Mexico 2020 Crime & Safety Report: Nogales. In 2017 the FBI investigated 116 kidnappings in Mexico. Safest and Most Dangerous States Updated July 20, 2020 | Infoplease Staff The table below shows the ascending ranking of states compiled by based on 25 key safety metrics including number of assaults per capita, unemployment … The Grand Canyon State's 2020 fire season was among its worst in the past decade, with about 2,500 fires burning nearly a million acres across the state… The city has a violent crime rate of 1, 291 per 100, 000 population. Mexico state (Estado de Mexico) – Reconsider Travel. Top 20 Most Dangerous States to Live In 2020. The Laredo bridges get very busy on the weekends, as you might imagine. Reconsider travel due to crime and kidnapping. El Mencho’s son, whom the Justice Department has described as second-in-command of the gang, was arrested by Mexico’s army in 2015, though he had for years avoided being sent to the United States. Even though it’s designated as a safe-ish state, studies still show Arizona to be the 17th most dangerous state in the US. According to FBI statistics, these are the states where you're most likely to be the victim of a property crime or violent crime. This is an annual report produced in conjunction with the Regional Security Office at the U.S. Consulate in Nogales. Mexico is an impressive, world-known country in North America, located between the United States of America to the north, and Guatemala and Belize to the southeast. The Land of Enchantment, unfortunately, isn’t an enchanting experience for everyone. That’s not a good sign, especially seeing as Tijuana, Mexico is the most dangerous city in the world these days. It distributes drugs in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and Atlanta. Connecticut. It proudly boasts extensive coastline stretching along with more than 10,000km, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Oh man these places are bad for crime!Is America really truly dangerous, or are things blown out of proportion? Mexico state . Just 90 minutes south of Mexico City is the beautiful city of Cuernavaca in the state of Morelos. Baja California . 19. (Mario Armas/ AFP/Getty Images) ... the most homicides of any state … In a state that has a population of just over 2 million, the reported violent crime rate here is pretty high. There were 38 fatal overdoses per 100,000, or a total of 788 drug overdose-related deaths. Mexico is among the world’s most dangerous places for journalists; by one estimate, over a hundred killings have been recorded since the years 2000 (FotP 2017). St. Louis is the most dangerous city in the USA with a violent crime rate of 2,082.3 per 100,000 people. Here’s a quick look at the 3 most dangerous states for 2021: New Mexico; Alaska; Louisiana While Father Orozco Alvarado's death was the result of a conflict between armed groups, the expansion of criminal groups across Mexico has led to a marked increase in the deliberate targeting of religious leaders over the past decade. The US 31 route in Michigan is the most dangerous road in the state with 12 deaths per year, on average. So, bigger cities like Albuquerque and Santa Fe are starting to feel the effects; but, the place that's getting hit the worst is New Mexico's most dangerous place, Gallup.. [fn] “Mexico Peace Index 2019”, Institute for Economics and Peace, April 2019, p. 22.Hide Footnote Family members, spouses or other people close to criminal leaders are meanwhile installed in office. According to the data, it was the second-worst after Mexico. 2020 rank Metro area Violent crime per 1,000; National average: 3.7: 1: Anchorage, AK: 12.6: 2: Albuquerque, NM: 10.9: 3: Memphis, TN: 11.4: What US city has the most murders? Above: People seeking asylum in the United States wait at the border crossing bridge in Tijuana, Mexico, Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2020. New Mexico. Both the United States and Mexico say the numbers of minors trying to cross into the United States and getting deported back into Mexico is steadily increasing, although it … The states with the highest homicide rates are: the tiny western state of Colima in the west, followed by Baja California, Chihuahua in the north and Guerrero, according to … The US 31 route runs from Michigan all the way to Alabama. The insurer explained that the criteria to designate states with a high level of risk and the most violent in some entities, even in countries, is that “the protests are frequently violent and can attack or disturb foreigners.” Detroit is the second most dangerous city in the USA with a violent crime rate of 2,056.7 per 100,000 people. According To FBI Statistics, These Are The 7 Most Dangerous Cities In New Mexico For 2020. SEE THE #MomProject ABOUT MEXICO MEDIA INDEPENDENCE Year after year, Mexico continues to be one of the world’s most dangerous and deadliest countries for the media. Cancún. Re: Top 5 safest & top most dangerous Mexico/Texas border... 6 years ago. Below are the ten most dangerous countries in the world. Massachusetts (2016’s best state for teen drivers) Washington. Where Not to Go in Mexico: The 16 Most Dangerous States. November 7, 2019. Due to "violent crime and gang activity," the State Department has warned people from traveling to the following Mexican states: Colima, Guerrero, Michoacán, Sinaloa and Tamaulipas. Eleven more states (Mexico has 32) have travel advisories in effect. 5. Among the worst evaluated localities are Cancun, Coatzacoalcos and Tonalá. These two metrics cover the crime spectrum—everything from petty larceny to … If you’re also curious enough, here are the most dangerous states to live in America, according to science. Feb. 21, 2020, 10:03 AM PST. Caracas, Venezuela, the most murderous city in South America. Kink Index Score: 11.33. Once considered one of Mexico's most peaceful states, Guanajuato is increasingly among its most dangerous as the CJNG gradually extends its influence into new areas of the country. These Are the 2020 Safest and Most Dangerous States in the U.S. 9. All extraterrestrial talk aside, being the most dangerous state in the country means that you can only go up from there. The Land of Enchantment, unfortunately, isn’t an enchanting experience for everyone. According To FBI Statistics, These Are The 7 Most Dangerous Cities In New Mexico For 2020 1 Albuquerque. It probably comes as no surprise that New Mexico's largest city also has the highest number of reported... 2 Farmington. One of New Mexico's most populous cities, Farmington ranks has the second-highest rate of violent crimes. More ... Unfortunately, New Mexico is one of the more dangerous states in terms of crime: its 2018 violent crime rate of 8.57 offenses per 1,000 residents is over 2 times higher than national levels, while its property crime rate is similarly high. These are the 10 most dangerous states for pedestrians, according to Smart Growth America: State. Irapuato. First, we looked to the most recent data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for the number of violent crimes per capita* and the number of property crimes per capita in each state. Yes, the state has 146 law enforcement agencies employing close to 5,000 police officers, but they just can't be everywhere. 15 MOST DANGEROUS CITIES IN MEXICO IN 2020. If you’re looking at American states where murders, rapes and robberies happen at a much lower rate than average, this is an accurate list. Next, we wanted to look at the most dangerous large cities in the United States, so we excluded all communities with a population less than 100,000. “The US has 6.12 reported homicides per 100,000 (bested only by Mexico), whereas most countries on … New Mexico is the state with the 10th most drug overdose deaths per capita in 2020. In Guerrero and Tamaulipas, two of the most violent states in Mexico… In fact, according to the most recent edition of the list, Mexico has 15 out of the 50 most peligroso cities in the world ( Source ). Tijuana, which is the world’s busiest land border crossings with over 50 million people passing through it every year, is the most dangerous city in Mexico. And for the place where you need to be extra aware of your surroundings, This Is the Most Dangerous State … Furthermore, this drug trafficking organization is “one of the most powerful and fastest-growing cartels in Mexico and the United States” as it has a presence in at least 24 of 32 Mexican states. Coatzacoalcos. Mexico is also one of the most dangerous countries in the world for human rights defenders. The 2020 edition of WalletHub’s annual report compares the 50 states across 53 key safety indicators to determine which are the safest and least safe. Tijuana is a border city in Mexico, located just south of California. 1. According to the U.S. State Department, more Americans are killed in Mexico than in all other countries combined: 196 U.S. citizens died there in … JUSTICE IN MEXICO 5 WORKING PAPER SERIES according to Reforma.3 Additionally, Guanajuato was featured in Milenio’s top five states with the highest number of murders every month in 2019, calculating 2,934 organized-crime-related deaths.4 Furthermore, Guanajuato was tied with Estado de México as the second most dangerous place for elected officials in 2019, according to Justice in Much like Chattanooga, Beaumont has an aggravated assault problem, with a whopping 798 reported in 2018. The New Mexico places on our most dangerous list could definitely use a hug. OSAC encourages travelers to use this report to gain baseline knowledge of security conditions in the northern portion of the State of Sonora. 12. WalletHub released its report based on 53 key indicators. Alaska (2020’s best state for teen drivers) New York (2019’s best state for teen drivers) Illinois. Tijuana, Mexico, the most murderous city in the world per capita. 2020 has been an especially savage year in the border city of Tijuana, ... the CJNG is now the primary drug trafficking outfit in 24 of Mexico's 32 states. Stefanie Valentic. Sinaloa . At the heart of it all, once again, will be Maggie Steffens — the United States’ most dangerous threat, who ranks second in Olympic history with 38 goals. The study carried out by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) revealed that 66% of Mexicans consider that they live in an unsafe city. Utah. But synthetic opioids were also flooding into New England, Appalachia, and some Middle Atlantic states. Related: 10 Most Dangerous Places To Take A Selfie Cuernavaca, Morelos. According to the U.S. Department of State, Mexico exceeded 34,500 intentional homicides in 2019, for a national rate of 29 per 100,000.4 Thus, for each of the most recent three years, records were set and then eclipsed. Tijuana – also known as the most dangerous city in Mexico (and worldwide), Tijuana is ranking the highest when it comes to crime and murder rates. Hide Footnote A total of 32 political murders took place in Guerrero – the most of any region state in Mexico. Culiacán.’s teen driver study measures multiple metrics to find the best and worst states for teen drivers. The lagoon adds to the magical feel of the city. The Most Dangerous States in the United States. Alaska, New Mexico, and Nevada have the highest violent crime rates in the entire United States. In fact, the data website RoadSnacks also listed New Mexico as one of the most dangerous in the country for 2020 based on the numbers. Jalisco . According to Fox News, the city is amongst one of the most dangerous in the world due to violence and is currently sitting at a level 2 rating. Many murders are not investigated, and officials frequently blame the journalists’ personal lives for the slayings (FotP 2017). Tijuana. It has been said that an order that allowed for cases to move through the courts more quickly may be to blame for this increase. Ohio was in the eye of the storm. Updated on: November 9, 2020 / 1:27 PM / CBS NEWS Getty Images In 2019, FBI data show there were an estimated 366.7 violent crimes per 100,000 residents in the United States. Use caution in areas outside of the frequented tourist areas, although petty crime occurs frequently in tourist areas as well. Mexico's homicide rate has been rising every year since 2014 but it remains well below those of other countries worldwide. The only 2 crossings I'm familiar with are Laredo and Colombia, just to the north of Laredo. Colima, with a population of less than one million, has topped Mexico’s murder per capita list every year since 2016. The following 50 cities have the highest murder rates in the world of all cities not at war, with a population of at least 300,000 people, and all relevant data available online. Jun 04, 2020. The New Mexico places on our most dangerous list could definitely use a hug. Afghanistan. Violent Crimes Per 100k: 1,059Property Crimes Per 100k: 3,783. This coincided with the CJNG invading 17 municipalities in Zacatecas state in April 2020, during the country's first lockdown and clashing with the Sinaloa Cartel and other groups throughout the year. New Mexico. The city is most popular for the Lake of Seven Colors, a stunning lagoon that stretches for 42 kilometers. But the volume of traffic makes that crossing quite safe. 11. Michoacán . Schwab IMPACT 2020. Start Slideshow. The State Department issued new guidance on travel to Mexico Wednesday Five states have been issued a level 4 warning due to crime and violence, … Over 10 years, there were 111 crashes and 123 fatalities. Columbia is the safest city in the USA with a safety index score of 85.33. Alaska is the most dangerous state in the country with a violent crime rate of 730 incidents per 100,000 state residents. Cape Town, South Africa, the most murderous city in the world by death toll. January 11, 2018 1:30 PM EST. The ten most dangerous states for driving: 10) Montana (1.43 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles, -72% change since 1975) 9) New Mexico (1.43 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles, -74% change since 1975) 8) Oklahoma (1.44 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles, -57% change since 1975) The Successor Of El-Marro, One Of The Most Dangerous Drug Lords Arrested In Mexico October 15, 2020 October 15, 2020 Report 0 Comments DRUG LORDS ARRESTED , EL-AZUL , El-Marro , mexico The former head of the Santa Rosa de Lima cartel (CSRL) was arrested last August . Mexico City and the states of Chihuahua, Jalisco, Puebla, and Yucatan have criminalized the distribution of “revenge pornography” and “sextortion.” Individuals may be prosecuted for publishing or distributing intimate images, audio, videos, or texts without the consent of the other party. And here’s an added bonus: it’s extremely affordable to live here. It is 1,280 miles in total. Sex toy spending increase from 2019 to 2020: 76.51 percent. People assist a woman near the rehabilitation facility where 26 people were killed in Irapuato, Mexico, on July 1, 2020. 1. Locals agree that most of the violence that occurs in Arizona tends to be centered close to the Mexico border. New Mexico was actually ranked as the second most dangerous state, coming in just behind Alaska. So, bigger cities like Albuquerque and Santa Fe are starting to feel the effects; but, the place that's getting hit the worst is New Mexico's most dangerous place, Gallup.. The city is also ranked among dangerous cities in Mexico because of the high verdure wars between offshoot gangs that split off from the Gulf and Zeta cartels during delicate security operations. This led to an increase in the rate from 30 per 100,000 to 86 murders per 100, 000 population annually. In Justice in Mexico’s estimation, 13 journalists and media workers were killed in 2019. Coatzacoalcos is a city on the coast of Mexico that is known for being the birthplace of actress Salma Hayek as well as a number of other notable people. Tijuana’s homicide rate is 138 homicides per 100,000 people with a total of 2,640 homicides in 2018. World's most dangerous cities, by murder rate 2020 Number of conflicts worldwide, by region and intensity of conflict 2020 Business costs of organized crime - countries with the … The murder rate of Los Cabos in Mexico was 138.26 for every 100,000 people living in … The son of one of Mexico's most wanted drug lords has been extradited to the … This earns the city the reputation of being among the Most Dangerous Cities in us. In 2019, the state finished with a rate of 97 homicides per 100,000 residents -- far outpacing Baja California, which had the second-highest rate at 80 homicides per 100,000 residents. Colima 10. Ciudad Obregón. Saturday, July 24 Sport Once considered one of Mexico's most peaceful states, Guanajuato is increasingly among its most dangerous as the CJNG gradually extends its influence into new areas of the country. Crime rates in the most dangerous metros. T he State Department issued new travel warnings for parts of Mexico on Wednesday, advising American travelers … This statistic ranks the 50 most dangerous cities of 2020, by murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants. And the city of Zacatecas, in central Mexico, only appeared on the list in 2019 but broke into the top 15 most violent cities in 2020. Uruapan. According To FBI Statistics, These Are The 7 Most Dangerous Cities In New Mexico For 2020. Pedestrian Fatalities (2010-2019) Pedestrian … Based on violent crime rates … The personal finance website WalletHub has unveiled its 2020 ranking of the Safest States in America. The state of Chihuahua ranked number one with the most homicides in the country, the least … Both violent and non-violent crime are common throughout Mexico state. The Mexican government estimates that nearly 20,000 expats reside full time in the state of Jalisco. ... the cost of living in Playa is higher than most places in Mexico. Save. rate of 27 per 100,000 people. According to the U.S. Department of State, 66 of these were U.S. citizens, 14 of these cases involved Legal Permanent Residents. Whats the most dangerous city in the US 2020? And folks, the safest places in New Mexico are trying to help the state do just that. Nina Lakhani. Lastly, although the number of journalists murdered decreased slightly in 2019, Mexico still ranks among the most dangerous places for journalists to go about their line of work. America 's 10 most dangerous countries in the state with the 10th most overdose... 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