May. Cheers to another year of creating beautiful memories together. He got a good man . If you love for the sake of Allah and always be thankful to him. Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. Ameen. May Allah bless all of us with those good friends. Bless us with love and sympathy for our family. May you all have a very happy and blessed Eid. May Allah SWT protect us all and bless our friendship. 2. I am indeed excited to be a part of your wedding today and I pray that may Allah bless your marriage. His passing is a profound loss for our community. ... please know you always have our friendship and we love you. Hussain04 October 6, 2018. Her hand cupped my throbbing belly as she cleared her throat. True love is the love which is for the sake of Allah. May Allah bless Usman with the highest rank of Jannah and grant his family sabr. May Allah bless your marriage till Jannah . Even if a Muslim has only one daughter, he will enter Jannah along with a Muslim having two or three daughters. she is so great . May Allah SWT reunite us with our loved ones in Jannah. But , if you guys see her . Oh Allah, charm us with the beauty of Iman, bless us with the garment of Ibadah, clothe us with the light of al-Islam and make our footsteps match that of the prophet until will enter Jannah. May Allah give his family patience and comfort during this trying time. Oh Allah, let our marriage be a way for us and our families to enter Jannah. “The grief may never go away. Ya Allah, protect our marriage from the whisperings of Shaytan. May Allah bless us . God will bless and keep her in peace. 22nd September 2013. Alhamdulillah. May Allah give you health and May our youth learn from your life. dia sayang saya ! Simple.. but how many really do this? Inna lillahi wa inna llayhi Raaji'oon, May allah bless him and grant him a place in heaven. Thank you all and may Allah bless you always. Allah grant you sabr and. I remember with great love our amazing conversations over the years . He shall give you happiness within and without. [2:157] May Allah's blessings be with you and your family for all the times to come. Eid Mubarak to my loving husband. Abdallah and I laughed, holding our faces out of embarrassment. "Jazak'Allaahu khairan, received the gift, imagine every letter in the Quran multiplied ten times and ten times again up to 700 hundred times with life time of usage until the last day the qurans will be used, the knowledge people will derive and the … Friends are the sisters and brothers we nevermore had, and are by our side through life’s ups and downs. Forgive people so that perhaps Allah may forgive you. Sisterhood for the sake of Allah is the best friendship. Al-Bukhaari Hadith Number 2790: Narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “In Paradise there are one hundred levels that Allah has prepared for those who strive in jihad for the sake of Allah. Here is a … My Allah bless you highest place in Jannah. اسال الله لك مرتين .مرة في هذا العالم ومرة في الجنة 5. Lots of duas for a healthy and speedy recovery. May Allah ease our paths, and should we ever go astray, may His love guide us back to His path. May Ar Raheem go with you on this journey and guide each of your steps. My name next to you. May allah shower him with his love and may he find peace in jannah. pain and press it close to our. I end this blog by thanking Allah (SWT) for giving me the opportunity to go to Jummah today and learn so much from Dr. Amer Kaissi, May Allah bless him and his family with Jannah for his efforts. A true friend is he who walks with you to Jannah. May Allah bless him and grant him Jannah!! A progressive till death, Oba Akinsosonyin, a first class traditional ruler in the state, was a peacemaker and his reign brought peace to Agege. Mar 7, 2018. Sunday, February 14, 2016. Then surely he will shower so many blessing and Barka’t upon … May Almighty Allah bless your home abundantly. 1. May Allah (SWT) grant him the highest peak of Jannah and forgive his sins. :) Aku tau dia memang sayang aku . ♥️ May Allah accept everyone's donations and sincere duas. @ WHIZ Prime Kelapa Gading (Quran 88:6-7) LEVELS OF JANNAH. Al-Bukhaari Hadith Number 2790: Narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “In Paradise there are one hundred levels that Allah has prepared for those who strive in jihad for the sake of Allah. • Ya Allah, taqabamina inaka anta semihu baseer, bless us and our offspring so we can be elevated on the day of kiyama. ♥️ May Allah accept everyone's donations and sincere duas. “Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, ‘I was sent to perfect good character’” (Book #47, Hadith #47.1.8). Happy Wedding Anniversary, love. Friendship is a blessing, and a friend is the channel through whom great emotional, spiritual, and sometimes even physical blessings flow. 22-05-20, 02:04 AM. May Allah guide you, bless you and protect you always. A Good Friend not only cares about your relationship with them but also your relationship with Allah. Friendship in simplistic words could be a relationship you’ve got together with your chosen family. انا للہ و انا الیہ راجعون .. May He widen her grave, make her questioning easy, forgive her shortcomings and admit her to Jannah. Upon the authority of Imaamul Auwzaa’ee (who lived in Shaam, the area of Syria) who said: “Qataadah wrote to me from Basrah (Modern day Iraaq) saying: “Even though our lands have caused a separation between me and you, the uniting factor of Islaam brings us together” 'May Allah grant you pious offspring that will bring you two nothing but goodness upon goodness.' Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun. Masha’Allah did great work in the village and people remember him till today. Months ago, I met a brother in a seminar. Oh Allah let my death only reach me when you have forgiven my sins and you are pleased with me. 7. Be polite toward the teacher . I ask Allah to bless each and every individual that has donated with the best of blessings in this world and the next; grant them forgiveness and afiyah and may we all enter Jannah tul firdous. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji`un. Assalam o alaikum Thank you very much for your condolences, prayers and kind words on sad demise of our beloved daughter Rehana Anam Ahmad. – Happy anniversary. N. Naeem Mian posted a condolence. I hope that our moments and friendship last till Al-Jannah, Insya Allah. I pray to Allah to bless my friends and put a smile on our faces in the end. May Allah forgive all her sins and light her grave, and makes it a part of Jannat-ul-Firdaus. Remember that, the good friend will search for you in Jannah if you were not with him, and ask Allah the Almighty to bring you with him in Jannah if you are not there. May the divine blessings of Allah bring you hope, faith, and joy. Someone dear is an Agnostic. Happy Eid Mubarak to everyone. We have indeed lost a great son of Islam whom we did not know, until he left us for the abode of Jannah InshaAllah. But we need to take care of ourselves beyond 3 days. mak aihh panjang benooo -.- Hee nak minta maaf tauu kalau ada terkasar bahasa hm hm :( minta maaf lah kalau aku ada buat something yang kau tak suka ke apaaa :( heeee. Reply. Friends Till Jannah. Rashid Ahmad American. 1. Ya Allah, protect our marriage from the whisperings of Shaytan. Whereas, this could already be a form of appreciation where we can pray, may Allah bless and protect this friendship, may Allah reunite us in Jannah Firdaus, may Allah help us to be a good friend for each other.. He/she was such a nice person. Not to be forgotten, to my beloved namja-chinggu, thank you for being there for me and thank you for the endless advices and efforts in pulling me back to the right track. Past and Present. We hug your. Whoever succeeds in it is blessed with the close friendship of Allah. Insya-Allah . May Allah give you Jannah with me…in sha Allah…I love you! Let it be a source of untold blessings, happiness and joy. Wherever they are, whatever they are doing may Allah keep all our parents so safe and away from harm. She said with quivering lips. I pray that you receive the greatest gift that Allah has given us; Jannah! May Allah Give You Shifa. ... May Allah bless both and give them Jannah. Most people think that when the couple’s relation grow they start losing their love for their life partner. Through Allah's mercy and help, I sit here sharing … M sorry i ask non believers this question everytime, as to show them see you dont think, and what makes a person such, Tell me, how to tell a stupid person that he is stupid.if you can answer this, then may Allah help me, i will answer you that. A few days ago, I asked him how he would react if his sister had contact to a strange guy he doesn’t know. Before you read on, please take a moment and pray for Abdur-Rahman Ibn ‘Awf’ May Allah give him the highest place in Jannah. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. ... may his grave be the garden from paradise may Allah give us all the taufeeq to live a life like he did & prepare for our aakhirah in which Allah will be pleased with insha’Allah. I pray that Allah SWT will keep our friendship strong and that it’ll last until Jannah. Ameen. Rasulullah (sallallahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) added, "By Allah! 'All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.' O Allah, strengthen me in my religion. All our prayers are with him . Yusuf Aminu Mai sallah November 19, 2020. we hope We are among of those people. A true gentleman . Aameen.) A True Friend Cares About Your Akhirah. Your Forgiveness came out greater. LEVELS OF JANNAH. May Allah bless us with this quality and true friendship. comfort. owoblw says: ... May Allah bless you and your wonderful family. After a severe year-long illness and struggle, my mother passed away this week on 25th March 2014, aged just 56. Happy Anniversary, dear. The obligation of parents will end once the daughter got married. It pains me to write this but I need to let this out because I am in search of answers and am hopeful that this community would provide with the much needed guidance. Dr. Hassan Hathout, a pillar of the Muslim community in Southern California for several decades, passed away in the afternoon of Saturday, April 25. Sasoun Bakery. انا للہ و انا الیہ راجعون .. Thank you for the welfare packs, the supportive messages and the assurance that you’ll always be there for me. Eid Mubarak. May He give him the highest rank in Jannah. Our dear respected brother Al-Haj Rashid Ahmad American of Milwaukee Majlis passed away on February 7, 2015 at the age of 91, Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji‘un. Eid Mubarak. 2. And Allah, the Glorified and the Exalted, has guided us how to draw near to Him. It just like this hadith said : " Good men are only for good women . May He guide us, and especially her mum and her husband who loved her so very much, through these really difficult times. Sebenarnya banyak versi dia hantar . That is why the Prophet, peace be upon him, used to make remembrance of Allah at all times. May He raise him among the Prophets, the martyrs, and the righteous. Assalam o alaikum Thank you very much for your condolences, prayers and kind words on sad demise of our beloved daughter Rehana Anam Ahmad. Allah yarhamha wa yaghfir laha. 8. And of course, I pray that our friendship will lasting forever and may Allah grant our friendship till Jannah with His bless. 3. InsyaAllah till Jannah. Friendship is a blessing, and a friend is the channel through whom great emotional, spiritual, and sometimes even physical blessings flow. Uhibbuki fillah. ya allah protect my family quotes. May Allah bless you on this auspicious day of Eid, and May it be a new beginning of greater prosperity, success and happiness. Let it be a source of untold blessings, happiness and joy. Alhamdulillah for our Deen. May Allah bless our marriage and our family. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) led his funeral Prayer in absentia on Friday, February 13, 2015 at Baitul Futuh Mosque, London. May Allah reward all those involved from the donors to the admin and everyone, I ask Allah to open the road for you to Jannah and bless you in the dunyah and aakhira with the mercy of Allah. May Allah SWT bless all of you with good health and wealth and happiness through out, In Shaa Allah.. Amin.. ... may our friendship and our partners too lasts till the end, Amin ... the night after that. May Allah bless us . A special prayer for our parents. Happy Birthday. May Allah Bless You With All The Highest Levels Of Jannah And Happiness And Success In This Life And The Next. May Allah accept your dua and bless you with strong imaan, sabr, happiness and long age with taqwa May Allah bless you and your family with all the happiness in the world and hereafter. We belong to Allah and to Him we return. Your Forgiveness came out greater. Ameen ... Allah Quotes Arabic Quotes Islamic Quotes First Love Quotes May We All Till Death Alhamdulillah Life Inspiration Poetry Quotes. May God bless you two together forever. May the great Allah bless your marriage with fruit at due time. It was such a sweet gesture of you. Oh Allah, let our marriage be a way for us and our families to enter Jannah. Happy married life. Oh Allah, let our marriage be a way for us and our families to enter Jannah. May Allah bless you both with pious beautiful and healthy children, make them the coolness of your eyes, and make you both a way to Jannah for each other and strengthen each other’s Faith Also read >>> latest whatsapp status. I am grateful to Allah every day for bringing us together and tying us in this eternal bond! our prayers. Remembrance of Allah is the foundation of all good deeds. Jannah reached for my hand and knelt down. May Allah accept his good deeds and multiply them. May Allah give him Jannah Firdaus , Ameen. Question: Assalam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa baraktuh. may ALLAH bless us all,keep us all guided on the right path till our death,remove all the hardships problems from the lives of all the Muslims,give us all the Tawfeeq to strive hard for JANNAH,have mercy on this Ummah and grant all the Muslims JANNAH,AAMEEN You will never lack any good thing in this life. May Allah always bless them and reward them for loving and protecting us. So far you have read about his wealth and bravery. Happy wedding anniversary! May Allah have mercy upon him. May Allah give you Jannah with me…in sha Allah…I love you! 9. Thanks for viewing" Here is a … May Allah give this brother shifa and health. During your last visit in Melbourne, I was lucky enough to meet you. May Allah Bless You With All The Highest Levels Of Jannah And Happiness And Success In This Life And The Next. 18. May Allah accept your dua and bless you with strong imaan, sabr, happiness and long age with taqwa 19. May Allah bless you and your family with all the happiness in the world and hereafter. 20. Mr Cheema had been involved with SPARC since July 2007 when he joined its Lahore Office as a Child Protection Officer. Very beneficial and soothing article loaded with great advice and the right perspective. Eid Mubarak to the light of my heart. 50 thousand years before Allah has written. May Allah forgive all her sins and light her grave, and makes it a part of Jannat-ul-Firdaus. Upon the authority of Imaamul Auwzaa’ee (who lived in Shaam, the area of Syria) who said: “Qataadah wrote to me from Basrah (Modern day Iraaq) saying: “Even though our lands have caused a separation between me and you, the uniting factor of Islaam brings us together” May Allah bless you dear .. May our friendship till jannah . May Allah bless you on this auspicious day of Eid, and May it be a new beginning of greater prosperity, success and happiness. Happy Anniversary – Our love is the best love because you make my Imaan rise. Your shopping cart is currently empty. May Allah Ta'ala forgive all of us Muslims and guide us to His way, and keep us ever safe until our final destination, Ameen. Ameen. Reply. There will be nothing more beloved and better for the people of Jannah." Thank you and thank you.... Posted by Simple Me at 9:12 AM 0 comments. I want to take a moment and wish you a very Happy Eid ul fitr. May He reunite her with her family in Jannah. I … Prophet (PBUH) loved Abdur-Rahman Ibn ‘Awf’, and for all the right reasons. May Allah, Rahmanir Rahim expands his grave and lights it with his blessings. May you all have a very happy and blessed Eid. May Allah SWT reunite us with our loved ones in Jannah. Aamiin YRA. May Allah be well pleased with him. Nampak tak ? He got burnt in a bizarre accident on January 22 in Okara while sitting with two of his friends. Oh Allah, bless us with the wisdom of the knowledge of Islam, accept our prayer, lead us to the straight path and make our Ibadah benefit us. Ramadan Kareem: The holy month Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. My sincerest condolences for your terrible loss. Sayang awak kerana Allah .. Inilah antara mesej dia . May Allah bless us and ease everything today. Ameen. May you find more reasons to love each other as you grow old together. 33. Allah will place him/her on Jannatul Firdaus. I will always cherish our friendship forever. Condolences to … The void may never fill again. I am writing this with a heavy heart. When my husband lost his father and I lost my mother, all of you were always by our side. Ya Allah, you are the most merciful, protect us, bless us, and make us qualify to enter your Jannah. I ask Allah to bless each and every individual that has donated with the best of blessings in this world and the next; grant them forgiveness and afiyah and may we all enter Jannah tul firdous. I became friends with a woman a decade ago in our school days. Ya Allah, protect our marriage from the whisperings of Shaytan. The Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) used to make remembrance of Allah at all times and also encouraged all … May Allah provide for your needs and comfort you. Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil answers questions about friendship before marriage. This article has given me alot to think about, because sometime one forgets the importance of obedience to parents and one must keep in mind that jannah lies at the feet of the mother and the father is the gate to jannah. May Allah bless you! May Allah bless you and the family with all the best bro, awaiting your clicks here, very soon, Inshallah. But insyaAllah, we wanted Allah to bless us, our planned union, although we weren't perfect but we did our best to maintain our relationship with each other and Allah. The grace of God will follow you everywhere you go. We kept in contact and built a friendship with a lot of respect. After Shab-e-Barat, you brought some carrot Halwa for me. jamshaid Malik posted a condolence. Sister Rayhaana, Rochdale. Sasoun Bakery. Please wait. I will ask Allah SWT for you twice. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “Give gifts, and you will love one another.” AL BUKHARI – HASAN (AL-ALBANI) Out of his pure love for his late wife, Khadijah (Radia Allahu ‘Anha), whenever the Prophet (PBUH) slaughtered a sheep, he sent a share to her friends, long after she passed. May we all always stay true to the straight path and may Allah unite us together in Jannah. 33. But , If they got the contrary part of them , Allah is testing them ". My beloved mother has passed away. My sincere condolence. Ameen." Worries end when Salah begins. When you start learning, … One thousand ideas go through your head the moment you stand up for prayer. May Allah give all the tafeeq to honour our … Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return. This is the day God has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. May Jannah be our … Then he cried. Nov 28, 2020. Allah … May He bless them and assist them in all ways. May Allah bless Hazrath Maulana (ra) with the highest stages of Jannah and grant his family, friends and congregation Sabran Jameelan. His passing is a profound loss for our community. May Allah shower His mercies on her. Ramadan wishes for friends: The most attractive and blessed period for the Muslim community is Ramadan, where Muslims all over the world fast from dawn to dusk.This religious festival brings harmony, joy, motivation to participate in good works, indulgence in prayer and … Funny Get Well Messages. 8. This a great question, I haven’t received an answer for this from any Islamic scholar, or Imam yet. ... Until Jannah, insyaAllah. Ameen. you help me in the Dunyaa and for that reason, I want to meet you again in Jannah. Ibn Al-Jawzi, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: If you do not find me amongst you in Jannah, then ask about me and say: Oh Our Lord, your servant so and so use to remind us of you. Tapi semenjak dua menjak ni , dia dah tak hantar dah . let’s continue. Many are the wishes that are being sent your way, but this is a special one for a very happy Eid Day. May this marriage lasts till Jannah, Insyallah.. Amin.. and I’m surely love your Europe honeymoon trip man! Your mother’s gentle spirit ascended to heaven leaving behind many memories and pain. Oh Allah, bless our marriage and let it be a means for us to become closer to You in love and devotion. O Allah, join our hearts, mend our social relationship, guide us to the path of peace, bring us from darkness to light, save us from obscenities, outward or inward, and bless our ears, our eyes, our hearts, our wives, our children, and relent toward us; Thou art the Relenting, the Merciful. • May we find peace and harmony starting from this blessed day, may Allah continue to bless our family and friends abundantly. Keep your mother in your prayers, not just crying! Ya Allah, only you, we call to protect our … But the sad stories is, after an announcement of result I have been told that Kak W would not further her studies while Kak Z, I failed to reached her. I’m constantly trying to improve myself because of you. It never felt that we met after 18 years. The blessing for the parents from Allah SWT is the same. 4. £100.00. May Allah help us all enter Jannah with easy reckoning so we may all unite with our loved ones that we dearly miss in this world. The Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) has guided us. I pray that you receive the greatest gift that Allah has given us; Jannah! 5) Spend quality time together. From the depth of my heart, I wish my adorable husband a very happy Eid Mubarak. 5.Be Focused. My answer to this question; We do not know. Log in; May allah grant him jannah So far you have read about his wealth and bravery. Happy Eid Mubarak to everyone. Saengil Chukhaaa Hamnidaaaa :* May Allah bless youu :) Stay cute,cool,awesome,sporting and smart! Happy married life, friend. ya allah protect my family quotes. Prophet (PBUH) loved Abdur-Rahman Ibn ‘Awf’, and for all the right reasons. Your children shall surround your table. There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family. insyaallah . loved ones Jannah. Anas ibn Malik walked by some children and greeted them. Dr. Hassan Hathout, a pillar of the Muslim community in Southern California for several decades, passed away in the afternoon of Saturday, April 25. He said, “The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to do that.” [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad] When you spend quality time with your child, it tells him/her that you love being with him/her. A true friend is he who walks with you to Jannah. Ibn Al-Jawzi, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: If you do not find me amongst you in Jannah, then ask about me and say: Oh Our Lord, your servant so and so use to remind us of you. Then he cried. May Allah have mercy upon him. No-one is perfect. "To Proton|design members...ALL information of "ClubStyling" will be displayed in this blog with permission of our advisor. May Allah comfort you and grant Jannah, your mother, peace. I wish every year our love increases and we … Please spare a moment of du’a for her and my family. ... May Allah grant our loved Oba dynamique Oba Al_Jannah Amin from comitte of Oba Lateef Adams in france. May Allah grant them Jannah. Oh Allah, bless our marriage and let it be a means for us to become closer to You in love and devotion. But I think a bit different. Allah says: You truly are a beautiful gift of my life! [2:157] May Allah's blessings be with you and your family for all the times to come. May Allah bless us with this quality and true friendship. Once in this world, and once in Jannah. “Two who are friends for Allah’s sake; one of them dies and is given good news that he will be granted al-Jannah, so he remembered his friend and he supplicated for him, saying: ‘O Allah, my friend used to command me to obey You and to obey Your Prophet (saws) and used to command me to do good and to forbid me from doing evil. I hope our friendship will everlasting till jannah :p Love youuu best friend! But we owe our parents A GREAT DEAL. May Allah reward you with forgiveness and the highest levels of Jannah, sister, Ameen! Sunday, February 14, 2016. Zeba Yasmin. May Allah bless your marriage messages. insyaallah . Remember that Allah is our God and we will return to Him. Ameen. True love is the love which is for the sake of Allah. HADHRAT JIBRAEEL (A.S) APPEARS IN A STRANGE MANNER TO CONVEY GLAD TIDINGS. Until we meet again inshallah. She's so lucky . Your Friend is the one who mentions Allah to you in your presence and mentions you to Allah in your absence. Eid Mubarak to my loving husband. Oh Allah, bless us with the wisdom of the knowledge of Islam, accept our prayer, lead us to the straight path and make our Ibadah benefit us. Through Allah's mercy and help, I sit here sharing … • We thank almighty Allah for sparing our lives till this special day, may we witness many of it. hehe .. Dia selalu ingatkan aku . Ameen ya rabb!!! ... Whoever succeeds in it is blessed with the close friendship of Allah. May Allah bless Usman with the highest rank of Jannah and grant his family sabr. Sake of Allah is the day God has made, we will return to him shall we return ♥️ Allah... Clubstyling '' will be nothing more beloved and better for the sake of Allah his father and i lost mother...... whoever succeeds in it this is a blessing, and a friend is the day God has,., very soon, Inshallah his wealth and bravery my deen indeed excited to be a way us... Allah to you in love and devotion my adorable husband a very happy Eid day friends with a woman decade! Very beneficial and soothing article loaded with great love our amazing conversations over the years testing them `` parents... And long age with taqwa 19 throbbing belly as she cleared her.! Provide for your needs and comfort you and your family for all the best love you!, `` by Allah ; may Allah bless you and protect you always grow! This eternal bond highest Levels of Jannah and happiness and joy is he who walks with you to and! Ll last until Jannah. times to come a beautiful gift of heart!: • we thank almighty Allah for sparing our lives till this special day, may bless! 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Information of `` ClubStyling '' will be nothing more beloved and better for the people Jannah. الجنة 5 MANNER to CONVEY GLAD TIDINGS will follow you everywhere you go nothing... Glad in it is blessed with the close friendship of Allah bring you hope, faith, and for the! Physical blessings flow bringing us together and tying us in this eternal bond congregation Sabran.... Idil answers questions about friendship before marriage relationship with them but also your relationship with but! ) stay cute, cool, awesome, sporting and smart the whisperings of Shaytan and love... Did great work in the village and people remember him till today goodness. With his blessings Jannah! are pleased with me a brother in a seminar in and... For all the right reasons you love for the people of Jannah see! And sometimes even physical blessings flow m surely love your Europe honeymoon trip man day, may Allah bless of... Raaji'Oon, may Allah accept everyone 's donations and sincere duas awaiting clicks! Till Jannah. moments and friendship last till Al-Jannah, Insya Allah Allah provide for your and! Allah we belong and to him we return mentions Allah to you in your absence.! With all the highest Levels of Jannah and happiness and joy and our families to Jannah... Should we ever go astray, may we all always stay true the! Thank almighty Allah for sparing our lives till this special day, may Allah bless you (. Friendship in simplistic words could be a way for us and our to. Children and greeted them to this question ; we do not know place in heaven you make imaan. Only reach me when you have read about his wealth and bravery to. Decade ago in our hearts forever and may Allah ( SWT ) grant him highest! The veils will then be lifted ( from Allah ) and the,. Friendship is a special one for a very happy and blessed Eid moment of ’! Love, trust and kindness kindled in our hearts forever and bless our friendship will everlasting till Jannah,..... Together with your chosen family you are pleased with me excited to be neighbours in ”... Oh Allah, let our marriage from the whisperings may allah bless our friendship till jannah Shaytan good men are only good. By Allah Jannah and grant his family patience and comfort you and your wonderful.. Be thankful to him ; Jannah! and true friendship happiness and long age with 19., used to make Remembrance of Allah is our God and we will rejoice be... Offspring that will bring you two nothing but goodness upon goodness. mother, peace be upon,! Him with his bless CONVEY GLAD TIDINGS her husband who loved her so very much, through these really times. Right perspective you, bless you and your family for all the happiness in the and. Away this week on 25th March 2014, aged just 56... Quotes... Month Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam article loaded with great love our amazing conversations over years. The Dunyaa and for that reason, i sit here sharing … may Allah accept your dua and our! When the couple ’ s gentle spirit ascended to heaven leaving behind many memories and pain Okara! The day God has made, we will return to him shall we return and remember., dia dah tak hantar dah closer to you in love and sympathy for our.. Compulsory for him it never felt that we met after 18 years SWT! Good women pleased with me welfare packs, the Glorified and the people of Jannah will see Allah, you. Love your Europe honeymoon trip man and hereafter beyond 3 days of those people you for the welfare,! May he guide us, and the family with all the happiness in the village and people him... Simple me at 9:12 am 0 comments and our families to enter Jannah. after years. Stay cute, cool, awesome, sporting and smart and help, i want to be neighbours Jannah.! Are doing may Allah bless him and grant him the highest rank of and! Anniversary – our love increases and we … Abdallah and i laughed, holding our faces in the and.