Mesa Tower (ID 32300) Webb Mountain (ID 24500) November 2011 Garfias Mtn. Hesperus Dam (ID 79000) This information is used for many purposes including design requirements for culverts, … Tropical Storm Beta made landfall near Port O'Connor late Monday night around 10 p.m. Sunset FRS (ID 46000) See our Publications section for prior daily total summaries. July 9, 2002 (ID 79800) April 2016 RK. IBW @ Shea Blvd. Williams Field Road (ID 34500) Bender Wash (ID 40500) Rain. Found inside – Page 6A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOCUSING ON THE GAMING INDUSTRY Ti 11S ITEM MUST RAIN THE ... and not including simulcast wagering , the year - to - date " win " total ... Precipitation data includes both calendar year and water year totals, percent of normal values, and comparisons to . August 27, 2003 Mean Annual Rainfall Map EMF @ Broadway Rd. December 2013 (ID 33500) The September 8 rainfall brought the annual precipitation since January 1 up to 5.51 inches, the National Weather Service reported. Circle City (ID 73500) Water-year 2012 (ID 33200) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration @ Ray Rd. Please try another search. Gila Bend Mountains (ID 41500) Powerline Floodway (ID 33700) January 2019 (ID 20600 ) ** How to Convert Excel to LibreOffice Calc (Linux) ** Maryvale Municipal Golf Course (ID 6000) August 2012 Found insideOne analysis of total storm rainfall , based on computed estimates rather than ... Stations in the Sierra Ancha and Mazatzal Mountains northeast of Phoenix ... Galloway Wash @ Galloway Rd. Iron Dike (ID 83000) View Summary Statistics and Annual Rainfall Records for Each Rain Gage. Hesperus Wash (ID 79300) More ›› No Show Pop-Up . Durango Complex (ID 3300) The action will now move to your email inbox. arrow_left Change Date. February 2021 Here is a look at how much measurable rain has fallen across the Valley Friday night, according to the Maricopa County Flood Control District. is a network of your neighbors that report rain totals in their backyards. February 2018 April 2012 Rainfall Values at All FCDMC Rain Gages Buckeye Rd. Maximum / Daily, monthly and annual precipitation totals for all rain gages, sorted by amount, ending at 5 a.m. each day. January 2014 February 2005 At 46.86 inches, the year is shaping up . University Dr. @ 62nd St. Basin (ID 34600) Horseshoe Ranch (ID 16700) This table gives the total precipitation that fell on Phoenix during each year from 2010. Click here for up-to-date information on rainfall totals for Phoenix, Arizona. Antelope Creek (ID 55200) Last updated: 8:15 p.m. on July 24. Usery Mountain Park (ID 80200) (ID 56300) Spookhill FRS @ Brown Rd. Found inside – Page 28At Phoenix and Yuma , Ariz . , the rainfall in summer forms a much higher proportion of the total for the year than at any of the other points included in ... -- Select a month -- Found inside – Page 7500 ; total membership 60 , volunteers 100 ; bell alarm ; 3 engine companies , 1 h . ... 1. trucks , 2 hose company ; cost of construction to date $ 51,000 ... Provisional datasubject to revision. November 2010 Roberto Villalpando 9/8/2020. Northwest Regional Landfill (ID 73000) Excessive Heat Warning. Radar, precipitation estimates, and satellite imagery layers provided by Vieux Inc. Ridge 2 Radar is provided by National Weather Service (NWS). Found inside – Page 98Weighing all factors available to us , it total precipitation for reporting ... acre feet as compared with 1,138,771 acre feet one year ago this date . Pepper Ridge North Valley Random Weather Facts: RAINFALL Terms such as "slight chance" of rain (10-20%), "chance" of rain (30-50%) or rain "likely" (60-70%) are used when there is uncertainty of receiving measurable precipitation anywhere in the forecast area (such as the Greater Phoenix Area). January 2015 The average high for the month was 87.2° which is 5.2° below the 30 year average of 92.4°. Sols Trib. Apache Junction FRS (ID 81300) March 2014 That's followed by how many really hot and cold days occurred each year. Hermosa Vista Park (ID 31400) September 2020 October 2017 If observed, each station dataset includes daily max and minimum temperatures, total precipitation, snowfall, and depth of snow on ground. July 2021 November 2020 @ 2nd St. (ID 66700) Rawhide Wash (ID 61000) Outlaw Hill (ID 28500) Questions? Mean Annual Monsoon Rainfall Agua Fria @ Grand Ave. (ID 14700) The action will now move to your email inbox. Salt River Landfill (ID 39700) McMicken Dam South (ID 86500) (ID 41700) Copper Wash (ID 41000) Do not filter reports . Please select one of the following: Phoenix NWS Watch, Warning, Advisory Product Criteria, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Ritter Dam (ID 30000) 2020 - 2021. January 14, 2021 January 14, 2021 January 14, 2021 @ Hawes Rd. Click here for up-to-date information on rainfall totals for Phoenix, Arizona. Found inside – Page 14The applicant has predicted that the total acreage under irrigation in the ... low humidities , small annual rainfall totals , clear skies with abundant ... Found inside – Page 14One analysis of total storm rainfall , based on computed estimates rather than ... Stations in the Sierra Ancha and Mazatzal Mountains northeast of Phoenix ... Here is a look at some of the rainfall totals over the last three days, according to the Maricopa County Flood Control District's online rainfall map (as of 8 p.m. Sunday): Apache Junction: 1.61 . Rain Totals each year up to August 31 and Total for that year. Usery Park Weather Station (ID 80700) Found inside – Page 7Total apple production this has been compiled by Colonel L. thought should now ... than last year and total area needs rain , so what the qualthis late date ... Hartman Wash (ID 51200) @ Adobe Rd. December 2020 January 21-22, 2010 Phoenix West Park (ID 13500) Monsoon 2004 McDowell Rd. Tiger Wash Fan (ID 26800) Granite Reef Diversion (ID 75000) Visit the current Natural Resources reporting site. Water-Year 2006 Cooks Mesa (ID 63000) Salt River @ 40th St. (ID 67000) Tatum Basin Inflow (ID 58000) Smith Peak (ID 29500) Magma East (ID 42200) Toys for Boys; Toys for Girls; Action Figures & Collectibles; Beyblades; Blocks and Puzzles; Board Games; Brands; Construction Toys; Doctor and Tools; Dolls & Dollhouses Seven Springs (ID 21500) Multiple locations were found. Camelback Rd. That broke a record low rainfall of 5.07 inches in 1924. Apache Trail (ID 36500) Wittmann (ID 72500) (ID 36300) Ford Canyon Wash (ID 86200) Hassayampa Landfill (ID 44800) Thompson Peak (ID 1900) May 2014 January 2017 A series of tables gives data by year for temperature and precipitation. September 2019 Found inside – Page 337780 bags last week , and 5,425 barrels and 7,233 bags same week last year . Receipts - Tons-- July 29 to Aug. 5 ... 4,000 1.000 None 4.000 Total to date 16 ... View daily totals at all precipitation gages by month back to October 2010. Upper Cline Creek (ID 65300) Mountain View Park (ID 31200) 5555 N. Seventh Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85013 Phone: 602-207-3333 Email: Buckeye Rd. Water-year 2009 Perry Park (ID 4200) September 2018 July 2016 Centennial Wash @ Wenden (ID 27500) Twin Buttes Wash (ID 73200) IBW @ Indian Bend Rd. McDowell Rd. Home | Privacy & Cookies | Contact | About. (ID 61700) (ID 36000) Oatman (ID 1300) Jan. 27, 2008 Gage-corrected Radar November 21-24, 2013 May 2018 (ID 55700) The total rainfall for the year to date was 17.60″, which is 1.04″ below the 30 year average of 18.64″ for the year to date. Freestone Basin (ID 32800) Nov.30 - Dec.1, 2007 Found inside – Page 70Headland , Henry County 22 3:00 P. 5 0 Wind , rain , funnel cloud Heaviest ... Total damage estimated about $ 75,000 pf which about $ 30,000 damage was to ... Black Hill (ID 50500) February 14-15, 2018 (ID 85500) Thomas Rd. Sun Valley Pkwy. Dobbins Rd. Wickenburg Airport (ID 52800) Bullard Wash @ Van Buren St. (ID 89200) July 2011 February 25th, 2003 @ Jomax Rd. October 2020 Found inside – Page 11Rainfall As Related to Dates Grown In the Southwest By Dewey C. Moore ... 1918 , Phoenix stations , with more details tive humidity for the year . to ... Camelback Rd. Water-year 2015 Picacho Wash (ID 74200) RK. Four Mile Wash (ID 26500) ©Ambient Weather and Weather Underground Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station V13.01 Current weather and forecast for the local Phoenix area, including doppler radar. Basin #1 (ID 7800) PHOENIX - Saturday was very wet due to rain most of the day with some places in the Valley receiving record-breaking rainfall. IBW Interceptor Channel (ID 56800) If observed, each station dataset includes daily max and minimum temperatures, total precipitation, snowfall, and depth of snow on ground. Waterman Wash (ID 84000) Basin #3 (ID 8700) Chandler Blvd. (ID 83500) Deer Valley Airport (ID 14200) date and time. This table gives the total precipitation that fell on Phoenix during each year from 2010. Sun City West (ID 87000) Sugarloaf Mountain (ID 23000) December 2018 @ 8th Ave. (ID 30900) Found inside – Page 15-total precip for year to date 54.46 in . ... high for date Nashville As of 10/31 no precip for 108 days 97 Percent Possible Phoenix ( see also be low . ) ... Found inside – Page 275PRECIPITATION .-- For the most part , June rainfall totals were less than 2 inches from the Pacific Ocean TEMPERATURE .-- Generally speaking , June tempera ... Bullard Wash @ Indian School Rd. Normally, we should have closer to 9.24" and year-to-date rainfall totals are . Found inside – Page 543Worldwide production of the date is given in Table 1. ... has been developed only in districts where there is almost no rain during that part of the year. Columbia Hill (ID 15800 ) Historically, the official rain gauge for the Phoenix Metropolitan Area (PMA) has been situated near the center of the city. As of 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Phoenix has picked up 2.63 inches of rain since midnight at the official measurement spot at Sky Harbor, breaking the record for the most rainfall ever recorded on this . Rain Gauge Data This page is no longer being updated. October 2011 Here is a look at how much measurable rain has fallen across the Valley so far, according to the Maricopa County Flood Control District. Found inside... AZ 85287-1508 PHOENIX CLIMATE STATISTICS This was the wettest March since 1994 when there was 1.36 inches of rain . Seasonal Total 50 Degree base = 65 ... Gateway Community College (ID 3000) (ID 86700) Camp Cr. Saddleback FRS (ID 25200) Buckeye FRS #3 (ID 48800) 6. Nationwide Rainfall total for April...0.24 of an inch. Ranch Gate Road (ID 76300) Maricopa Mountains (ID 43000) Cave Creek (ID 19000) March 2017 Upper Martinez Creek (ID 55500) Towers Mountain (ID 1700) Stanton (ID 49000)) Colter Channel @ El Mirage Rd. Phoenix, Arizona is a vast, sprawling metropolis which covers an area of nearly 2000 sq-mi. July 29-30, 2003 September 6-9, 2002 The numbers here describe what the weather in Phoenix, Arizona was like for every year since 2010. Burton Tank (ID 53200) (ID 72200) Water-Year 1998 You can jump to a separate table for each region of the state: Southern Arizona , Western Arizona , Phoenix Area , Central Arizona , and Northern Arizona . August 2013 rainfall totals houston area. + Monthly Totals + Background. (ID 83300) White Tank Peak (ID 1800 ) Cave Creek Landfill (ID 20200) February 2014 Found inside – Page 26-2The precipitation for the year point that they become relatively dry and ... lower elevations of southwestern Arizona the Detailed date for Phoenix , Ariz . Alma School Rd. September 8, 2014 until MON 8:00 PM MST, Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Buckeye Rd. Water-year 2010 Water-year 2008 Rain Trending for Maricopa, Sonoran Desert, AZ. Then there's information on how much rain actually landed during recent years, as well as how often Phoenix had wet weather. Found inside – Page 11Rainfall As Related to Dates Grown In the Southwest By Dewey C. Moore ... 1918 , Phoenix stations , with more details tive humidity for the year . to ... Guadalupe FRS (ID 68200) -- Select a map -- ACDC @ 43rd Ave. (ID 11300) AZ Monsoon: Tucson Surpasses 2020 Rainfall Total In 28 Days - Tucson, AZ - The 2021 monsoon has registered 1.64 inches of rain through 28 days, which is more than the city received in 2020, when . The WATER YEAR-TO-DATE-PRECIPITATION represents total precipitation since October 1st expressed in inches. Rainfall at Lake Lagunitas (average annual rainfall is 52.65 inches) Inches; 7/01/2021 - 8/31/2021: 0.00: Same period last year: 0.35: Average year-to-date (ID 89500) Greenfield Rd. New River @ Glendale Ave. (ID 61500) July 2020 July 31, 2007 (ID 34200) Carriage Lane Park (ID 31700) June 2014 You can also sign up for the Rain Mapper e-mail. August 2011 June 2021 Reid Park (ID 31100) Sonoqui Wash near Hawes Rd. Seven Springs Wash (ID 21800) @ Alma School Rd. 4th of July Wash (ID 41200) March 2018 @ 48th St. (ID 5000) Reavis Trailhead (ID 63700) Found inside – Page 530The Republican of Phoenix reports , in a recent issue , that contracts have been ... The regular correspondent of this paper , under date of December 12 ... August 2018 @ 64th St. (ID 56000) Found inside – Page 163Location Monthly total * Record set Temperature ( ° C ) Location Date Record ... Highest for all time Highest so early in season 27 May * Rainfall totals in ... Cave Buttes Dam (ID 19500) dateline. Paradise Valley Country Club (ID 9300) Below you will find a graph of the seasonal rainfall totals and difference from the 1961 to 1990 normals. Mt. (ID 35000) October 2013 Monthly: 1981-2010 normals History: 2007-2019 The September 8 rainfall brought the annual precipitation since January 1 up to 5.51 inches, the National Weather Service reported. Cave Creek @ Cactus Rd. CAP @ 163rd Ave. (ID 73300) February 2013 Flying E Wash (ID 51700) Carney Springs (ID 37300) (ID 34300) More ›› No Show Pop-Up . US 60 @ Ellsworth Rd. Congress (ID 49700) Water-year 2013 (ID 37700) Sun Ridge Canyon Dam (ID 77500) @ Meridian Rd. Aztec Park (ID 59700) Humboldt Mountain (ID 1200) Found inside – Page 205There have been no serious foods this year , such as are generally expected at ... under date of March 31 : " On account of the extreme amount of rain this ... Columbus Wash (ID 40800) August 16, 2001 Oct. 2004 - Feb. 2005 map Rain Maps notifications_active Notifications insert_chart Data help Help & Info person Account : more_vert: View more partners. Basin #4 (ID 8200) Historical Season Rainfall - Years 1888 to 2021. Ord (ID 2000) Here is a look at how much measurable rain has fallen across the Valley during this evening's storm, according to the Maricopa County Flood Control . Sunup Ranch (ID 62300) Found inside – Page 34Date / Min . I Date STATIONS Total Precipitation * 1.15 1.34 17.19 39.2 64 17 15 Big Bar Do .. Bishop Descanso Folsom Independence Mojave San Miguel Island ... EXACT : . April 2020 Yarnell Hill (ID 1600), Download all (355) Rainfall History Documents (.xlsx) in one .zip file (99 MB, data through 09/30/2020). July 2012 PHOENIX — Arizonans woke up to more wet roads Friday after rain fall overnight, following strong storms Thursday evening that brought rain, lightning, thunder, and strong wind gusts to parts of the Valley. @ Rittenhouse Rd. Sols Wash @ SR 71 (ID 47700) Sand Tank Wash @ I-8 (ID 40000) October 2014 July 2015 -- Select a Duration -- Sols Wash near Matthie (ID 50800) ACDC @ 36th Street (ID 10000) Phoenix Rainfall Index Phoenix, Arizona is a vast, sprawling metropolis which covers an area of nearly 2000 sq-mi. March 2012 August 2, 2005 Powderhouse Wash (ID 52500) August 19, 2014 Pecos Basin (ID 70000) Morristown (ID 45200) Gila R. @ Estrella Parkway (ID 83800) North Heights Dam (ID 78200) -- Select a gage -- Season. Baseline @ 547th Ave. (ID 24300) Found inside – Page 1061896-1995 Average Date of Monsoon Onset Earliest Date of Onset Latest Date of ... 1948-1995 YEAR BEGAN ENDED NUMBER OF MONSOON TOTAL PRECIPITATION DAYS 106. Flood Advisory. In August 2017, Hurricane Harvey devastated . June 2020 Signal Butte FRS (ID 79500) CAP Reach11 Dike #2 (ID 58600) Report for date Date range Monthly totals. September 2012 Lake Pleasant (ID 15000) August 24, 2006 Vistancia Peak (ID 73400) I-17 @ SR 169 (ID 17500) @ 6th St. (ID 31600) August 13, 2003 - NexRain June 2012 The District has installed and maintains 357 automated precipitation gages throughout Maricopa and surrounding counties which measure the amount and timing of rainfall in real-time. @ 24th Ave. (ID 6800) ACDC @ 67th Ave. (ID 13800) @ 547th Ave. (ID 24000) Magma FRS (ID 42300) Found inside – Page 10SUPPLEMENTARY HOURLY PRECIPITATION UNIVERSAL RAIN GAUGE ( WATER EQUIVALENT ... ENDING AT P.M. HOUR ( L.S.T. ) ENDING AT DAILY DATE DATE DATE TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 ... Agua Fria @ Buckeye Rd. Jay Lawrimore. IBW @ McKellips Rd. @ Loop 303 (ID 87500) Yesterday's Rainfall: 0.84 Patton Road (ID 72000) Waterman Wash @ Rainbow Valley Rd. Vekol Wash (ID 74500) Rain Totals each year up to August 31 and Total for that year. Grand Ave. @ 27th Ave. (ID 3800) July 14, 2002 Sonoran Wash (ID 65900) Sunnycove FRS (ID 46500) Found inside – Page 274Date and amount of 1972 rainfall measured at the test site Date Rainfall ... .30 .50 1.65 .45 .75 2.00 + nn 18 19 Total 11.93 1 / Last rainfall multiplied . Harquahala Mountain (ID 1500) Berneil Wash (ID 59200) @ Hawes Rd. April 2017 South Mountain Park (ID 68500) Last updated: 11:45 a.m. on Wednesday. Narrows Damsite (ID 28000) Daily Precipitation Report November 2014 0.00". Desert Mountain School (ID 18700) Price Drain @ Loop 202 (ID 31500) North (ID 72100) September 4,2003 McDowell Mountain Park (ID 75800) Rain fell in Phoenix overnight Wednesday and early Thursday, marking only 15 days for 2020 with measurable rain at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and breaking a 110-day dry streak. Wolverine Pass (ID 38300) Main St. @ Hawes Rd. Medians and averages are calculated for the period 1981-2010. Daggs Wash (ID 48500) Found inside – Page 26-2The precipitation for the year point that they become relatively dry and ... Over the lower elevations of southwestern Arizona the Detailed date for Phoenix ... Rain Gauge Data This page is no longer being updated. The total rainfall for the year to date was 17.60″, which is 1.04″ below the 30 year average of 18.64″ for the year to date. Water-Year 2000 McMicken Dam @ Bell Rd. July 2013 @ Dobbins Rd. until MON 4:45 AM MST, Maricopa County, Pinal County. Cloudburst Wash (ID 77800) Mean Dew Point: 63.5 °F. March 2021 Stone Ridge Dam (ID 77300) NWS May 2011 February 7-10, 2009 Since 1933, it has resided at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (KPHX). May 2020 rainfall amounts in arkansas. Winters Wash (ID 25500) dateinasia. (ID 44700) Annual Average 2010-Present 20.1in; Monthly Average 2010-Present 1.8in; Daily Average 2010-Present 0.1in Select one of the following time periods. @ Northern Ave. (ID 48300) DAILY CLIMATE REPORT - issued daily: Detailed daily weather statistics (usually for yesterday), including temperature, precipitation, degree days, wind, humidity, sunrise/sunset, and record temperature data for the following day. February 2019 Old Crosscut Canal @ McDowell Rd. Yesterday's Rainfall: 0.84 Do not filter reports. February 2017 Saguaro Lake (ID 63500) @ 32nd Ave. (ID 12500) McDowell Mountain Road (ID 76000) October 2019 Date range Monthly totals. Belmont Mountains (ID 46300) Florence Junction (ID 38500) @ SR 85 (ID 18500) April 2021 Gillespie Dam (ID 27200) Gila Bend Landfill (ID 42500) Douglas Ranch Rd. @ SR 93 (ID 50000) (ID 81500) The current year's data has a green background. 10th Street Basin #1 (ID 11000) Recker Rd. June 2017 Rainfall Scorecard. Water-Year 1995 10 Wettest Years: 10 Driest Years: 10 Warmest Years: 10 Coldest Years : Total Rain: Year: Total Rain: Year: Average Temp: Year: Average Temp: Year : 1: 19.73: 1905: 2 . rainfall map of brazil. Guadalupe Channel (ID 35700) December 2016 IBW @ Indian School Rd. June 2013 (ID 56500) Adobe Dam (ID 65000) Pinnacle Peak Vista (ID 60500) Dewey (ID 17800) December 4, 2001 Lake Pleasant North (ID 15300) March 2019 Elliot Rd. Wood Tank (ID 30300) Centennial Levee (ID 25700) South Mountain Fan (ID 70500) February 2012 Rain Total. New River Dam (ID 62000) (ID 22800) Found inside – Page 7Date Palms Like Desert Sun But Need Wet Feet to Thrive HOW TO GET MORE FROM Your Cotton Harvester ! ... Rainfall averages only 31/4 inches per year . Phoenix Dam #99 (ID 12700) The climate data come from weather measurements made at Sky Harbor International Airport near downtown Phoenix. The number of days with precipitation counts the days when rainfall amounted to 0.01 inches (0.3 millimeters) or more. Found inside – Page 29Elko , NV reported the year's first high at or above 80 degrees F on June 28 ... Storm - total rainfall reached 10.30 inches in Sharon , MA , 9.28 inches in ... Gladden (ID 28800) Santa Cruz R. @ SR 84 (ID 63800) November 2015 This includes the days when precipitation amounts to 0.01 inches (0.25 millimetres) or more. Horner Mountain Ranch (ID 17000) June 2018 Water-Year 1996 Tortilla Well (ID 63600) Compilation of Severe Rainfall Events at ALERT Stations in Excel 2010 Format (455 Kb, updated 02/18/2021). The year is a little more than 50 percent over, and so far 2020 is stacking up to be a Top 3 year in terms of rainfall. Water-Year 1993. Skunk Creek near New River (ID 66200) October 2012 @ Bartlett Lake Rd. (ID 37600) November 2018 Found inside – Page 28At Phoenix and Yuma , Ariz . , the rainfall in summer forms a much higher proportion of the total for the year than at any of the other points included in ... July 29-30, 2006 Its interactive graphs, detailed inputs and dynamic calculations allow for in-depth modeling of rain capture scenarios. AZ Monsoon: Tucson Surpasses 2020 Rainfall Total In 28 Days - Tucson, AZ - The 2021 monsoon has registered 1.64 inches of rain through 28 days, which is more than the city received in 2020, when . Precipitation Report for All FCDMC Rain Gages (ID 30700) Ahwatukee (ID 70200) ASU South (ID 67500) Precipitation Report for All FCDMC Rain Gages This report contains 6-hour and 24-hour totals at all rain gages, sorted by jurisdiction, updated every 30 minutes. Since 1933, it has resided at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (KPHX). January 27, 2008 Queen Creek Water Tank (ID 36200) This table compares rainfall amounts from previous years with the current year. Asher Hills (ID 75500) Gila R. @ 116th Ave. (ID 70700) 1 . Although the rainfall total for September 8 was the highest amount recorded for a single calendar day, it came in second for 24-hour rainfall, according to The Arizona Republic.That record was set on July 2, 1911, at 4.98 inches. Station Data. year to date rainfall totals by zip code. (ID 85000) February 2011 Centennial Divide (ID 29700) August 2016 Sycamore Creek - West Fork (ID 82000) Twin Peaks (ID 46800) rainfall in seattle wa. (ID 34800) Rainfall Reports. nws phoenix rainfall to date | Phrases contain exact "nws phoenix rainfall to date" from credible sources. Crossroads Park (ID 33000) Spookhill FRS @ McKellips Rd. Cruff Wash (ID 23700) August 14, 2003 ** Help File for Rainfall Histories ** @ Turner Rd. December 2010 Found inside – Page 212AUSTRALIAN GOLD COAL OUTPUT Cumulative Totals ( in tons ) Company December ( in tons ) Months Since Year End This year Last year to date 10 daie 4 weeks to ... October & November 2004 Water-Year 2002 Found inside – Page 89While precipitation may occur at any time of the year , in the vicinity of ... farm : Rainfall for 1901 , Arizona Experiment Station farm , Phoenix . Date . Constellation Road (ID 52300) Salt River @ Val Vista (ID 39500) November 2013 Estrella Fan (ID 84200) A 30 year running mean of the national annual rainfall indicated an increase in average national rainfall of approximately 70mm over the last two decades. Jan. - Mar. Gila R. @ Maricopa Rd. The top five wettest Jan-Aug periods have . July 2017 Found inside – Page 6DATE PRODUCTION IN ARIZONA Arizona was the early U.S. leader in date ... million pounds of fruit sold each year by 300 to 400 bearing acres (Hilgeman 1972). Back 24 Hours. Upper Trilby Wash (ID 73800) Reata Pass Wash (ID 60000) April 2013 (ID 59500) Martinez Creek (ID 49500) The National Weather Service in Phoenix released rainfall totals for . February 13, 2003 Harquahala FRS (ID 26000) Whitlow Ranch Dam (ID 63300) On Saturday, Phoenix added another 0.14 inches of rain by 6 a.m. putting the July total at 1.5 inches, making it the 19th wettest July on record in Phoenix since 1896, according to NWS Phoenix. Water-year 2018 December 2014 Copyright © 2021 Current Results Publishing Ltd. (ID 34400) November 2017 Rawhide Wash @ Pinnacle Peak Rd. Flash Flood Watch. Camelback Mountain East (ID 57000) August 27, 2003 - NexRain Today's and tonight's Spokane, WA weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and Water-Year 1994 Since 1933, it has resided at Phoenix This is especially true during the monsoon. White Tank FRS #3 (ID 87300) ©Ambient Weather and Weather Underground Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station V13.01 Current weather and forecast for the local Phoenix area, including doppler radar. dateline nbc. * Rain Season runs July 1 - June 30 annually. This break the record for the day of 0.41" set back in 2002. Granite Reef Wash (ID 57500) NWS Phoenix2727 E Washington StNWS PAB 1TAPhoenix, AZ 85034(602) 275-0073Comments? May 2021 August 2017 February 12-15, 2003 Water-Year 2001 Vineyard FRS (ID 37000) November 2016 Cline Creek (ID 66000) December 2017 For the year to date (January-August), the precipitation total of 24.59" handily tops the previous record of 24.23" set just two years ago, in 2017. Salt River @ Priest Dr. (ID 67300) EMF @ Hunt Hwy. Found inside – Page 11... and the coldest airmasses seasonal rainfall totals in locations such as Los ... NV , year - to - date with protective snow cover . rainfall through the ... July 29, 2001, Find annual rainfall total maps by water-year. May 2017 Wagner Wash @ Sun Valley Pkwy. Thunderbird Academy (ID 57700) Fraesfield Mountain (ID 76200) Horseshoe Lake (ID 82500) Basin: Report Range: Single day. Found inside – Page 93FED ID : 66037282 990PF DATE : 09/01 DEADLINES : None PRESENT ASSETS ... Tubbs , Michael , P ; Phoenix , Rain , VP / S GRANTS TOTAL : $ 3,500 HIGH : $ 3,500 ... Sauceda Wash (ID 71000) Lake Margherite (ID 59000) April 2019 Maximum / Daily, monthly and annual precipitation totals for all rain gages, sorted by amount, ending at 5 a.m. each day. -- Select a map -- Temperatures averaged 78.5° which is 2.4° below the 30 year average of 80.9°. Here is a look at how much rain fell in the last 24 hours, according to the.