East Cheshire NHS Trust ( Transfer of Trust Property ) ... It is supported by a Level 2 neonatal unit and is part of the Merseyside and Cheshire Neonatal network. Found inside – Page 1This book is essential for all scholars working on the written culture and history of the medieval Islamic world, and paves the way for a more nuanced reading of pre-modern Arabic chronicles and of the epistemic environment in which they ... Report it and help us to improve our website, Our vision, values and objectives submenu, Report it and help us to improve our website. Found insideThis new edition of The Values-Driven Organization provides an updated set of tools to assess corporate culture, new case studies on cultural transformation and additional materials on sustainability, measuring cultural health at work and ... Volunteers provide a valuable resource, which enhances patient care by giving practical help and support to our patients and staff. Salary: £93,735 - £108,075 per annum. Our behaviours have been developed by over 300 staff identifying what they would expect to see from themselves and their colleague linked to the trust's six core values. To work in partnership to provide high-quality, affordable integrated services, • Treat each other with respect and dignity, Found a problem? East Cheshire NHS Trust is committed to ensuring that patients are treated in clean and pleasant hospital surroundings and that the staff will do all that they can to protect people’s privacy and dignity. Read employee reviews and ratings on Glassdoor to decide if East Cheshire NHS Trust is right for you. Found inside2050 ; development in flood plains , Devon guide 3188 ; East Devon Appeal Fund 2588 ... 2525 : Local Authorities Mutual Investment Trust Bill 686 ; " Local ... Found insideConnected Leadership provides a clear, practical guide for leaders of organisations who wish to create a more connected, agile and customer-oriented organisation in a digitally connected, customer-driven 21st century business environment. Our mission is to work in partnership to provide high-quality, affordable integrated services . We provide safe, effective and personal care to our patients. We are a community and acute trust serving a large population and our vision is to deliver the best care in the right place. Found inside – Page 50Chester Health Authority , South & East Cheshire Health Authority . ... 64.00 per year Chichester Priority Care Services NHS Trust Summary business plan . Computed Tomography (CT) Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Emergency Department. Cosmetic breast surgery: Breast enlargement, breast reduction, breast uplift (mastopexy) Oncoplastic breast surgery. By doing so we will improve the lives of our patients by preventing ill health, treating illness and alleviating pain, We promote team work across the Organisation, both within and across Business Groups and services, wherever care is being delivered, Whatever the strength of the individual, we will accomplish more together, By working in different ways and united by common values, we are making sure we deliver the right care first time, every time, We value our customers, patients, carers and their families and treat them equally by ensuring staff have the right training to do so, We treat others as valued individuals and will contribute to a climate of fairness and equality. In the tradition of such trailblazing books as No Logo and The Tipping Point, In Praise of Slow heralds a growing international movement of people dedicated to slowing down the pace of our contemporary times and enjoying a richer, fuller ... Information. Whether you are just starting out in your career or are looking to use your skills and experience in a new role, East Cheshire NHS Trust is the right employer for you. Clerks are the engine that keeps the NHS running successfully. About Us; A message from Rachael Charlton, Director of People and Culture . At East Cheshire NHS Trust we are committed to providing the best quality integrated care to our patients. Our values: • Treat each other with respect and dignity • Commitment to quality of care • Show compassion • Improve lives • Working together for patients • Make everyone count Glassdoor. Anaesthetics, ICU Deputy Medical Director for Professional Standards and Revalidation, Responsible Officer. It protects the NHS and helps ensure we receive high-quality healthcare that is free for everyone. GMC Number. Our behaviours have been developed by over 300 staff identifying what they would expect to see from themselves and their colleague linked to the trust's six core values. East Cheshire NHS Trust’s GP Out-of-Hours Service can also be used for assessment, advice and treatment as required for urgent healthcare problems that cannot safely wait until your GP surgery is open. East Cheshire NHS Trust provides healthcare across central & eastern Cheshire. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our organisation and I hope you have a happy and fulfilling career. accidental injuries. Found insideThis thoroughly revised edition of the popular Strategic Guide to Continuing Professional Development for Health and Care Professionals includes the latest professional policy guidance updates as well as the results of the authors’ ... Our vision, values and objectives Being open East Cheshire NHS Trust is committed to supporting a culture of openness, honesty and transparency in all its activities, clinical and non-clinical, which includes apologising and explaining what happened when an incident or error has occurred. As well as providing vital healthcare services, at East Cheshire NHS Trust we are committed to our wider social responsibilities as a major local organisation. Breast Screening Co-ordinator at East Cheshire NHS Trust Alsager. Sustainability and Transformation Plans. Clerks work throughout the NHS in areas such as: hospital wards. New Alderley House. We provide safe, effective and personal care to our patients. It now includes the many new antibodies which have been tested since the previous edition, as well as a discussion on next-generation sequencing and molecularly targeted therapy. Found insideIn this text leading investigators in the field discuss current management and critical investigative issues." Steven T. Rosen, M.D. Series Editor Endoscopy is a procedure that uses a long, thin, flexible, lighted tube called an endoscope, to diagnose or treat a condition within the gastrointestinal tract. To facilitate reflection, support, teaching and the development of clinical competencies Found inside – Page 1165As formal registration is not an NHS requirement , there are no central records ... NHS Foundation Trust Walton Neurology Centre NHS Trust East Cheshire NHS ... Staff. Culture & Values ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ... Glassdoor has 6 East Cheshire NHS Trust reviews submitted anonymously by East Cheshire NHS Trust employees. Welcome to East Cheshire NHS Trust. Argues that versions of realist and social constructionist ways of thinking about the social world are compatible with each other. Consultants are senior doctors that have completed full medical training in a specialised area of medicine and are listed on the GMC’s specialist register. East Cheshire NHS Trust. These practice guidelines draw upon the widest relevant knowledge and evidence available to describe and inform contemporary best practice occupational therapy for people with Parkinson's disease. Found a problem? The Macclesfield Team is based at: 1st Floor. On the wards of the East Cheshire NHS Trust (in patients) Macmillan Cancer Resource Centre; General Outpatients Department; In your own home; When is the service available? Corporate Social Responsibility. Using an applied, practice-based and refreshingly ′real′ approach, this text bridges the gap between law and ethics. Each chapter opens with a case study which considers ethical dilemmas in real life practice. NHS Constitution. Year Qualified. This service is available from Monday – Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm. Regardless, the book’s humorous style is a valuable snapshot of American culture from past centuries. This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks. Volunteer. More information. Dr David Banks. They usually work in … Victoria Road. Same Difference is a charming book for young readers (4-8 year olds) that addresses the sensitive and sometime divisive issues of beauty and identity. Year Started at Trust. The Act contains seven parts with provisions intended to protect public health as well as to improve the running of the NHS. We provide haemodialysis for patients with end-stage renal failure. Being open. Telephone: 01625 663380. Colorectal Surgery. We rated it as Good ––– What this trust does East Cheshire NHS Trust provides a range of acute and community-based services, including emergency care and emergency surgery, elective surgery in many specialties, maternity and cancer services. An excellent midwifery team provides high quality antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal services both in hospital and in the community. Return to previous menu Our vision, values and objectives. Found inside – Page 6A31259CE Pelan PARTNERSHIP OF EAST LONDON CO - OPERATIVES ( PELC ) ... 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS A31273CS NHS Trust Occupational Health Nurse Advisor Band 6 ... Breast Surgery. The Government provided a significant sum of money for hospitals to set up outreach services. There are now calls for an evaluation of their impact. The book is set out in five key sections. East Cheshire NHS Trust Use of Resources assessment report – July 2019 • In terms of RTT, the trust has failed to deliver the 92% standard since August 2017. Found insideThis book serves as the perfect resource for teachers, students, and professionals of all kinds in the art and design space who want to stay up-to-date on the ever-evolving trends in color. Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Found inside – Page 580... exec vice - pres Europe , Middle East & Africa , pres Int Div ; md Air UK Ltd ... Hays Employee Share Trust Ltd 1996–2001 , Hays Pension Trustee Ltd ... NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can advise you on the best local service for the care you need. This book is more than timely with the impending introduction of regulation, and the fact that increasingly the work of counsellors and psychotherapists is being subjected to legal scrutiny′ - Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy ... Learn more about our staff. Consultant. Found insideA clear and comprehensive introduction to the principles and practice of clinical oncology, for medical undergraduates and clinicians who want to increase their understanding of the challenges of managing patients with cancer. Department: Health Informatics. A selection of uplifting prayers and writings that focus on the oneness and unity of God for spiritual seekers of all faiths. Report it and help us to improve our website, Our vision, values and objectives submenu, Report it and help us to improve our website. Good. Qualifications. "I would definitely recommend this book to all staff with an interest and involvement in intravenous drug therapy." —The Pharmaceutical Journal "There is no doubt that nurses will find this small book useful. The trust provides health services in its hospitals, in people’s homes and in community locations – and with over 2,500 dedicated staff, it serves a local population of around 470,000 people. MBBS, FRCS (Glasgow), FRCS (General Surgery) 4764850. "How To Get Better Healthcare provides an understanding of the concept of healthcare value and how it can be increased, and is written primarily for people who pay for or manage health services."--Provided by publisher. The book questions how theoretical frameworks are generated for understanding how women live and produce themselves through social and cultural relations. We are a community and acute trust serving a large population and our vision is to ensure our patients receive the best care in the right place. The unit has one ward (Ward 10) Ward 10 is on the upper level. Qualifications GMC Number Date Qualified Date Started at Trust; BSc, MB ChB, FRCSEd (Orth) 3164707: 1986: 1997 Found inside – Page 75613 8 13 EAST CHESHIRE NHS TRUST STAFF PHYSIOTHERAPIST ( Rotational Post ) The ... been established to develop in line with the Trust values and direction . The ... Our vision, values and objectives Our vision, values and objectives submenu. Found inside – Page iThe Archbishop of Canterbury's Council on Mission and Public Affairs collaborated to research and produce the Mission-Shaped Church report in 2004, and Seabury Books is the new North American Publisher. The ratings from this report are: Use of resources: Requires improvement. Annual plan. Welcome to East Cheshire NHS Trust! The trust also provides a range of community and outpatient services across a wide area of Cheshire, serving a population of 450,000. Helping wards, including serving refreshments and assisting with meal times. The NHS Constitution establishes the principles and values of the NHS in England. Welcome Lounge. Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT) provides good quality, safe and effective healthcare to the people of Cheshire and beyond. SK10 3BL. Return to previous menu The Trust. To achieve this aim we need highly motivated staff who are united by common values and behaviours. This area specialises in caring for patients with orthopaedic trauma, i.e. About the Trust. Where wards provide more than one service the results include shared values for all services provided on that ward. East Cheshire NHS Trust Chief Executive, John Wilbraham, said, “ This £2.2m investment is a really positive development for the hospital and the patients that we care for. Our centre is open Monday to Saturday between the hours of 06.30 – 18.00. Assist with reception duties in various departments. Using the A-Z will search against the consultants surname. North Cheshire NHS Trust, Warrington, UK Breast Cancer Research 2006, 8(Suppl 1): P21 (doi: 10.1186/bcr1436) Purpose The audit was a retrospective study to examine the number of 494 talking about this. East Cheshire NHS Trust has such regard for the NHS Constitution and we embed this in our delivery of patient care. Background East Cheshire NHS Trust operates three hospitals in Macclesfield, Knutsford and Congleton, with 4,000 dedicated staff. General Surgery. We are pleased to share the trust’s new wellbeing video with you which showcases the wide range of physical and emotional wellbeing support we have on offer here at East Cheshire NHS Trust. This book provides a practical step-by-step guide to soul activation. Macclesfield District General Hospital. The labour ward is equipped with standard birthing rooms as well as two modern water-birth suites. This new edition gives a comprehensive overview of ACP, explores a wide range of issues and practicalities in providing end of life care, and offers a worldwide perspective. CQC overall rating. Help with enquiries. Found inside – Page 1197... 1849 Lincoln's Inn Library 4738 - Russian and East European Bodleian Law ... Disabled 7722 Whitefield Centre 7866 Wolverley NHS Trust 7925 - see also ... The helpline is open from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Messages can be left on our answer machine outside of these times. We may experience a high volume of calls regarding this and would ask that you allow us 24 hours to return a call or email. They make sure our patients have the information they need for their care and our healthcare professionals can access crucial patient records. Macclesfield. Equity and Excellence : Liberating the NHS: Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health by Command of Her Majesty The following table shows staffing levels on wards that provide this service. Our mission is to work in partnership to provide high-quality, affordable integrated services. The NHS Constitution brings together in one place details of what staff, patients and the public can expect from the National Health Service. ... East Cheshire NHS Trust has such regard for the NHS Constitution and we embed this in our delivery of patient care. A commemorative mural has been generously donated to East Cheshire NHS Trust by local artist, James O’Meara, to reflect the courage, hard work and commitment of staff and volunteers during the pandemic. The High Sheriff of Cheshire has paid tribute to staff and volunteers at Cheshire’s Alderley Park Covid-19 vaccination centre. East Cheshire NHS Trust is an award-winning, integrated community and acute trust operating across central and eastern Cheshire. To perform gynaecological ultrasound (US) examinations a general practitioner must receive training under specialist guidance, acquire sufficient experience and have proper equipment at his/her disposal. If you require any more information about our service please do not hesitate to contact the Clinic Manager on 01625 663073 or 01625 663088. At East Cheshire NHS Trust we are united by common values and behaviours to ensure we deliver the right care first time, every time. We depend on the relationships we have and respect each other and those we work with, We are committed to improving quality, safety and the patient experience, We value the feedback from our patients by listening to their experience and responding in order to continuously improve the care we provide, We are committed to providing safe quality care in a compassionate and dignified way, By listening to staff and patients we are reminded that for a large proportion of our patients, when they are in our care it is a particularly stressful time, We expect staff to show compassion as part of their daily work, We are committed to delivering quality outcomes, and have a thirst to learn and improve, If something isn’t right, we correct it. Direct patients and visitors to wards and departments. Found inside – Page 36... Probation Directory ..823 NAVINT - The International Naval Newsletter 823 NCVO News .823 NDT News .823 NHBC Magazine .823 NHS Magazine 824 NHS Trust ... East Cheshire NHS Trust. NHS … The Orthopaedic Unit at the East Cheshire NHS Trust is committed to provide high standards of quality care. The Integrated Respiratory Service operates from Macclesfield from 8.00am – 6.00pm seven days per week. Read the NHS Constitution. Our vision, values and objectives Annual plan The Trust produces plans of what it expects to deliver to the people of East Cheshire which includes the impact of strategic commissioning intentions, service charges, local health economy factors, competitive position, strategic developments, transactions and organisational sustainability. Values and behaviours Equal opportunities Key benefits Onsite accommodation Where YOU fit In Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare Medical and Dental Trainees Pharmacy; Allied Health Professionals Diabetic Retinopathy Screening ... East Cheshire NHS Trust . Lloyd Downing -- San Angelo, TX. Found inside – Page 35General Manager University Hospital of South Manchester NHS NHS Foundation Trust South ... South Trafford , North East Cheshire and West Stockport . To provide safe, effective person-centred care in the right place, To build, value and develop a skilled, motivated, flexible and inclusive workforce, To further strengthen relationships with partners across Cheshire East and Greater Manchester to deliver our shared vision, To deliver services that are clinically sustainable within the Board approved financial plan, To embed a culture of innovation and engagement which embraces digital transformation and new ways of working, Vision To ensure our patients receive the best care in the right place, Mission Found insideThe only text to combine academic and practitioner perspectives with evidence based case studies to reveal what really goes on behind the scenes of Parliament. At East Cheshire NHS Trust we are united by common values and behaviours to ensure we deliver the right care first time, every time. Combined rating: Good. The NHS Constitution establishes the principles and values of the NHS in England. East Cheshire NHS Trust is an integrated community and acute trust, providing healthcare across central and eastern Cheshire and surrounding areas. On 04 October 2019, we published a report on how well East Cheshire NHS Trust uses its resources. You can find more information on the behaviours which underpin our organisational values in the document “Our values and behaviours; United by common values”, We value the views of our staff, patients and partners in the delivery of our services, We care about the consequences of our decisions, large and small, on those around us. Found inside – Page 146... Care NHS Trust ( since 1994 ) , Director of MRCP courses at Brighton ( since ... Chair of NGO Committee on Spirituality , Values and Global Concerns . Filter by first letter It also explains what you can do to help support the NHS, help it work effectively, and help ensure that its resources are used responsibly. This Department is managed by East Cheshire NHS Trust. Essence of Care 2010 is a tool to help healthcare professionals take a patient-focused and structured approach to sharing and comparing practice, which is at the heart of the 12 revised benchmarks contained in the publication. Location: Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, Macclesfield. Our vision, values and objectives Our vision, values and objectives submenu They have clinical responsibilities and administrative responsibilities in managing junior doctors. Treat each other with respect and dignity The Coaching Manual demystifies the full coaching process, from first step to final meeting. This is the complete guide to coaching and includes: models, perspectives, skills, case studies, tips and advice. Dialysis Nephrology. On 15 May 2015, we published our inspection reports for East Cheshire NHS Trust. The Trust The Trust submenu. Found insideThis book identifies the key elements of successful leadership through 'medically led' service development and systems transformation and shows how this benefits patient care, particularly when patients become partners in the process. Found insideChristopher Marquis tells the story of the rise of a new corporate form—the B Corporation. Read more about use of resources ratings. It sets out patient and staff rights and responsibilities. Our objective to contribute to our local community and be considerate of the environment, this includes our commitment to; Promote public health awareness including initiatives, for example, anti-smoking campaigns. It sets out patient and staff rights and responsibilities. Found inside – Page 6Results showed haematocrit values of 51 % and above signalled a risk of death or a ... Clare Walker , A & E sister at East Cheshire NHS Foundation Trust ... There is an answer phone available at all other times. Acute Medicine. Found inside – Page 195-190Warrington Hopsital NHS Trust ; East Cheshire NHS Trust . ... of all major contracts won and their values to public and private bodies in the past 3 years . To achieve this aim we need highly motivated staff who are united by common values … Part 2 establishes a new superior court of record called the Court of Protection in place of the office of the Supreme Court, which will have the capacity to deal with both welfare and financial matters. We are very pleased you have chosen our Trust as your future employer.