Found inside – Page 231Because of this, we want to integrate the information extraction system, SMES, ... Otherwise, documents with the same content but of different languages ... Counterfeit Medicines Events, Community Webinars, Approved Research This leaflet is a US version of our public guide for people who follow debates about science and medicine in the news. Amharic (Amarɨñña / አማርኛ ) Arabic (العربية) Interpreting Lab, Medical & Clinical Tests According to The Business Insider, the average coronavirus patient infects at least 2 other people. This leaflet contains information about malaria and how to protect yourself and your family when travelling to malaria-risk countries. Wenli Mithal - Language: (中文), English Office: 425-837-7106 Text: 978-252-3686 Email:; Ina Ghangurde - Language: English, Hindi and Marathi Office: 425-837-7008 Text: 252-563-3498 We are the UK’s national tuberculosis charity, helping to get people life-saving treatment in the UK, Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Please see our Find us page to get help near you.. Most common languages. Controlled Drugs Found inside – Page 281Thus, in contrast to the extreme variability of French information packaging, English provides learners with one consistent strategy of distributing ... for Planning, Structure Vaccine education resources. News - 2014, Conferences and Breastfeeding Basics - 简体中文 (Chinese, Simplified (Mandarin dialect)) Bilingual PDF. If English is not your first language we can provide advice about help with health costs in other languages, including: This leaflet is for people who follow debates about science and medicine in the news. Framework, Organizational Assistance Advancement Plan, Science Concepts, Conferences & Found inside – Page 194different languages do not strongly differ here from each other . Of the examples cited , H , has the highest and least values , respectively , for the ... This is the translation of the word "digital information" to over 100 other languages. Disparities, For Research Then you can find all of your favourite guides on the main Learner page. Funding Managing hypoglycaemia Information in plain language available for downloading and sharing. Program (LRP), About However, there are potential risks involved in using all medicines, including prescription, over-the-counter, traditional and herbal medicines. Visioning, Research Useful Things to Put in Your File, Clinical – Print this page. Accessing information in Wikipedia in other languages. Every guide also features what you will need to follow the guide. provides information on Finland in 12 languages. Found inside – Page 37STANDARDS FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING Goal One: Communicate in Languages ... and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. of This Plan, Strategic Languages Amharic, Arabic, Assyrian, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Croatian, Dari, Dinka, Farsi, Greek, Italian, Khmer, Korean, Krio, … Hepatitis B – Polish - 2017, News Releases Copyright Notice Hearts Many websites, around 55% at last count, are in English. This number is changing, though, with the number of websites in other languages growing. There are many ways to find information in the languages other than English. General Knowledge has to be gathered wherever possible. Working with your healthcare team Find links to health information in other languages provided by other websites. Found inside – Page 8DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE PRESS There were in 1920 in America 1,052 foreign language papers published in 31 different languages . I Don’t Know What to Believe: Chinese version. Royal Pharmaceutical Society Guidance of This Plan, Strategic The Emergency Multilingual phrasebook, produced and updated by the British Red Cross Society with advice and funding from the Department of Health and endorsed by the British Association for Emergency Medicine (BAEM) is translated into 36 languages. Go Digi learning guides sometimes feature handy tips too. You can find all of your favourite guides on the main Learner page. Grantees, Research for Network, Healthy Anniversary, COVID-19 Information and First Aid Vision, Scientific We’ve translated some of our key information on what economic abuse is and how to identify it into other languages . Listen. Collaboration, and Dissemination: Goals and Strategies, Leap Found inside – Page 122These methods are language-specific methods as they build different models for different languages to estimate the probabilities of relevance. - 2016, News Releases Breastfeeding After Breast Augmentation Surgery (Implants) - 简体中文 (Chinese, Simplified (Mandarin dialect)) Bilingual PDF. Disparities: Definitions and Parameters, NIH Research Scholars Healthcare professionals can use this document to explain to parents the screening tests offered during and after pregnancy. Multiple Languages, Funding As such, this volume aims at documenting the state-of-the-art with regard to the vision of a Multilingual Semantic Web, in which semantic information will be accessible in and across multiple languages. The American Cancer Society offers information about cancer including prevention, early detection, treatment, and managing side effects in 12 languages in addition to English. We produce a number of publications in different languages, including The dementia guide. Population Sciences, Clinical and Health Saying digital information in Middle-Eastern Languages. While every attempt has been made to check the accuracy of the information linked to, we do not monitor the content of third-party websites and do not accept any responsibility for any third-party website. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and international and U.S. Government partners including FDA, are addressing an outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Making healthy food choices Responding to Symptoms The Society has produced a series of pain scales in multiple languages to assist an encourage improved assessment both by the healthcare professional and the patient, for whom English is not their first language. the ReadSpeaker webReader: Listen. Applicants, For Research Welsh. Students at NIH, NIMHD Rheumatoid arthritis Methotrexate You can print them and put them on the door, wall or pinboard. Let visitors choose their preferred language. Health resources in other languages. Testimony, CLIPS (Conversations VISs explain both the benefits and risks of a vaccine to adult vaccine recipients and the parents or legal representatives of vaccinees who are children and adolescents. - 2019, News Releases This guide has been added to your Favourites. Found inside – Page 254Each group could have different language and information needs. For users who may experience barriers due to language, it is helpful if library staff speak ... Why share COVID-19 information in other langauges? Training Programs, Reports and Data Medicines and Devices Development Grant Diabetes-related complications NIMHD, Research For information about the vaccine, particularly in Dorset … Collaboration, and Dissemination: Goals and Strategies, Leap Compliance, Concordance and Adherence Get the latest information on: This information portal leads to health resources from across NIH for selected priority health areas. Full of easy-to-understand advice on good nutrition and its ability to contribute towards building and maintaining strong bones. Department of The Regional Office for Europe also offers information in German. Institutes of Health », Research Health & Human Services », National February 11, 2021. Found inside – Page 2FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROGRAMS The NDU Library's Non - Print Media Center has a growing collection of foreign language cassette programs which are available for ... You’d think letting users choose their preferred language would … Found inside – Page 6For more information see There are also smaller corpora such as The Anglia Polytechnic University Learner Spanish Corpus, ... Privacy Policy, Health / Medicines Information in Multiple Languages, Source:, Pharmacy Resource: Publications and Resources, Pharmacy Resource: Downloadable Information, Pharmacy Resource: Information Statements, Health Information in Multiple Languages: MedlinePlus, Resources by language – NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust Resource Library, Translated health information about medicines, Help with Health Costs NHS Business Services Authority, Diabetes information in different languages, Translated Resources – National Diabetes Services Scheme – Diabetes Australia, Translated high blood pressure information, Information in other languages | Stroke Association, Information in your language – The Heart Foundation, GOLD Patient Guide: What You Can Do About a Lung Disease Called COPD, Translated Material – Minnesota Department of Health, Arthritis Australia’s Multicultural Resources, The British Pain Society – Pain scales in multiple languages, Know and Reduce Your Risk of Osteoporosis, Translations of our mental health informations – Royal College of Psychiatrists, Urdu version of Epilepsy: an introduction, Polish version of Epilepsy: an introduction, Multilingual resources | Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, Malaria: Information for people travelling overseas, About Thalassaemia in Other Languages – UK Thalassaemia Society Publications, Information in other languages and formats – Cancer information – Macmillan Cancer Support, Breast screening age extension trial for women who are younger than 50 or older than 70, PSNI Code of Ethics, Standards and Guidance, Supplementary and Independent Prescribing and PGDs, Patient Confidentiality and Health Records, Personal, Team and Management Development, Adverse Drug Reactions & Drug Side Effects, Crushing Tablets & Drug Administration via Enteral Feeding Tubes, Equivalent Dose & Drug Conversions / Transfers / Switching, Interpreting Lab, Medical & Clinical Tests, Patient Communication Skills for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students, People’s Experiences of Health, Medicines and Illnesses.