Potter, Beatrix. In Holier than Thou, the much anticipated follow-up to Gay Girl, Good God, bestselling author Jackie Hill Perry helps us see that understanding God's holiness is the key to trusting him. Derry, Joseph T. Story of the Confederate States – H, NN I pray that these recommendations, like this blog, would deepen your grasp of Scripture and your love for the God of the Scriptures. Speare, Elizabeth. Galdone, Paul. She shows us how the Bible provides us with a vocabulary for prayer that enables us to ask God to achieve what he . Copyright © 2021 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Cleary, Beverly. George, Jean C. My Side of the Mountain Sewell, Anna. Jacques, Brian. Some books will be assigned and read in class, and others will be assigned for outside reading. Rey, Margaret & H.A. Speare, Elizabeth. De Jong, Meindert. Suggestions for reading are offered below. Danny Dunn +, Atwater, Richard. Gannett, Ruth. Kidnapped– H, NN, YC Many of you reading this will probably be familiar with Trevin from his books and his blog at The Gospel Coalition. 1) +, Level 2 Nolan, Peggy. – H, NN Everyday Faithfulness: The Beauty of Ordinary Perseverance in a Demanding World (Gospel Coalition) Marshall, Glenna. Encyclopedia Brown Series + The Last Crusader Wilder, Laura. He seeks nothing less than to account for the spread of secularism and decline of faith in the last 500 years. Green, Roger Lancelyn. McMurdie, William. How to Behave and Why Adamson, Joy. The House of Sixty Fathers Ramona + Blue Willow Prairie School + Lewis, C. S. The Magician’s Nephew Copyright © 2019 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Eaton, Jeanette. Brown, Dee. Tabak, Simms. DeKruif, Paul. Finding Hope in the Fight for Ethnic Unity, How the Joy of the Trinity Inspires Our Mission, God-Sized Confidence in a Post-Christian World, Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College, Living with Resolute Hope in an Anxious Age, How to Build and Maintain a Thriving Church Leadership Team, The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers, 40 Days of Praying the Bible for Someone Who is Suffering, The Surprising Good News of the Fear of the Lord, Nine Heart Postures For Approaching God's Word, What They Mean, Why They Matter, and Why We Should Obey Them, Design and Deliver Gospel-Centered Sermons, From sin to Christ for a joyfully clear conscience, How Lament Opens a Door for Racial Reconciliation, And other questions about homosexuality, the Bible and same-sex attraction, How Jesus Helped Us Discover Our True Selves, Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith, 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That's a Good Thing), How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden. But how does Jesus Christ actually feel about his people amid all their sins and failures? This book draws us to Matthew 11, where Jesus describes himself as “gentle and lowly in heart,” longing for his people to find rest in him. TGC Resource Library - free online resources from The Gospel Coalition. The Tales of Uncle Remus London, Jack. The Big Snow In his comments about Textual Criticism of the Bible (Lexham Press, 2018), co-authored by Anderson and Wendy Widder, Ph.D., Zaspel affirms Anderson's skills in accessibility. Found inside – Page 1In this edition of the award-winning best seller, more than 20 influential men and women such as John Piper, Wayne Grudem, D. A. Carson, and Elisabeth Elliot offer thought-provoking essays responding to the challenge egalitarianism poses to ... All-of-A-Kind Family Hanes Mari. The Prydain Chronicles + Nothing is easy about faith today. Explore the riches of our extensive library, including the best audio, video and text resources from The Gospel Coalition and select partners. Angus and the Ducks A Tale of Two Cities + Journey from Peppermint Street The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Rebel’s Keep April 1865: The Month That Saved America – H, NN, YC Journey to the Center of the Earth. Found insideA Doubter's Guide to Jesus is an introduction to the major portraits of Jesus found in the earliest historical sources. Shakespeare, William. Mushroom Planet + Gardiner, John. Turn Homeward, Hannalee – H, YC Bishop, Claire. The Red Badge of Courage Found inside – Page 1In an effort to help us consume a more balanced, healthy diet of information, Brett McCracken has created the “Wisdom Pyramid.” Inspired by the food pyramid model, the Wisdom Pyramid challenges us to increase our intake of enduring, ... Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry The Pilgrim’s Progress (original) A little bit about the highly-Calvinistic "Gospel Coalition," behind the Christian front (for your discernment and information, to tuck in the back of your mind): I never realized how politically "left" The Gospel Coalition is (our ex-church was listed with their 'church search,' probably because of our . The Story of Trapp Family Singers – H, NN, YC DeBrunhoff, Jean. Lawson, Robert. Stanley, Diane. Prophetic from the Center—The Gospel of Jesus Christ in 1Corinthians 15:1-19, D.A. These two former strangers are now friends. Barrie, James. TGC editor Ivan Mesa said, "At the end of each year we take stock of the most helpful titles across various categories, using the following fourfold criteria: encourages efforts to unite and renew the church.". Carl Laferton $14.99 $12.29. Hemingway, Ernest. MacLachlan, Patricia. Two Mighty Rivers Leaf, Munro. Travers, P. I. Mary Poppins + Galdone, Paul. Rebsamen, Frederick. The Black Arrow Hoff, Syd. December 7, 2017. Lee, Harper. Bright and Early Books + The Gospel Coalition 2019 Book Awards went to He Descended to the Dead and A Big Gospel in Small Places. Twelfth Night Julius Caesar A Treasury of Mother Goose Little Lord Fauntleroy Wilkins, J. Steven. Fahrenheit 451 Prophetic from the Center—The Gospel of Jesus Christ in 1Corinthians 15:1-19, D.A. Dragon of Lonely Island Foster, Genevieve. He blogs at Between Two Worlds and Evangelical History. The True Adventure of Daniel Hall The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has been increasingly tolerant of and sympathetic toward the "social justice warriors." Thabiti Anyabwile (aka Ron Burns), for example, champions leading tenets of Cultural Marxism (CM) under TGC rubric. Du Bois, William Pene. Little House on the Prairie +, Level 3 The book, authored by Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Jago, is based on Psalm 139 and conveys that God is with little ones anywhere they go in God's wide world . Betsy-Tacy + Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.com. Probably no book published in the last decade has been so ambitious as Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age. Hoban, Russell. Smith, Dodie. The Gospel Coalition has announced that three IVP titles were recipients of 2020 TGC Book Awards. The Call of the Wild Carry a Big Stick: The Uncommon Heroism of T. Roosevelt – CPRC His major concern is to reveal the falsehood of the prosperity gospel and reveal how very different it is from the biblical Christianity that was the norm prior to its advent. Warner, Gertrude. For outside reading, the books are divided into three levels. Although certain titles are assigned to specific grades, when necessary, teachers may use a list of titles above or below their grade. Flat Stanley The Sign of the Beaver – CCS, H, NN, YC Hiroshima – H, NN, YC Kipling, Rudyard. 2. A. Pride and Prejudice + J. I. Packer, "Knowing God" and "Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God." If you only have the time and energy to read one or two of the books on my list, then I would recommend these two. Hitty: Her First Hundred Years It is so refreshing to read the solid thinkers who write for The Gospel Coalition (TGC). Roosevelt, T. and Lodge, H. Hero Tales from American History Lenski, Lois. Lionni, Leo. God’s Smuggler Cauley, Lorinda. O’Dell, Scott. I’m a sucker for good reading lists, so I’m grateful for the folks at Calvary Classical School—a classical Christian school in Hampton, Virginia, who have given me permission to reproduce this list below. Around the World in Eighty Days De Regniers, Beatrice. Found insideTerry Heaton, who worked alongside Robertson at The 700 Club and became its executive producer, provides the inside story of how evangelical Christianity forced itself on a needy Republican Party in order to gain political influence on a ... Paddington + Found insideIn this encouraging book, Courtney Reissig combats the common misconceptions about the value of at-home work—helping us see how Christ infuses purpose into every facet of the ordinary. A Light in the Attic, Level 1 Monthly collection of links for pastors, church leaders, and others in ministry. In Grandma’s Attic + For the Gospel. The Ugly Duckling The challenge is discerning what is best for them to read, given so many options. Bunyan, John. McCloskey, Robert. Leaf, Munro. We encourage you to read aloud with your children from books that may be above their reading level. Mark Twain – H, NN, YC The Wind in the Willows (Scholastic Jr. Classic) Now We are Six Of Courage Undaunted – H, NN Van Leeuwen, Jean. Therefore, the goal of biblical counseling with married couples is to, by God's Spirit, point them to the Gospel and its magnificent implications for marriage. Please make sure all fields are filled out. The Jungle Book Lawton, Wendy. Give Me Liberty – CRPC, YC Miss Hickory The Whipping Boy Vaneetha Rendall Risner. Estes, Eleanor. With more than 500 full-color photos, illustrations, maps and charts, What the Bible Is All About® is the most interesting and user-friendly Bible handbook ever! L’Engle, Madeliene. Trailblazer Series + And behind every word is a lifetime of experience, of integrity, and of grace.". Listen on Apple Podcasts. Speare, Elizabeth George. 1) Milne, A. Sammy the Seal Marrin, Albert. Sobol, Donald. Part of: The Gospel Coalition (16 Books) Books In This Series (16 Books) Page 1 of 1 Start Over Page 1 of 1. McSwigan, Marie. Microbe Hunters McPherson, Joyce. Collins, David. Stevenson, Robert Louis. One person compared TGC to a magnet that passes over iron filings in a box of sand, grabbing the filings and binding them together. Please make sure all fields are filled out. Petunia MacDonald, George. flu·en·cy / noun :the ability to speak a language easily and effectively Even if they want to, many Christians find it hard to talk to others about Jesus. Burton, Virginia. Severance, John. Rob Godard • Steve Bray. Quick as a Cricket, Level 2 The Happy Hollisters + Hurwitz, Johanna. Doyle, Arthur Conan. There are hundreds of thousands of books written for children. Seuss, Dr. Beginner Books + Wise Words: Family Stories that Bring the Proverbs to Life Burnford, Sheila. Montgomery, Lucy. New York City's Redeemer Presbyterian pastor Tim Keller and Canadian Reformed theologian D. A. Carson started The Gospel Coalition in 2004. Winterfeld, Henry. The Velveteen Rabbit, Level 1 Dumas, Alexandre. Jared Wilson, who's a part of the Social Gospel Coalition, but who I don't think we've ever blogged about before, has posted a bizarre reading list on the TSGC website. Copyright © 2021 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. It is desired that at least 5 adopted books are read each year. Marshall, James. Here are the top ten books that I have read this year. Streatfeild, Noel. Nesbit, E. The Railway Children + Othello McMurdie, Jean McAnlis. Listen on Apple Podcasts. Marrin, Albert. This book is rich in practical implications, not despite its incessant focus on Jesus and the gospel, but precisely because of such focus. Cornelissen, Cornelia. Fritz, Jean. Carson. Brink, Carol. Dalgliesh, Alice. Marshall, Catherine. Lewis, C. S. The Horse and His Boy The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Ingold, Jeanette. Found insideBut few receive instruction or guidance in how to make prayer genuinely meaningful. In Prayer, pastor Timothy Keller delves into the many facets of this everyday act. Immigrant Kids – H, NN Turkle, Brinton. The Secret Garden Bulla, Clyde. Gauch, Patricia. The Yanks Are Coming – H, YC The Bronze Bow Found inside – Page iJourney in these pages with Wendy Alsup through her story of suffering, and more importantly, with the God who walks with us in the wilderness. The Best Short Stories of O. Henry Thy Friend, Obadiah + Dickens, Charles. Read TGCR reviews here for an Evangelical Christian perspective on books in the news. Gulliver’s Stories (Scholastic Jr. Classic) We are endeavoring to purchase as many of these titles as possible for the classroom, Abernathy, Alta. ten Boom, Corrie. Gipson, Fred. Cooper, James Fenimore. Tom’s Midnight Garden Ten Gospel-Centered Books on Marriage. Hamlet Edmonds, Walter. Streams to the River, River to the Sea – H, NN Bontemps, Arna & Conroy Jack. "Steadfast" a new bible study from The Gospel Coalition . Through networking, both online and . Burton, Virginia. Grahame, Kenneth. In Rethink Your Self, Trevin Wax encourages you to rethink some of our society’s most common assumptions about identity and the road to happiness. Nesbit, E. The Story of the Treasure Seekers This book will equip you to help raise up the next generation of those who can bear witness to the gospel all over the world. This item: Imago Dei - Leader Kit by Gospel Coalition Paperback $24.97. Ten Gospel-Centered Books on Marriage. Austen, Jane. Peretti, Frank. Ginger Pye ©ThousandTongues.org. Betsy & Billy + Piper, Watty. ten Boom, Corrie. Bradley, James. As with everything, each book must be read with Scripture as our final standard. Snow Treasure Rupp, Rebecca. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly That is, if the challenge to truth in our time is the belief that truth is subjective, relative, and not objectively . Coerr, Eleanor. Collodi C. Pinocchio A Stillness At Appomattox – CCS classroom, H, NN, YC Les Miserables Garden the Curtain and the Cross. This book was born from the pulpit, a carefully crafted offering that was first tested among the pews of St Helens Bishopsgate, London, and it shows—both in the gentle but thoughtful pastoral tone of the writing, and also in the structure of the book itself, which resembles a series of five exegetical style sermons. Cleary, Beverly. Search over 30,000 resources. Estes, Eleanor. Newman, Shirlee. Ministry. Irwin, James. Free 2-day shipping. How to Speak Politely and Why 19% off . The Trumpet of the Swan, Level 1 Thunder at Gettysburg Animal Farm Babar + A couple of notes on the nomenclature below: “+” indicates that any title in that series would be acceptable. Lewis, C. S. Out of the Silent Planet It is eternal because the Gospel of God is the Gospel of the immortal king of ages (1 Tim 1:17). Rawlings, Marjorie. A Gathering of Days: A New England Girl’s Journal – H, NN, YC Galdone, Paul. The Perilous Journey of the Donner Party – H, NN Ben and Me Found insideLeading Small Groups That Thrive shows small group leaders, step by step, how to plan for, launch, build, sustain, and multiply highly effective, transformational, healthy small group experiences where people grow spiritually together. The Reluctant Dragon Ships from and sold by gott_books. Burnett, Frances H. A Little Princess Explore the riches of our extensive library, including the best audio, video and text resources from The Gospel Coalition and select partners. Henry Huggins + Lloyd-Jones, Sally. The Good Master Jahanara: Princess of Princesses – H, NN, YC The Shakespeare Stealer The Boys’ War: Confederate & Union Soldiers Talk About the Civil War – H, NN, YC Microbe Hunters The Tinker’s Daughter – CCS It is desired that at least 5 adopted books are read each year. We've been arguing for years that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has abandoned the gospel — but it's usually in favor of some form of social justice activism. It's another thing to actually do it. The Little Engine that Could The Princess and Curdie Bob was the founding Executive Director of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. Lester, Julius. Peretti, Frank. Lewis, C. S. Prince Caspian Build the Pastoral Muscle of Compartmentalization. In The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, Carl Trueman carefully analyzes the roots and development of the sexual revolution as a symptom, rather than the cause, of the human search for identity. The African Slave Trade – H, NN, YC Murphy, Jim. Redwall + Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table Dickens, Charles. Danny and the Dinosaur+ This book gives outstanding short treatments of 12 big challenges to the Christian faith. The Boxcar Children + Fine. Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of John (3 volumes) by J. C. Ryle. Understood Betsy Misty of Chincoteague The Black Stallion Pastors Steve Bray and Rob Godard are two Canadian pastors. A Coming Evil Found insidePractical without being formulaic, How to Grow offers actionable ideas to facilitate spiritual growth in the lives of regular, messy people—people like you and me. Do you ever wonder if this is it? Hear their story of how. In Freedom’s Cause + Keats, Ezra. Stevenson, Robert Louis. I broke the list down by genre categories of my own choosing without placing them in order of importance. The Gospel Coalition employs people who are funded by leftist billionaires like George Soros, James Riady, and Zack Exley. Shoeshine Girl James: From Brother to Believer. Peter Pan The Wind in the Willows Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Therefore, the goal of biblical counseling with married couples is to, by God's Spirit, point them to the Gospel and its magnificent implications for marriage. The Gospel Coalition is home to several gay activists including Sam Allberry, co-founder of Living Out along with Ed Shaw. Number the Stars Mike Mulligan and His Steamshovel De Jong, Meindert. To Kill a Mockingbird – M McSwigan, Marie. The Gospel Coalition still employs a massive number of homosexuals and LGBTQ activists, social justice warriors, and egalitarians. America and Vietnam: The Elephant and the Tiger – H, NN Kellogg, Steven. Owl Moon, Level 2 Keats, Ezra. Fisher, Dorothy. Morning Star of the Reformation. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.com. Leif the Lucky 1 - 20 of 25 Next > Dave Hunt's What Love is This: Calvinism's Misrepresentation of God . Time of Wonder Amos Fortune, Free Man. Journey to America – H, YC Blueberries for Sal 1Corinthians15:1-19 is a significant text for a number of reasons and gives us access to perhaps the earliest . Imago Dei - Bible Study Book by Mike Cosper Paperback $14.99. He explains: Selden, George. Little, Paul. Warner, Gertrude. Hoff, Syd. The book is winsome, has wit, and if you like underlining a good passage to think about some more, you will have lots of underlined passages. Buckley, Helen. Forbes, Esther. Africa's Preachers of a Different Gospel. American Adventure Series + Lentil Taylor, Theodore. Carson. Religion & Spirituality. Speare, Elizabeth. During his forty-eight years of missionary service in Korea, Hunt personally knew many of the Korean Christian martyrs. This new edition of The Korean Pentecost has been completely re-typeset, and includes twelve additional illustrations. Students will be reading numerous books from this time period in class. Starry Messenger: Galileo Tags: TGC, The Book of Luke, worship. Reece, Colleen. Grahame, Kenneth. Speare, Elizabeth George. Clearance Title: This title has limited availability at this price. Calico Captive – H, NN, YC The organization is distinguished by its emphasis on actively engaging the culture, and it provides an abundant amount of resource materials such as videos, books, and study guides. AD FREE! The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is a broad collection of churches, church leaders, and Christians originally founded by Tim Keller and D.A. Tuck Everlasting Sheldon, Charles. Mrs. Mike Byars, Betsy. Book Summary. White Fang Many of these books have shaped my faith and literally changed my life. Anderson, C. W. Billy and Blaze + Twain, Mark. Bulla, Clyde. The Gospel Coalition helps people know God's Word with their mind, love God . But endurance produces character, and character produces hope, even in our secular age. "It's one thing to write a book on raising kids with a heart for mission. The Mouse and the Motorcycle Henty, G. H. By Right of Conquest Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie A Wrinkle in Time + Here is the TGC Staff-recommended list: These are the books that stuck with us, that will continue to teach us in the coming year and beyond. Hunt, Irene. Pearce, Philippa. Tunnell, Michael. Gilbreth & Carey. Journey to Ellis Island – NN, YC Herriot, James. Gentle Ben Oliver Twist Gretchen Saffles knows what it's like to feel overwhelmed and unable to flourish. In The Well-Watered Woman, Gretchen leads us to the Well of fullness, the Word of freedom, and the Way of fruitfulness. Gulliver’s Travels Carson A very short book (54pp) in which every word counts! We Were There on the Oregon Trail – NN Orczy, Emmuska. Floss + Dune (Dune Chronicles, Book 1) Caste (Oprah's Book Club) . Pippi Longstocking + Big Red + O’Dell, Scott. The Gospel Coalition Canada: Bringing Canadian Churches Together. McCloskey, Robert. The Courage of Sarah Noble Journey Through the Night Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Fleischman, Sid. Sis, Peter. Sherlock Holmes (excerpts) Taylor, Sydney. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Christy [NASHVILLE, TENN., December 2, 2020—] Trevin Wax's latest book "Rethink Your Self: The Power of Looking Up Before Looking In" (October 2020, B&H Publishing) was recently honored with the Evangelism & Apologetics Award (tie) in the The Gospel Coalition 2020 Book Awards, announced Nov. 30. The Magna Charta Lowry, Lois. Dalgliesh, Alice. Marlfox + The list is by no way exhaustive, nor an attempt to assess the thousands of other possible books worthy of your attention. Best Short Stories of O. Henry Austen, Jane. Williams, Jay. More advanced books will be marked accordingly. Bond, Douglas. The Book of Jeremiah, for example, did not become authoritative Scripture when some council put it on the list. Nicholas Nickleby The Gospel Coalition has teamed up with some talented songwriters and musicians to create Songs for the Book of Luke. “Incredibly rich with wisdom and insight that will leave the reader, whether single or married, feeling uplifted.” —The Washington Times Based on the acclaimed sermon series by New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller, this ... He declared that whites should collectively repent for assassinating Martin Luther King, Jr. (Yes, he did write that.) Little Women + Grounded in meticulous historical research and written with a reverential approach to Jesus's life that focuses on his humanity, The Book of Longings is an inspiring account of one woman's bold struggle to realize the passion and potential ... Robinson, Barbara. Eighth Grade Reading List. D. A. Carson and Tim Keller outline their vision for the Gospel Coalition and the nature of gospel-centered ministry. A Gospel Coalition booklet. Numeroff, Laura. The Door in the Wall Though countless books offer practical advice for healthy pregnancies and caring for babies, few speak to how the hope of the gospel will meet you when the fears arise, the nights are long, and your whole world is suddenly changed. A Lion to Guard Us Cox, Clinton. The Lonely Sentinel (The Shadow Series) + Whether you're praying for children, awaiting the . Henty, G. H. In the Reign of Terror Swift, Jonathan. Kipling, Rudyard. Lewis, C. S. The Silver Chair Swift, Jonathan. This book introduces young, new, and under-discipled Christians to the most essential and basic issues of faith in general and of evangelicalism in particular.