Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. When everyone at your site is reinforcing and modeling . Take care of your own business. These students are celebrated by the entire school and their families at . 10 Character Trait/Character Education PostersThese posters can be hung in offices and classrooms for students of any age.Posters can be used to hang throughout school buildings or on bulletin boards for Character Traits of the Month.Posters can go along with Classroom Guidance Lessons or SEL/Charac Character development at the TDSB is about helping students learn and practice positive character attributes. Discuss how life is improved with good character traits. If no questions are asked . Insist on respect. Great to announce over the intercom. Teachers work with students to identify the specific qualities that are exhibited by people with these traits through classroom activities, role-playing, and character analysis. The purpose of CHARACTERplus is to emphasize positive character traits in all areas of a student's life. These students are those who have shown certain character traits for that particular month. Throughout the month, staff members are on the lookout for students who are exhibiting positive character in our school. This is a great document to print and display in your classroom or counseling office. All monthly winners receive a $50 . Microsoft Word - SOTM-Character-Traits-2-2.docx August 2015 Student of the Month Write ups Carol Taxter, ES Counselor Pre: They will nominate next month since their students are just starting. I created these units specifically around the CCSS for grade 7, but they can absolutely be used in grades 6-10 - please check the preview file to verify this. Found inside Page 93Students have to talk about the character trait and its implications Instead of focusing on the word of the week or month , the focus should be one or The core character traits are: Responsibility, Citizenship, Kindness, Respect, Honesty, Self-Control, Tolerance, and Cooperation. Character Trait of the Month. Students of the Month / Students of the Month. Found inside Page 6When I talk to students , I emphasize the character traits we use : respect include one good character trait each month in their school newsletters . The teachers look and watch for a student who shows these traits naturally in their . HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, AND BULLYING (HIB) PREVENTION. Hailey has a very strong work ethic and takes initiative to help others as needed. Armbruster, Lisa- 6th and 7th grade Science, Barlow, Kristi-High School Math, 7th grade Math, Honors 7th grade Math, Bishop, Christina-8th grade World Geography, Cheer Coach, Broden, Megan-7th World Civ, 8th Grade World Geography, Burnett, Rachel-8th grade Math, High School Math, Castillo, Donna-Digital Tools, Keyboarding, Art, Curry, Kari-6th grade ELA, 6th grade Gifted and Talented ELA, Gravel, Marissa-7th grade ELA, Gifted and Talented, Holsclaw, Meghan-7th and 8th grade Math, Honors 7th grade Math, Jilek, Christie-8th grade science, Astronomy, Medical Detectives, Lasure, Alexandra-6th grade Math, 7th grade Math, 6th grade Lit Lab, Marion, Justin-Athletic Director, 8th grade PE, Mason, Lori-7th and 8th grade GT, Honors 8th grade ELA, McKay, Sarah-6th grade Science, 6th grade World Civ, McMahan, Curtis-Technology, Computers, Keyboarding, Sapnas, Christen-Zoology, 8th grade Honors Science, Wildlife Biology, Stone, Kelli-8th grade Multifitness, 8th Grade PE, Suggs, William-6th grade World Civ/GT, 7th grade World Civ/7th grade GT, Tamminga, Ellen-6th grade Advanced Math, Math Lab 7, Topping, Karl-6th/7th/8th grade GT Science, Wheeler, Jami-7th grade World Civ/6th grade World Civ/Publications, Wheeler, Katherine-7th grade Health, 6th grade STEM, 7th grade PE, Zielgler, Alyssa-8th grade Math, Math Lab 8. Character Trait of the Month; Comets of the Month In an effort to reinforce essential character traits throughout our school we recognize students who display specific character traits each month--our Comets of the Month. September: Respect - Treating others and their property as you would like to be treated. Your classroom should be firmly established on a foundation of respect. Found insideThis new 2nd edition of Checking for Understanding has been updated to reflect the latest thinking in formative assessment and to show how the concepts apply in the context of Fisher and Freys work on gradual release of responsibility, Insist on respect. Cooperation Please verify this by taking a lo, This distance learning friendly resource includes 23 ready-to-go scripts (skits) and accompanying posters that allow your students to help teach important character traits to one another in a fun way. Tips To Make Your Program Successful . 01. of 10. Student of the Month Winners for January- "CARING" Congratulations to the following students who have been selected by their teachers for demonstrating the character trait of "CARING": Adventurers : Alireza Tofangdar and Lacey Lennington- Alireza's kindness is from the heart, genuine, and given freely. This is my work in progress baby. So new students should start with 1-1, which is Respect, for their first month of training. Found inside Page 30Pick one character trait a month and allow each student to come up with a few tangible ways to achieve that goal. For example, if the character trait for Most of your students will be able to identify if a character is kind or mean, but using character traits as a literacy tool is so much more than that. Trust 4990 North Meridian Road, Meridian, ID 83646, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). These students are celebrated by the entire school and their families at . Your classroom should be firmly established on a foundation of respect. November: Honor - A sense of what is right, just, and true. At the end of the month, teachers nominate students for our Character Trait of the month award, which is based on their achievements in demonstrating that month's character trait. Found inside Page 194 produced empirical data which demonstrates that students who participate in focusing on nine different core character traits each month : Commitment Found inside Page 322During his short career at Andover , Fan well upheld the best traditions of his race and displayed in a marked degree those admirable traits of character Ask students if a person's words match their actions. Each month we celebrate and study a different character trait that supports students in being well-rounded and confident children. Summer: It . - Brandon should be student of the month because he is a good friend, and he always makes me laugh. This is my work in progress baby.The resource is set up to introduce one activity every week, such as every Mo, This is a long time coming. Because of this, Makayla began seeing her grades drop. Character Traits of the Month. Found inside Page 562Gentleman on Half - Pay , Lights and Literature of the Month ( for August ) Elephants , Parts II . , Irish Character , Traits of , & c . , in the III . Lesson Plan: Characters- Paperbag Princess. December: Love/Caring - Being kind, helpful, and giving. October = Respect. The Big Five (or OCEAN) assessment analyzes individuals based on the most common traits found within the global community. She goes above and beyond without being prompted. She is an exemplar student and possesses the character traits of a great Husky. Found inside Page 42Student menus , the nine character traits and their corollaries . As a result , district calendars , and directories highlight the character you can walk Keep up the great work! The student Jul 27, 2018 - These Monthly Character Trait Posters go along with the 2018-19 Student Planner. Found inside Page 562Gentleman on Half - Pay , Lights and Literature of the Month ( for August ) Elephants , Parts II . , Irish Character , Traits of , & c . , in the III . 10 Character Words They Ask Questions . 12 Character traits, simple definitions and Bible verses. The students will be recognized with a special certificate delivered by the principal! In the school community, character development is woven into programs and practices it becomes a way of life. Found inside Page 65The seven virtues become a template for creating students ' character , guiding their actions a different character trait can be emphasized each month . Try the first month, Short Story of the Month Club, Grade 7Grab this collection of popular Short Story Units tailored for Grade 7! Traits 2015-2016 August and September Responsibility October and November Citizenship December and January Respect . 5 Activities for Each Term She is recognized for her excellent academic work, strong contributions to the All Saints community, and positively, joyful personality. Transfer information back and forth between staff and school counselors. Found inside Page 159The sensei takes time to correct each student's technique , moving a hand here , a stance there demonstrated character traits , and skill performance . Treat other people with respect and dignity. The PACE Awards are an opportunity to honor and celebrate students who demonstrate the importance of good character. For elementary teachers, dedicate a small chunk of your day, or so many story time sessions a week to reading children's books that emphasize character traits. The Six Pillars of Character are the core ethical values of CHARACTER COUNTS! Names of child, This "Character Trait of the Month" download is a perfect, simple way to incorporate character education into your daily morning meeting routine!You will receive two bulletin board templates that you can print on the color of your choice, read-aloud suggestions, student nomination cards, student of, 10 Character Trait/Character Education PostersThese posters can be hung in offices and classrooms for students of any age.Posters can be used to hang throughout school buildings or on bulletin boards for Character Traits of the Month.Posters can go along with Classroom Guidance Lessons or SEL/Charac. What is respect? During the six months of September through November and January through March, a Golden Rule Character Student of the Month is recognized in each of the Glynn County and McIntosh County Public Schools. Found inside Page 76Students can be assigned a positive behavior trait and draw out what they think that attribute looks like. Then the library can have a character education IB students tell us they bring this commitment to community and others to their activities and leadership roles at university and carry it throughout their lives. The traits we celebrate are: September = Responsibility. Criteria for selecting the Students of the Month should include (but are not limited to) the following: Effort. Counselor Corner. A "Student of the Month" is chosen from each classroom each month of school. Purposefulness Student of the month criteria. Respect He's helpful and follows classroom . Below is a list of the recognized trait for each month of the year. Found inside Page 1385Many students have learned to like and love one another for their character traits and personalities rather than the color of their skins . Spruce students are involved in learning-activities designed to develop good character and empower them to make good choices for themselves. STUDENT OF THE MONTH THEMES Teachers: These are the themes that we will be focusing on for the Student of the Month. Character education is part of everyday at West University. Try the first month (August!) Quality attributes include a mix of hard and soft skills, all of which you can strengthen with daily practice. Though there are many challenges to this year, Chloe has handled herself with grace. Before choosing a title, come up with an idea for how you would like your class to study character. By clicking accept, you agree to the use of cookies for the best possible experience, including for site functionality, personalised ads & content. Traits by Month; Character Counts! Found insideDiving into the types of kindness the world needs most today, this book takes an honest look at the gap between our belief in kindness and our ability to practice it welland shows us how to put intention into action. Character Education Seen as Student-Achievement Tool. They would continue in this manner until all 9 are completed. STUDENTS OF THE MONTH are the selected students that have proven to be good examples of the highlighted character trait for that particular month Amherst staff encourages the students to learn and understand the values of each of the different character traits as important building blocks to become successful in every day life. Through the promotion of cross-cultural understanding and core character traits, youth are equipped with the tools to succeed in the global community in which they live. Hoover School 273 Murray Hill Terrace Bergenfield, NJ 07621. A positive attitude can make difference between conflict or connection. Seamlessly assign resources as digital activities. These resources are focused around Common Core Standards for Grade 8, but they are absolutely still relevant for all middle grades student, This is an extremely thorough, full 2-week unit for the short story "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl. You can also improve your chances of getting a job by exhibiting certain positive traits. If you are not sure how to select the student of the month here are some ideas: Students who receive a specific GPA; Students who exemplify outstanding character traits such as honesty, compassion, integrity, responsibility, trustworthiness, etc. Character Education Units and Lessons by Theme Each of these ten character traits is featured in three units, one unit per grade level. Chloe is kind, respectful, and positive. Morgan Jaquez is our 5th grade, January, "Student of the Month". Randa deserves this award because she exhibits excellent character at Thomas Jefferson Middle School. Take responsibility for what goes on around you. Found inside Page 541Monthly recognition programs. Dogwood holds a monthly award ceremony to recognize students for both academic and character traits. For example, the Student Found insideMy character is the only thing that many times distinguishes me from others. 3. says, The character trait program our staff has developed is without a Character traits can be hard for younger learners to grasp. Here are 10 tips to think about when teaching character traits in your classroom, that allow your students to think about, discuss and put into action the character traits that are so very important to our society. He is kind, respectful, and always contributes in a positive way. Character Traits of the Month; Hoover School; Character Traits of the Month 2012-2013. Schools invite community leaders to speak to illustrate the trait and motivate students. A description of the character word and what it looks like in our school is shared during morning announcements at the beginning of each new month. Carston is always positive, polite, and courteous to peers and teachers. Participate in community service and help take care of the environment. Although the units are assigned a grade level and suggested month for teaching, all of these are aligned to standards for grades 6-8 and may be taught at any time. Risk-takers. program, into our curriculum. She is an exemplar student and possesses the character traits of a great Husky. Ground zero for the condition according to a massive study of 58,000 subjects in the U.K. in 2012 is among people born in May. Covers various aspect of effective discipline systems, including discussion of the crucial components of classroom discipline and universal techniques for teachers. The above traits are embodied within The Golden Rule. These resources are focused around Common Core Standards for Grade 7, but they are absolutely still relevant for all middle grades students who are reading "The Lottery" or science fiction/dystopian, Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo Novel Study contains lessons aligned to the Common Core Standards (CCSS) for grades 3-5. Students of the Month were also recognized for possessing the character traits of respect, caring, integrity, responsibility and self-discipline. What does respect mean to you? On behalf of the 8th grade teachers, Mrs. Bishop, nominates Cooper Crane for November's Student of the Month. I have wanted to find an easy, time saving way to introduce some social emotional type lessons without taking away a lot of class time that I don't have to spare. Each DeKalb school's integration of character education should emphasize the monthly systemwide traits listed below along with any of the remaining eighteen character traits the site chooses to emphasize: Respect, Responsibility, Caring. An introduction to leadership draws on a program developed for an elementary school to show how to apply the principles of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" to help everyone, including young children, identify and use their Student Intent to Return; Administration" Mrs. Weyenberg, Principal; . 8th Grade: Cooper Crane On behalf of the 8th grade teachers, Mrs. Bishop, nominates Cooper Crane for November's Student of the Month. Found inside Page 75Promoting Student Engagement in an Era of Accountability Dana Mitra, Children received citizenship rewards for reflecting this character trait. Dont make others do what you are supposed to do. Each month has a different character trait to focus on. It is not a part of the Department of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status. Ha Lien Gaskin and John Reyes Cruz are two students in my class who have always exhibited responsibility and respect everyday that they come into . A handbook to accompany Robert J. Marzano's "Classroom Management That Works" offers ways to implement the research-based classroom management practices to support higher student achievement. Makayla is the January student of the month from Mrs. Moore's homeroom. She is hard working, kind, and has a positive attitude. Learn how in 5 minutes with a tutorial resource. Found inside Page 34This helps students hear the character traits throughout each classroom and our students developed to how take that felt they this reflection month. we October: Responsibility - Taking ownership of and admitting to your own behavior. At the end of each month teachers may submit recommendations for "Citizens of the Month." Students are selected who most embodied that months character trait. I have witnessed her talking with new people and standing up for people when needed. He is a conscientious student and always tries to do his best. Each month we celebrate and study a different character trait that supports students in being well-rounded and confident children. Character Trait of the Month. Each poster focuses on a different character trait with a corresponding quote. In order to receive this honor,a student much show excellent character both in and out . Each month, Center Grove High School staff members may each nominate one student who has exhibited the character trait designated by CGCSC for that month to be honored as a Student of the Month. The next time you find yourself thinking about your children, try to think of their characteristics in a positive light. This is my work in progress baby.The resource is set up to introduce one activity every week, such as every M, Short Story of the Month Club, 6th GradeGrab this collection of popular Short Story Units tailored for 6th grade reading! Responsibility. Teaching character traits can be challenging, but picture books are a perfect tool to help your students develop a deeper understanding. Take responsibility for your actions; dont make excuses or blame others. Character Traits of the Month . Character Education is the proactive effort by schools and districts to teach and instill in their students important core, ethical values. These resources are focused around Common Core Standards for Grade 7, but they are absolutely still relevant for all middle grades students who are studying this story. . Found inside Page 29Students were introduced to common character traits , and designed and with student - led programs in honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month and October = Respect. I laminate the pages and put them on binder rings to make a flipchart. Celebrate each students personal character trait with these monthly trait posters and awards. We will read books, hold class meetings, watch video clips, and learn about the power of these traits and what they look line in action. Found inside Page 12to brainstorm more ideas to improve student motivation . Rewards are given for perfect attendance , most - improved students , and even character traits The Six Pillars of Character. Here are 300 words to get you started: determined On behalf of the 8th grade teachers, I, Mrs. Cain, nominate Chloe Ayers for November's Student of the Month. He is not afraid to show leadership and help those who may be struggling. | Blackboard Web Community . Thankfulness I am excited to have Ryann as a part of the HMS community and I am excited for her future. Makayla, too, is a great success story. -August/Sept: Inclusivity. At the end of each month, students from each class are nominated and recognized as outstanding examples of our monthly trait and receive their awards at a schoolwide assembly. Most teachers want students to ask questions when they do not understand a concept that is being taught. Promote Best Practices - Teachers need to understand the importance of character education to help students feel safe and respected. Hailey is attentive in class, contributes to class discussions, and is always present during her online/remote sessions. Each month, or cluster of months, our students will explore Character Traits that we are all trying to develop in ourselves. They can then watch the vi. At the end of the month, teachers nominate students for our Character Trait of the month award, which is based on their achievements in demonstrating that month's character trait. Found inside Page 62He found that focusing on the character trait through an art project improved Many teachers have a student of the month , who decorates the bulletin We know our actions count. Tact Enjoy! Character through compassion, honesty, trustworthiness, optimism, and responsibility. However, in order to respond as required to the lessons thought by coaches, parents, and teachers, students must possess the following 23 great qualities to become good students. Ive chos, This is an extremely thorough, full 3-week (14 days!) We believe that these six core values trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship will assist each student in becoming a better person. Educators integrate discussions of traits into classroom and school-wide activities for the month, which are reinforced with special projects and activities, and are tied to achievement awards or other positive feedback methods. Packet #2 Includes Carol Dweck is a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. You can focus on these themes as they apply in your classroom. Treat other people the way you want to be treated. Harrison exemplifies what it means to be a Heritage Husky. Found inside Page 1385Many students have learned to like and love one another for their character traits and personali . ties rather than the color of their skins . She is the world's most recognised student of the mindset trait. Packet Includes Character Traits of the Month Found inside Page 83April can be an extremely hectic month for ninth and tenth grade students because of actions, character traits and themes of their assigned readings. Ask students if a person's words match their actions. They also received a Student of the Month certificate signed by their House . unit for the short story/drama version of "The Diary of Anne Frank" by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett. For the Spokane Valley Awards, one student from each of the 52 schools (K-12) partnering with PACE in the Spokane Valley, Freeman and Tekoa districts is selected to represent their school at the annual PACE Awards. These traits are taught and reinforced through the morning announcements, classroom lessons and student and staff-created videos. Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.3- Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. Each kindness makes the world a little better This unforgettable book is written and illustrated by the award-winning team that created The Other Side and the Caldecott Honor winner Coming On Home Soon. They can be hung up in your classroom to support the work you do around character education. Found inside Page 259Each month, teachers and adults focused on a character trait (e.g., caring, courage) and students were taught behaviors to exhibit these traits in different Our students will be learning and showing positive character traits throughout the school year. Found inside Page 79We spent the first month of school training students in the tools they would be different graphic organizers out there for plotting character traits. You will find the following posters in black. A student from each classroom will be nominated by the teacher as "Student of the Month", for doing an outstanding job of exemplifying the monthly trait. I have wanted to find an easy, time saving way to introduce some social emotional type lessons without taking away a lot of class time that I don't have to spare. Each month students focus on a different character trait. It is not always an easy decision to come to as we have wonderful students and families at our school. A letter was sent home to all the parents of these wonderful students explaining the personal reason for their nomination. Good citizenship. Found inside Page 359She can also provide instruction orally, as your young students are in the to develop a character with at least two traits, while another student may Student (s) of the Month. Carston never complains about an assignment or the amount of work required of him. Self-respect and respect for others are the basis of all other positive character traits. Keep up the great work, we are proud to call Ryann student of the month! Found inside Page 16111.5 We assess our students ' progress in developing an emotional attachment and commitment to the qualities of good character - for example , by asking Student of the Month for March - Luis Cortez Outstanding Characteristics: * has shown outstanding growth in all academic areas * completes quality work on time * uses study time wisely * contributes to class discussions * extremely hard-working - committed to his education * always willing to volunteer & peer tutor * [] Perseverance The five teaching steps are: Step 1. Accept Cookie Preferences. Students also learn about character via our Tiger Paws traits of the month. This is a private organization. Each simple design stays up for one month of character focus - or all longer if you'd like! Be reliable and dependable; when you agree to do something, do it. Carston Clyde has been a true silver lining in this difficult year. Honor Many of the characteristics that are undervalued in children are the very characteristics valued in adults. He's really funny. Understanding Terrace Bergenfield, NJ 07621 self-respect and respect will never work if your school, your community, development, ethical values joy and is respected in our school a better place respect will never work if your,! Possesses the character trait during Kid & # x27 ; s words match their actions no governmental status you Of the month good citizenship ; academic of getting a job by exhibiting certain traits! 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