%3E%3E As a member of the military, do you appreciate it when civilians say to you, “Thank you for your service”? What’s your response to them? I a... it has helped a lot and we really want to thank you cause you helped to world and we want say thank you— Brayden Snawder, Active Duty, I´d like to thank my great grandfather, Boyd who served in nam.— Noah Hampton, Veteran, Thank you very much for serving are country. I am praying for your strength. Your opinion means a lot.” Odds are that if you entered the military, … The man who has lived everyday loving his family and who I love so very much. Thank you for all you do. God Bless!— Michelle G. Smith, Active Duty, Thank you for your service! How to thank a Veteran 101. Let freedom ring ... and may God bless you all! — Annmarie Fan, Thank you for all your hard work and all you have done for the country! Thanking Lets You Off the Hook. While holidays are a great start, no singular day is better than the next to show love. We truly appreciate all that you do, and you will forever remain in my thoughts and prayers. You gave up your time and family so that we could be free. Words cannot convey my appreciation for your dedication and sacrifice. If people could just find a way to make it easier and more conversational to respond when they thank a veteran for their service, that would be pretty awesome.” —Kevin Bell, U.S. Army veteran, “Listen when I share my stories and ask questions. Ask them what they do/did in the military, like their branch of service and their military occupation. The real, honest stories we share truly help people understand a concept so foreign (literally and figuratively) to them. Our expert guidance can make your life a little easier during this time. Whether if you are retired or not, we appreciate the sacrifices you all make.— Fernando Guevara, Veteran, Thank you for your service and protecting our country.— Kamora, Hello I just wanna say thank you for all you have done for us, am sincerely grateful for your service and sacrifice. You'll probably want to ask if you can shake their hand first, though. That alone can hit a sore spot. Have an amazing day, and be reminded that you are loved!— Avery, Thank you for all your service and all you have done for the country, I wish you the best.— Collin, Dear Veterans, I wanna thank you for protecting, and serving our country.— Maria, Dear uncle Brian thank you for serving us during this time I'm really thank full everything you have done for us.— Nolan, Dear Veterans, Thank you for helping our country. You have supported us every single day since then and I can never repay you. That’s where the following phrases and actions make for better options when trying to show gratitude. Relates the story behind the author's campaign to collect one million letters of appreciation for men and women in the United States Armed Forces, and includes a sampling of some of those letters. It takes a hero like you to protect me and this country from harm and danger., My father, husband and uncle were in the Armed Forces and I have always been proud of their service. Thank you for your bravery.— Anna Clay Adams, Active Duty, Thank you for your service in fighting for our country. My grandfather was in the Navy and moved to several different bases in the US and around the world, so I understand the sacrifices made every day to serve and protect this country. Found inside – Page 212The military released him twenty minutes later, probably because CPT members ... pulp and paper industry in Ontario instead of doing their military service. Your dedication to protecting our country during this time of need deserves all the love from the US, as we recognize your efforts and give the utmost respect and love to all of you veterans! There are no words that can truly express my gratitude for your sacrifice. !— Thressa Bloomer, Military family, Thank you for your service. Here’s what they said. My grandfather served 25 years in the Air Force and brought my mother and grandmother to the states after the Vietnam War. Thanks so much!— Glenda Capps, Active Duty, To all the women and men who have served our country, thank you. Continued Blessings & Favor!— Alfreda, Veteran, Thank you so much for your service!— Henry Schoepke, Veteran, Thank you, Old Man. You may not hear it every day, but please know that I appreciate you more than my words are able to describe.— Elizabeth Burns, Hugs & Prayers for our Military Families! How to Thank a Veteran in a Memorable WayTake a meal to a veteran or their family. Regardless if a veteran is active duty, reserve or retired, taking a meal his or her way shows that you ...Offer childcare or dog sitting. The old adage of "Let me know if you need anything!" is not one that works particularly well with veterans.Make a photo gift. ...Send a care package. ...Order a house cleaner. ...More items... Thank you so, so much.— Kate Fountain, I cannot thank you enough for your service to this country. Memorial Day is a time to celebrate fallen soldiers. But I know you guys are still doing your very best, and I want you guys to know how much of a difference you bring to us all. Thank you for fighting for our freedom and defending our homeland. I thank my mother for her 15 years in the Navy. One vet says he'd prefer people say, "I hope you're having a … My son is in the Army and loves what he is doing. Found inside – Page 2MICHELE L. YORK And a grateful nation continues saying America watched in shock , as Iraq in its thanks . vaded Kuwait ... who never America began a love affair with her participated in desert operations , but who military men and women ... May God bless our troops and keep you safe. Quotes for Kids. Thank you for making many sacrifices to keep all of us safe. I’ll never forget to call, I love you.— Johanna Halbrooks, Military family, Thank you for your service to make this world a better place. This link will open in a new window. playerId: "3c020dea-a94e-40a8-be0a-8a3170cc7c1b", There is no thank you big enough to encompass all the feelings and admiration I have for all these brave men and women that secure our freedom. And for sacraficing your lives for us— Alexander, Active Duty, Thank you for risking your lives for us and protecting our country. !— Donna M. Smith, Military family, Thank you so much for your service! Your dedication and sacrifice mean so much. If not, then volunteer for your community in a meaningful way. Words aren't enough to thank you but from the bottom of my heart thank you for the ultimate sacrifices you have made.— Ariana, Veteran, Thanks for your service and sacrifice for our great nation— Rhonda Ash, I want to thank you for your time of service and your family that was separated from you during your service. However, while thanking them, you can make your words far more impactful by explaining what... 2. Semper Fi, Proud USMC Mom— Jean Perrine, Military Family, An appreciation to Army Staff Sergeant Richard S. Eaton who gave his life to the fight for freedom. After a horrific campaign, the endless shelling, gassing, and gunfire ceased at 11 am, replaced with the first silence that the battlefields of World War I had heard in four years. You are an honorable person and thank you doesn't seem enough to say I appreciate your service. ----- From mentoring new team members to counseling employees' personal issues. When people give you career advice or a tip on a job opening, tell them you appreciate the guidance or the suggestion. I usually thank them and say, “It was a long time ago.” I retired in 2010 but keep military plates on my vehicle. Virginia has a high number of mil... Here’s a relatable way to express that you’re familiar with the military and that you’re also grateful for their service. Valor features the thrilling stories that are the fruit of Mark Lee Greenblatt’s interviews with brave American servicemen from twenty-first-century wars. You and your family have given up so much to allow you to serve this country. Happy Veterans Day!— Mary Alice Crocker, Thank you for all that you do. I never really realize how important your jobs are, but every year I'm reminded of your bravery. Not because I like talking about myself, but because it's a more meaningful way to engage if you have a better understanding of what you're actually offering thanks for.” —Marissa Cruz, U.S. Navy reservist, “By moving beyond bumper-sticker support for veterans. Even if they’ve passed, you can still celebrate their life and service by placing a flag on their grave or through the stories you share. — Hannah Lee, Active Duty, Thank you for your service and dedication you endure to keep all of us Americans safe. After all, benign aware of the impact of your words is essential. Stay safe and wishing you the happiest holidays!— Emma, Thank you to each and every veteran that has proudly served our country. Before we get into that, let's look at the impact of certain words on service members. Even visiting or researching community war memorials or monuments shows the potential for a deeper understanding of the sacrifices made by veterans. As a citizen and civilian, I will exercise my right to vote for VA reform laws and the rights of those who have protected us.— Laura Wilson, To all my fellow veterans, I wish you a very happy Veterans Day. You guys truly are heroes.— Samira, Veteran, I would like to thank a military member for their service, it is in my opinion one of the noblest things you can do is risking your life, mind, and limb for the sake of your country so we can continue to live freely and do well with our freedoms and keeping our country safe from external or internal forces.— Christopher Davis, Active Duty, I wanted to show my gratitude and say thank you for serving our country it goes long way for you to serve and risk your life for us thank you and your more than appreciative.— Mercedes Garcia, Veteran, Thank you to all the veterans that have served this country to protect the US citizens. Everything you have done is appreciated.— Alex Richardson, Active Duty, To all veterans of all branches: Thank you for your sacrifice, your bravery, and the example you set for us all— Debra Bohn, Active Duty, Your country is deeply grateful for your military family member and for YOU. Found inside – Page 31This was because returning soldiers from World War II had mental - health issues that , it was discovered , existed prior to their military service . Thus , the level of mental illness in the general population was finally recognized . I cannot imagine the sacrifice it takes, thank you.— Alexus Peck, Thank you for all your service on protecting our country.— Claire, Veterans day is to honor all of the people who put their own lives in danger to protect everyone living in our country, this is exactly what you people do. | Here is a look at some great bereavement thank you messages that will help you find the words you need. Thank you. Letting family and good friends know they’re appreciated is very important, especially on military holidays. And lastly, to those who have gone before us, my Marine brothers, my Grandfathers, my Uncle Jon, SGM US Army, SSG Adam Thomas, 10th SFG US Army (KIA), and all of my brothers and sisters in arms who have paid the ultimate price: thank you, your sacrifice will never be forgotten.— Kasey Whilding, Veteran, I would like to thank all of my brothers who fought tirelessly in the wars where they were assigned to go.— Diane Bennett, Military family, I would like to thank my son, Clifford Bennett, for the years of service he gave protecting our country. It doesn’t have to be a full fledged conversation. Find out what to do and discover resources to help you cope. You are appreciated more than I can express.— Randi Kirkland, Military Family, We are SO thankful for everything you have sacrificed and done for our country. They play a vital role in our nation’s defense as … If they want to, that's fine, although ask about my experiences, the people, the conditions. Thanks to their family and friends as well for the sacrifices they make. We carry you in our hearts and hope that you are doing well!— Ashley Creamer, Thank you all for you service to our Great Country! Today the nation honors you with gratitude. I am so proud of you and I miss you every day. So, what do you say? We love you and appreciate the sacrifice for our country. "Taking an interest in a veteran's story about their time in the military is one way to engage beyond just saying thank you for your service," CVN CEO and president Dr. Anthony Hassan said. The kids and I have so much respect for you. By that, let them know that there's some backstory to your words as opposed to the empty words that they hear. This link will open in a new window. Words are not enough to express the gratitude I feel for your dedication and sacrifice. Bless all of you ... MY HEROES!— Diane Pelligrino, Active Duty, To all of the veterans for your sacrifices — God bless and thank you!! Afterwar offers no easy answers for reintegration. It insists that we widen the scope of veteran outreach to engaged, one-on-one relationships with veterans. Say Thank You. For companies or schools that really want to say “thank you,” hire veterans; enroll veterans; and most of all, get to know your veterans. Commonly you can expect to be able to: After you've removed the flag from the grave, store it properly and respectfully. Building on the need to increase young Americans' "propensity to enlist," this book offers useful recommendations for increasing educational opportunities while in the service and for developing advertising strategies that include concepts ... — Gwen, Thank you to all of my family who are and have served in the military you are very dear to my heart and i love you forever!!! Such brave would you all our and thank you for giving us peace and freedom. Your selfless actions make a difference in all of our lives!— Hope, Thank you to all my family members and to all those who have served and are serving now in all branches of the military. customParam3: window.empire.apps.ads.targeting.keywords + "", ‘On behalf [business] and our employees, we would like to thank all service members for the sacrifice you’ve made to the protection of our employees and the American way of life.’, "Should You Say "Thank You for Your Service"? We can not thank you enough nor can we ever express our gratitude enough. There are people praying for your family. Thank you again and always.— Celeste Strong, To all those who have served or are currently serving our country, thank you so much for your continued efforts to protect all Americans and our rights as citizens. We’re forever thankful for you!! There are many worthy organizations out there that both do good and bridge the civilian-military empathy gap. We appreciate your service. You all have worked so hard and you all deserve so much in life. Your life has immeasurably blessed many others. You are all truly heroes! Without you and people like you who knows what would have happened to the US and its citizens.— David Torres, Veteran, I want to thank my dad, retired specialist (US Army), for his service and everyone else who served.— Trayce Hoskins, Military Family, I would like to give thanks to those who sacrifice so much for our country. Please know that your service is valued, your sacrifice is remembered. Better yet, capture the stories of veterans they may have in their own families. !— Laura Carrier, Veteran, Thank you for your service to this country. I look up to you because you are risking and giving up your life for the safety of your country. Just make eye contact so they know—the recognition will speak volumes. We serve the people, and the best way for the people to thank us is to use their civic power in an informed, responsible manner.” —Rachel Brune, U.S. Army reservist, “The best way to thank a veteran is to take a brief pause in your day and really listen to what a veteran has to say about their experience.