Human Rights Bodies . Media Independent Practitioners Association of Nigeria – MIPAN. Over the past one month, eight journalists have been assaulted in six separate incidents, two have been fined […] is the regulatory body for aviation in Nigeria. The principal statutes that govern foreign investment in Nigeria are as follows: 1. The 2003 Nigeria Communications Act vests regulatory responsibility over the ICT sector with the NCC. This advertising agency too is located in Lagos. Phone: +234 1 7733308; Fax: These are public bodies, politically neutral and independent from the three main branches of government, whose purpose is … The right to freedom of association and the NBA. Our Reporter Nigeria’s umbrella union of all editors, the Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE), has said the media industry is not a political opponent or enemy of the Federal Government. Federal authorities adopt federal laws and empower regulatory agencies to enforce them, to develop guidelines and policies and to control advertising industry as whole. EURATOM agencies and bodies. There are 3 principal institutions or bodies, which are statutorily vested with regulatory, supervisory and controlling authority over companies and their activities in Nigeria. The aim of the Code is also to enable financial institutions, regulatory bodies, employees of banks and members of the Institute to know in clear terms what acts, conducts, commissions and omissions and practices are considered unethical and unprofessional and the appropriate sanctions that would apply for non-compliance with the Code. Almost all the twelve states of the federation (as at 1972) had their own TV station. The corporation’s overall mission is to drive Nigeria’s economic and The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) (“Constitution”) places aviation matters within the exclusive jurisdiction of the National Assembly. They handle consumer complaints and perform other functions ... composition of governing bodies of regulatory agencies and general provisions … It recommended that a new body: Communications Regulatory Authority of Nigerian (CRAN) be created to carry out their functions. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) works to offer the best expertise and support to the different human rights monitoring mechanisms in the United Nations system : UN Charter-based bodies, including the Human Rights Council, and bodies created under the international human rights treaties and made up of independent experts mandated to … The financial sector is overseen by the Bank of Ghana, whilst the Ghana Free Zones Board enables the establishment of free zones in the country for the promotion of economic development and to provide for the regulation of activities in free zones. This site contains a list of regulations, publications, and health services in efforts to promote a healthier nation and ensure access to medical care for all citizens. 8 Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies Report SECTION ONE: Identifying and defining Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) It has been widely acknowledged that it is challenging to present a broad-brush map of PSRBs, due to their many permutations of status and role. Regulatory Bodies and Legal Provisions for Advertising in Nigeria. Diamond Network Ltd. All along the ownership, control and operation of broadcasting in Nigeria were preserved exclusively for the various governments – Federal, Regional, and State (Media Rights Agenda, MRA, 2001, p.7). In 1977, the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) was established to function as an independent body. Media-focused civil society organization, International Press Centre, IPC, and … List of Nigerian businesses and organisation related to Government Regulatory Agencies. As one of the regulatory bodies in Nigeria, NAFDAC is in charge of safeguarding public health. Different rules apply to different products with the three main agencies being the Advertising Practitioner’s Council of Nigeria (APCON), the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC). A professional, according to the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria, refers to any person whose education and training allow for his judgment to be relied upon and possesses a certification issued by a recognised professional body or association and is currently working or wishing to work in Nigeria.In this article, focuses on professional bodies in Nigeria. 1. A. Since the 1980s, however, the government has loosened restrictions on media ownership, and Congress passed the Telecommunications Act in 1996 to allow companies to own even more media outlets. ARCOTEL creates policies and regulations that are then implemented by the Ministry of Telecommunications. The 2003 Nigeria Communications Act vests regulatory responsibility over the ICT sector with the NCC. Some common U.S. regulatory bodies are the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Federal Aviation Administration, Food and Drug Administration, and the Federal Reserve System. The NBC Act also established the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), which is … Their function is to Promote excellence in the profession and also regulate the working ethics of its professionals and to train its members on how to deliver value in their jobs. Whether these bodies are protecting the programs you love, keeping unwelcome and undesirable shows off our Screens, or even helping to produce upcoming programs and films, they are all a part of what makes todays media services what they are. To name a few of these bodies of practice and their roles: The major languages spoken in Nigeria besides English are Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba. It is indisputable that the provisions of the Nigerian Constitution are binding on … In addition, from 1961 to date, the following regulatory bodies supervise the insurance industry they include; the Central Bank of Nigeria (C.B.N), the National Deposit Insurance Commission (N.D.I.C), the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) and finally the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) which plays a more direct role in the supervision of insurers. The paper concludes by advocating for a more robust media practice and effective monitoring by media regulatory agencies as well as the Play an oversight role for … Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) Social Security Administration of Nigeria (SSA) Budget Office of the Federation (BOF) Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) Some of these agencies include; Advertising Practitioners' Council of Nigeria (APCON) which is the apex regulatory body regulating advertising, National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), The Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria (AAAN), Advertising Purpose of Accounting Regulatory Bodies. Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority. Regulatory affairs in the pharmaceutical industry comprise of a variety of functions. The Ministry of Health, also known as Ministerio de Salud, is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Chilean healthcare industry. industry policy, performing regulatory functions, and driving Nigeria’s economic, industrial, and technological development, primarily through the achievement of endogenous capacities and self-reliance in all spheres of upstream and downstream operations. Filed Under: Dissertations. With this regard, JAKIM has established the following initiatives to support their roles and functions: Halal Professional Board (HPB) After the civil war in the country there was significance increase in television broadcasting. Box 246, Ebute-Metta, Lagos, Nigeria. These are the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC). 5. This body sees to the control and maintenance of sale, manufacturing, distribution, exportation, advertisement, importation and use of chemicals, packaged water, medical devices, cosmetics, drugs and food related products in Nigeria. In Nigeria: A Review of Consumer protection in the Telecommunications sector in Nigeria ... with their statutory functions. Regulatory and professional bodies particularly on the issues of ethical conducts and practitioners’ welfare poses a serious concern for the media industry in Nigeria. Nigeria is a country situated on the west coast of Africa. In view of the above developments, all these media cannot function effectively without a regulatory body, which controls their activities and affairs as it relates to journalistic practices in Nigeria. These bodies include The Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ);The Nigerian Guilt of Editors (NGE); and The Newspapers Proprietors Association of Nigeria (NPAN).Each of these bodies has a constitution and code of ethics regulating members.r) Beat Based Associations: Beat based associations are the associations of journalists involved in aparticular sector of the profession and they provide informal regulation to their … Major Regulatory Agencies. The history of Nigeria cannot be separated from the history of the media in Nigeria. Regulations at the federal level. Background Availability of a Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA) during childbirth is a key indicator for MDG5 and a strategy for reducing maternal and neonatal mortality in Africa. 4.3 explain the roles of regulatory bodies relevant to the education sector which exist to monitor and enforce the legislative framework, including: Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. harmonized to become Nigerian Television Authority, NTA, in 1976 (Owuamalam, 2006, p.10). The most relevant of Smith's four functions of government are the first and the third, namely, the national defence and public works functions. Whether these bodies are protecting the programs you love, keeping unwelcome and undesirable shows off our Screens, or even helping to produce upcoming programs and films, they are all a part of what makes todays media services what they are. Media Regulatory Authorities. Although regulatory bodies that oversee service providers have historically had a reputation for independence, some recent actions by the NCC have called the body’s autonomy into question. Formulate policies, monitor and effectively manage secondary schools. Clubs evolved thereafter culminating in the establishment of a regulatory body, the Nigeria Football Association (NFA) in 1945, with Mr Murlford as its Chairman. Decree 101 of 1991 gave legal backing to the NFA and the status of a parastatal under the then Federal Ministry of … Media and FCC Regulations. 7 May 2017. For instance, the Central Bank of Nigeria ('CBN') oversees matters relating to protecting financial data; the Nigerian Communications Commission ('NCC') regulates data collected or processed by internet service providers and telecommunications companies. 0803 438 4463. It is a common practice in Nigeria and many journalists do know that it is unethical. 4 independent oversight institutions and regulatory agencies, and their relationship to parliament abbrevatIons AcA anti-corruption agency Ag auditor general Alb arm’s length body cfpA commissioner for Public appointments (uK) ecpr european consortium for Political research foi freedom of information intosAi international Organization of supreme audit institutions Advertising in Nigeria is regulated by a combination of federal laws, state laws, subsidiary legislation and guidelines. Until his appointment, Fadolapo, a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) and holder of a Ph.D Degree in Marketing with specialisation in marketing communications, was the Executive Secretary of the Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria (AAAN). Seun Lari-Williams. He is the fourth registrar of the regulatory body. This collection features research reports and other publications on a wide range of legal topics prepared by the Law Library of Congress in response to requests or recurring interest from Congress and other federal government entities on issues concerning foreign, comparative, and international law (FCIL). The Council of Europe recognises the important role of independent regulatory authorities entrusted with responsibility for regulating the audio-visual sector at national level, as contributors towards fostering a favourable environment for freedom of expression. The provisions of section 7 of the CAMA, Cap C. 20 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 gives supervisory functions to the court under Nigeria’s legal system. Three regulatory bodies (Media Council of Kenya, Communication Authority of Kenya and Film Classification Board) have been established through legislation to regulate media content and practice. 40+ years of regulatory … 1.1 Please list and briefly describe the principal legislation and regulatory bodies which apply to and/or regulate aviation in your jurisdiction. 2: Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) 3; Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Civil aviation is a critical element in Nigeria's transportation system and indeed its economy. Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) Standards Organization Of Nigerian (SON) National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offenses Commission (ICPC) This is very fundamental for Customs clearance and freight forwarding services. In 1990, there were only 12 of such bodies in the world and by 1996 NCA became one of 53 in the world. The country possesses numerous regulatory bodies. 9 MWAN - … To be useful, a company's financial statements need to be accurate, understandable and easily compared with the statements of other companies. The roles or responsibilities of the state ministry of education include: Liaise with the local education authority to develop education at the local levels. New entries are being added daily. 4. This gave birth to the press council. The second The Federal Government has concluded plans to effect three new changes - a single regulator, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC's public offer, and … The quality of food consumed by Nigerian population determines their health, and a healthy nation is a wealthy nation. Below are the 41 government and regulatory agencies we currently have in Nigeria and their official websites. Nigeria: Key Laws And Regulatory Agencies. Write a Review. Since that time, regulatory efforts have transformed as new forms of media have emerged and expanded their markets to larger audiences. Throughout the 20th century, three important U.S. regulatory agencies appeared. This gave birth to the press council. For privately owned media organizations to operate in Nigeria, they have to secure an operating license through the Nigerian Media Council (NMC) for the print media or the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission (NBC) for the electronic media. 1. Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria (CIPM): This body was established to house all the practitioners of Personnel Management in Nigeria. Thus, the regulatory body for each sector has been responsible for protecting data. The principals among these laws are the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria (as amended) and the Petroleum Act, which vested ownership and control of oil found anywhere in Nigeria in the Federal Government. The Advertisers Association of Nigeria – ADVAN. Media stakeholders in Kenya had wanted to have self-regulation in the media industry. It was established by the Central Bank of Nigeria Act of 1958 and commenced operations on 1st July 1959. The government has also regulated ownership of media outlets to ensure that no one broadcaster monopolizes the market. Budget Office, Federal Ministry of Finance. Regulatory agency, independent governmental body established by legislative act in order to set standards in a specific field of activity, or operations, in the private sector of the economy and then to enforce those standards.Regulatory agencies function outside direct executive supervision. Sesan. There is limited information on how SBAs and their functions are defined. Although regulatory bodies that oversee service providers have historically had a reputation for independence, some recent actions by the NCC have called the body’s autonomy into question. Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria – APCON. Nigerian Television Authority; Galaxy Backbone (GBB) Economy. In … The decree establishment the Nigerian Press council said that the body is autonomous. arms to this corporate body, namely, a statutory arm represented by the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria, the regulatory body set up by law and the Nigerian Medical Association, a quasi-voluntary association of all medical doctors and dentists. National Broadcasting Commission – NBC. JAKIM’s functions cover the enforcement of Malaysia Halal certification guidelines and Trade Description Act 2011 (Halal) along with the recognition of other Halal certification bodies around the world. (ii) There are corresponding Printing Press Regulation Laws in the States of the South-West of Nigeria. Brown envelope journalism in Nigeria is a practice whereby monetary inducement is given to journalists to make them write a positive story or kill a negative story. This paper aims at analyzing the current media regulatory system in According to them, the proposed amendment to the functions of the Council has the additional effect of making the Nigerian media a department of the … These two regulatory bodies are under government control. Government and Regulatory Agencies in Nigeria. Nigeria has the following 41 government and regulatory agencies: Budget Office, Federal Ministry of Finance. This governmental body is responsible for managing the finances of Nigeria in all its forms. In view of the above developments, all these media cannot function effectively without a regulatory body, which controls their activities and affairs as it relates to journalistic practices in Nigeria. One of these functions includes staying abreast of the changes in the legislation of pharmaceutical drug research, manufacture, and marketing. Full List Of Regulatory Agencies In Nigeria And Their Functions. The Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria – AAAN. The ownership and control of all minerals, oil and gas in Nigeria, its territorial waters and exclusive economic zone is vested in the Federal Government based on the provision of section 44(3) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.The Federal Government is mandated to manage such natural resources in a manner as may be prescribed by the National Assembly. However, … The Advertising industry in Nigeria is currently regulated by several bodies. Telecommunications regulatory bodies should conduct regular audits of national networks and mandate carriers to identify, disclose, and address vulnerabilities. To larger audiences all Nigerian businesses and organisations in order to give them complete power over their! Has been responsible for managing the finances of Nigeria can not be separated from the history of regulatory. Way it is also an approved body by the Central Bank of Nigeria not! 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media regulatory bodies in nigeria and their functions 2021