Top Battles with God Of Gods Shazam. Back at it with hilariously downplaying Marvel characters I see? Needs to speak in order to fire lightning. Shazam can beat Superman, and Sentry can beat Thor. Info 2.1 Background 2.2 Powers 2.3 Feats 3 DEATH BATTLE! His victories against Superman are primarily due to Superman restraining himself and Superman's vulnerability against godly magic. Shazam vs Hulk is a Death Battle adopted by Simbiothero. Shazam is a bullshit character like most DC superheroes. GLADIATOR vs SUPERMAN 05. Thanos (MCU) Even if you are correct, 1) Hulk is more human than her 2) So you are admitting that yes, it is true that Thanos and Hulk are stronger her than her. Collecting Immortal Hulk #1-5 and material from Avengers (2016) #684 by Jim Zub and Mark Waid. How come? As much as Shazam is a kid, his ability of Achilles fighting prowess puts him on a legendary scale. The Riddler. An all-new original novel in which the most powerful hero in the Marvel Universe must free Inhuman slaves imprisoned on a distant world. In the film, Loki willingly surrendered himself to S.H.I.E.L.D. Shazam Is a series where the 2 hosts, Wiz and Boomstick who pit up 2 characters who fight to the death 1 Series 1.1 Season 1 1.2 Season 2 1.3 Season 3 1.4 Season 4 1.5 Season 5 1.6 Season 6 1.7 Season 7 1.8 Season 8 1.9 Bonus Episodes 2 DBX 2.1 Pilot 2.2 Season 1 2.3 Season 2 2.4 Season 3. Powered by RedCircle And on the next episode of Who Would Win.We are LIVE to debate one of the strongest characters in the history of comics vs one of the most iconic anime characters of all time!Will The Incredible Hulk (Repped by James) get enraged enough to end Sailor Moon (Repped by Ray) w . EmperorDedede wrote: The Green Goliath vs the Scarlet Speedster! Basically I choose some superheroes or villains that I think that are a good match for each other. Mister Mxyzptlk vs Shazam. As a rampaging Hulk started tearing through the Helicarrier, Thor stepped in to fight the rage-fuelled monster. Hulk vs Doomsday #. Shazam vs Hulkis a Death Battle adopted by Simbiothero 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Shazam 4 Hulk 5 Death Battle 6 Results DC Comics vs Marvel! Moving on, enjoy this video to see their full strengths and weaknesses and who would win in a death battle. This is how Captain Marvel (Shazam) is usually able to get the better of him, despite having similar strength and abilities. And maybe comic Thor too. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Collecting Avengers: Ultron Forever #1, New Avengers: Ultron, Incredible Hulk (1962) #6, Iron Man (1968) #188, Thor (1966) #378, and Uncanny Avengers: Ultron Forever #1, plus more classic content! DC eventually backed down, kept the character design and changed the name to Shazam. By Evan Mullicane Published May 08, 2021. Shazam is a bullshit character like most DC superheroes. 1 Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far 1.1 Battles Royale 1.2 With the Avengers 1.3 Battle Record 1.4 Possible Opponents 2 History 3 Death . Shazam's powers also bestow him with the specific abilities that the wizard Shazam inherited from figures in Greco-Roman myth. In his real form he survived a high fall into ocean. Somehow, this is the calm before the storm as the destruction and chaos caused by the Hulk versus Hulk match is just a precursor for things to come. General Nick Fury turns to Wolverine for help when he hears that Dr. Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk, is alive, but the nearly unkillable Wolverine may have finally met his match in the green goliath. However, if you give Thor the odinforce or thorforce, his power is quadrupled. Billy - 125 lbs (56.7 kg)Shazam - 250 lbs (113.5 kg). Thor. . Despite being powerful and fueled by multiple gods; Shazam is still mortal and still has limits. Top Battles with God Of Gods Shazam. Fantastic vs. Broly vs Hulk Death Battle(with next season prediction correction) Yoda vs King Mickey(kingdom hearts) death battle. Sign up with Email . . To death or ko. While adjusting to being joined with Genis, the son of the original Captain Marvel, Rick Jones battles a Hyssta calling itself Captain Marvel and rescues Marlo from the Canadian woods, after which Moondragon and her father further ... Superman defeated him by using him as a human shield to block his lightning, This can occur even if Billy says "Shazam" unintentionally. Location: Gotham City. The fight between two powerful heroes with incredible powers, but they have the mentality of a child. Bruce Banner, AKA The Incredible Hulk, is a character from the Marvel Comics franchise. 3 Would Defeat . I like this match tbh. Shazam is basically the equivalent of superman and would beat Thor anytime easily. 1 History 2 DEATH BATTLE! Shazam A.K.A. I'm a big Shazam/Captain Marvel fan so my answer is probably biased, but still has a lot of truth to it. Hulk's Monstrous Wife Joins His Battle Against the Avengers. 3 Would Defeat . A harrowing new adventure featuring one of Marvel Comics' most enduring characters. Sentry can easily beat either (assuming fighting at best, so stable) and . Injustice Superman froze his mouth shut with his freeze-breath before frying his brain with heat vision. SENTRY vs NUCLEARMAN 06. Abandoned What-If? Billy - StudentShazam - Superhero Fantastic vs. I think if we were to go comic counterparts of Shazam vs Avengers the only one that would stand a chance is likely Hulk as long as hes getting angrier and angrier. Plastic M. Warning! Unoriginal Memes wrote: Death Battles Category, How to Create Your Own What-If Death Battles, General Death Battle TN and Template Blog, Elite Four (Kill la Kill) vs Elite Four (Pokemon), 'Hero vs. Anti-Hero' themed Death Battles, Death Battles with a Returning OMM Combatant, 'Disney vs. Warner Bros' themed Death Battles, Death Battles under construction for 1 year, Death Battles with a returning DBX combatant, Death Battles under construction for 2 years. Blang: But today . Ok Shazam has access . Found insideBut when Thanos' devious scheme comes to a head, can the Hulk survive? And can Thanos withstand the Hulk's pure physical power unleashed? Find out right here! Collecting Thanos Vs. Hulk #1-4 and Warlock (1972) #12. COLLECTING: MARVEL SUPER-HEROES (1967) 12-13; CAPTAIN MARVEL (1968) 1, 34; MARVEL SPOTLIGHT (1979) 1-2; MARVEL GRAPHIC NOVEL 1: THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN MARVEL Eventually, he's going to connect and Shazam is going slow down and that's all the opening Hulk needs. Hulk lost both. Shazam vs. Goku spends 5 episodes yelling and preparing for a 36 episode long 3-punch battle. Moving on, enjoy this video to see their full strengths and weaknesses and who would win in a death battle. 104 Aquaman VS Namor • 105 Mega Man Battle Royale • 106 Black Widow VS Widowmaker • 107 Captain Marvel VS Shazam • 108 Wario VS King Dedede • 109 Ben 10 VS Green Lantern • 110 Weiss VS Mitsuru • 111 Johnny Cage VS Captain Falcon • 112 Aang VS Edward Elric • 113 Ghost Rider VS Lobo • 114 Dragonzord VS Mechagodzilla • 115 . She appeared in the 78th episode of DEATH BATTLE!, Android 18 VS Captain Marvel, where she fought against Android 18 from theDragon Ball series. Fantastic vs. When thinking about Superman and Shazam's greatest fights, one cannot ignore their epic battle in Mark Waid and Alex Ross' celebrated miniseries Kingdom Come. DEATH BATTLE! Death Battle Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Shazam vs hulk is 50/50 but black Adam . Shazam, the charismatic care-free champion of the Justice . All it takes is one hit and Loki is knocked out. Nyxs: and it is our job to analyze their armor, weapons, and skill to find who would win, a Death Battle. Plus, avoiding the Hulk just makes him madder, which just makes him stronger. Hulk vs Spongebob). Hulk may have strength but Doomsday has durability, agility, speed, immortality, resurrection and extreme adaption/evolution. Greetings and welcome to my first ever Death Battle Prediction blog and it is going to be Captain Marvel from Marvel vs Shazam from DC. Shazam has the strength of Hercules, but Thor defeated both the Hulk the Marvel Hercules before, and both have been stated to have infinite strength. Abandoned What-If? "Rogue vs. Wonder Woman": Rogue is flying in the sky, and suddenly, Wonder Woman … Found inside – Page 1After the events of INFINITE CRISIS, the world is in magical turmoil! Found inside – Page 127July 2: The sharp-clawed Wolverine makes his first appearance on the final page of The Incredible Hulk #180, interrupting a battle between the Hulk and ... Read at your own risk. This is Insomniacs Spider Man series against the Batman Arkham series. If it was a death match, I would side with T2. They also have a form based on a path in life where they willingly became evil (Lord Drakkon & Dark Enerjak), being the main villain of that storyline.) For the next episode of Death Battle, there's no better way to celebrate what it means to embody what that word means than to pit two of comic history's greatest heroes who have personified it the most against each other. Hulk versus the world, in an epic story of anger unbound! Exiled by his so-called friends, the Hulk has raged, bled and conquered on the alien planet Sakaar. His life would change after one fateful train ride took him to the lair of an ancient wizard named Mamaragan. Get your first 3 meals free at The rivalry between Thor and Hulk began in 2012's The Avengers. Mr. Whenever Billy says the magic word, he transforms into adult-like super-powered being as he intends to go good. Still retains child mind and is inexperienced and at times, immature. That's the answer. Team Superman (Pre-Crisis) vs Team Captain America (Worthy) Thor (Odin Force) vs God Of Gods Shazam. In that fight (decided by fan votes) Superman tells his opponent he needs to "put [him] down," and won by punching the Hulk so hard he was knocked out cold. this is a murderstomp in favor of Shazam. Age The Incredible Hulk is a character from Marvel Comics. Found inside – Page 37The “new” Captain Marvel is arrested for causing may- hem, and saving the city ... the Hulk, who is not very thrilled about having to fight the Wendigo. Team Barbatos vs Team Knull. Title: The God of Gods. The ultimate collection of the creator that defined Captain Marvel! Under the aegis of writer/artist Jim Starlin, CAPTAIN MARVEL evolved into one of comics most influential titles. Robinhood is giving viewers a free stock at http://battle.robinhood.Blue Apron: Get $60 off at There's a slight mix-up in th. Black Panther . Wario. Title: The Sub-Mariner. Death Battles Category, How to Create Your Own What-If Death Battles, General Death Battle TN and Template Blog, Elite Four (Kill la Kill) vs Elite Four (Pokemon), Electrokinesis, healing, dimensional travel, Turned an army of sand to glass in 1 strike, Aliases: Shazam, Captain Thunder, The Big Red Cheese, Captain Marvel, Earth's Mightiest Mortal, Height: 5'4" (Billy Batson), 6'2" (Shazam), Weight: 125 lbs (Billy Batson), 250 lbs (Shazam), Resistance to Magic and Mind Manipulation, Can survive in space and without food, water, or air for extended periods of time, Comparable to and keep up with Black Adam, Punched a monster so hard he created a small black hole, Helped Superman lift the 'Book of Infinite Pages', which contains every book possible (the entire DC multiverse not just Earth), Has sparred with such powerful heroes as Superman and Wonder Woman (albeit having lost against them), Survives attacks from the Void Hound, which has destroyed ten star systems during a test run, Moved himself and a train full of people so fast that gravity could not catch up to them, Saved Superman before by speed-blitzing Bizarro, Solomon Grundy, Parasite, and Metallo, Managed to wield the Specter's Spear of Destiny - overpowering its ability to possess with will of mind - and then speared him, Changed the Earth's weather patterns by flying across it... to spell a message. This left Marvel with claim to the name. Earth Mightiest Mortal vs Strongest man on Earth. Round 2 Miles vs Robin and Nightwing. The two big superhero gaming franchises come face to face. Whiz Comics #2 (Feb. 1940) Marcadores: 2011, 2019, dc comics, dc universe, dc universe rebirth, dc universo, geoff johns, justice league, liga da justiça, os novos 52!, shazam!, shazam! Plastic Man from the story Superhero Death Battle by Nman1234 (Batman) with 209 reads. This battle can go either way. Hulk can't fly and he would be vulnerable to BA and Shazam's attacks. The fight between two powerful heroes with incredible powers, but they have the mentality of a child. Doctor Strange (My Answer) Falcon vs. Hawkman. and manipulated Bruce Banner into transforming into the Hulk. WELCOME TO SUPERHERO DEATH ZONE! Thor wins, Shazam is a kid and has no combat experience — Supercoolvibez Of Portharcourt ⚡ (@djsavyofficial) October 10, 2019. He fought Juggernaut in an episode of DBX. Found inside – Page 120Since applying for the hung on an uneven final battle between Mar-Vell and ... was The Death of Captain Marvel (April 1982), the first Marvel Graphic Novel. "Two of the world's greatest heroes are brought together in the action-packed collection Superman vs. The superhero Shazam is challenging Loki the God of Mischief in an epic fight to the death. Found inside – Page 1Friendships are forged, losses are mourned and lives are transformed in these rare tales that dance between the raindrops of some of the most revered X-Men comics of all time! Before the name change (which was forced by Marvel in what may have. Team Superman Prime vs Team Iron Man (God-Killer) Team Shazam vs Team Thor. Time travel warriors clash and only one will leap into victory's history book!Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring our channel OR . Take a shot for each badly-lopsided/random matchup suggestion in the comments (eg. Info 2.1 Background 2.2 Powers & Abilities 2.3 Feats 3 Cameo Appearances 4 DBX 5 Gallery 6 Trivia 7 References Originally known as "The Ultimate", Doomsday was born . 1)Shazam, he is universal while Hulk is at best galaxy scaling to Sentry, Shazam have the Intelligence, Speed, Strenght, Durability and Hax, plus he can bypass Hulk's insane healing factor. The Mummy(1999)(Sabrewulf Vs. Jon Talbain) Konosuba(Genos Vs. War Machine?) Shazam vs Captain Marvel Death Battle. Shazam vs. Thor is a Death Battle written by GoldenMaster7. Wario vs King Dedede Death Battle. 1 History 2 DEATH BATTLE! Found inside – Page 151As a climactic battle unfolds between Superman's league and his opponents ... Shazam the choice of deciding whether to destroy the metahumans or the humans. Found inside – Page 1Collects Avengers Annual (1967) #10; Uncanny X-Men (1981) #158, 171, 269; Ms. Marvel (2006) #9-10; X-Men Legacy (2008) #269-270; Captain Marvel (2019) #4-5; material from Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) #11. one has beaten cosmic entities and tagged the Flash the other can barely stand up to a demigod and has been speedblitzed by Spiderman. Captain Marvel (MCU) vs Thanos (MCU) #. Also Hulk's strength will do nothing to Doomsday. 1 Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far 1.1 As Earth-199999 (MCU) Hulk 1.2 As the Maestro 1.3 As World War Hulk 1 . When the Heir. Bio: Billy Batson was not the happiest of kids, being an orphan and going through lots of foster homes that he didn't take well to. She previously fought Android 18 in the 78th episode ofDEATH BATTLE!, Android 18 VS Captain Marvel, and Shazam in the 107th episode, Captain Marvel VS Shazam. Quotes 4 Gallery 5 Trivia 6 References Billy Batsonis a young orphan . Yes, I feel that this is a good matchup for both. Billy Batson is an foster child living who gone through several foster homes before he was spirited away by the Wizard of the Rock of Eternity, Shazam, to chose a champion pure of heart. What is extremis, who has unleashed it, and what does its emergence portend for the world?"--P. [4] of cover. Occupation Found insideCollects Hulkverines 1-3 & Totally Awesome Hulk #22. Name: Billy Batson. In the DC vs. Marvel crossover by Ron Marz, Peter David, Dan Jurgens, and Claudio Castellini, Earth's Mightiest Heroes from both universes battle with their respective worlds on the line. Plastic Man from the story Superhero Death Battle by Nman1234 (Batman) with 209 reads. WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. I think if we were to go comic counterparts of Shazam vs Avengers the only one that would stand a chance is likely Hulk as long as hes getting angrier and angrier. Mr. It's the confrontation that every single Marvel comic has been building to: the Merc With a Mouth versus the Jerk With That Jaw! They are now universal because pre-crisis and other continuities merging. Take a shot for each Memetic Badass/creepypasta suggested as a combatant. In 1984's All-Star Squadron #36 (by Roy Thomas, Rich Buckler and Richard Howell), Shazam falls under the control of the Nazis and is forced to fight Superman and the rest of the Justice Society of America.Now, this is the Earth-2 Superman, but he has all the same powers and weaknesses of Earth-1 Superman, so this still counts as a battle between Shazam and the "main" version of Superman and . Found inside – Page 824)-Fights the Bat 3 9 35 CAPTAIN MARVEL (Marvel's Space-Born Super-Hero! ... Marvel battles Hulk; last 15c issue 3 9 40 22-24 2 6 20 25,26: 25-Starlin-c/a ... Found inside – Page 252Hulk; 1st Thing solo book (9/73); origin Fantastic Four retold 6 18 75 12- ... ($5.95/$6.95> 1 -Death of Captain Marvel (2nd Marvel graphic novel); Capt. Superman has actually won the majority of their duels. Eventually, he's going to connect and Shazam is going slow down and that's all the opening Hulk needs. Team Milkman Man vs Team Old King Phoenix Thor (Earth-14412) Team Hellbat vs Team Captain America . Found inside – Page 1Collects Captain Marvel (2019) #12-17. Captain Marvel takes on the Avengers — to the death! Carol Danvers has fought alien hordes. Rescued the X-Men. Punched Thanos in the face. Literally saved the world! Found inside – Page 29He came over and wanted to fight . ... The Captain Marvel pages do not have the same look as Tuska's other Golden Age art because Fawcett requested that the ... Found insideNamor, the Black Panther, She-Hulk, the Silver Surfer, Spider-Man: All were returned to their lives, with only hazy memories of the battle just fought. Shazam vs Incredilbe Hulk (Marvel vs DC) Earth… EmperorDedede wrote: I like this match tbh 1)Shazam, he is universal while Hulk is at best galaxy scaling to Sentry, Shazam have the Intelligence, Speed, Strenght, Durability and Hax, plus he can bypass Hulk's insane healing factor. Collects Daredevil: The Man Without Fear #1-5 Could be depowered if he says his name while as "Shazam" or really strong lightning hits him. You can also create a variation of your battle. Bio: Born the half-breed son between a human and an Atlantean (and bearing Mutant genes), Namor McKenzie spent his whole life in Atlantis, raised to rule it as King. Rebirth is only solar system level. Atrocitus vs. Red Hulk (My Answer) The Joker vs. Spongebob Squarepants(Wally West Vs. Archie Sonic, Etc?) Set in an alternate future where Billy Batson had grown into an adult, Shazam - still going by the name Captain Marvel, had been brainwashed by Lex Luthor who used a mind . Team Doomsday vs Team Hulk. Fantastic vs. You guys/gals vote for who do you think would win, then I will post a new chapter . Charged151 6 months ago #14. Carol Danvers, AKA the second Captain Marvel, and formerly Miss Marvel, is a character from Marvel Comics. Doomsday is the key factor, I love hulk but I'm willing to say that, he solos the other team then kills his partner just for laughs, with his supiour . Plus, avoiding the Hulk just makes him madder, which just makes him stronger. Let's find out!Be sure to subscribe!Social Media:FaceBook - DanCoTwitter - @offi. 20IMMORTAL Probably the most powerful ability that Shazam has is that he is literally immortal. the big Savage (since Shazam's old nickname was "the big cheese"). Pages that go into this category are the Death Battle main page, the list of episode pages, and the Wiz and Boomstick characters. Background Info Therefore, no matt. Shazam and Hulk vs Doomsday and Abomination. Take a shot for each time Saitama is suggested as a fighter. Found inside – Page 1It's a normal, quiet day at Empire State University, filled with lots of lectures and higher education - until a fistfight breaks out! It's the Avengers, the New Warriors, the X-Men and more against the omnipotent Eternal, Thanos! The Mad Titan has become the most powerful being in the universe, and enslavement or destruction may be the only choices he gives it! This is especially sad, since calling CM "Shazam" ruins the story. Falcon vs. Hawkman (My Answer) Atrocitus vs. Red Hulk. What would you name Death Battle soundtrack for Shazam vs Hulk? He appeared in the 69th episode of DEATH BATTLE!, Hulk VS Doomsday, where he fought against The Hulk from Marvel Comics. Get notified when Superhero Death Battle is updated. I live to kill you.Doomsday to Superman Doomsday is a supervillain from DC Comics. Age: 12-15. Team Captain America (Worthy) (MCU) . Powered by RedCircle And in the next episode of Who Would Win.Power meets Power in a battle of Blue vs Green!Will Super Powered Lawyer She-Hulk (Repped by James) have enough strength and wits to overcome the "failed" clone of Superman known as Bizarro (Repped by Ray) in a knock down . Hulk may have strength but Doomsday has durability, agility, speed, immortality, resurrection and extreme adaption/evolution. Shazam vs saitama (Complete) Maui vs. Shazam Shazam VS Thor (Complete) Captain Marvel vs Shazam (Complete) Ben 10 VS Shazam (Complete) Shazam vs Sonic (Complete) Goku vs Shazam. Shazam can take some shots, but even if he tries to get some separation or use his superspeed or flight, the Hulk is still extremely hard to hurt. The thorforce is the power of 3 Asga. Death Battle Predictions: Lex Luthor VS Doctor Doom .