Usually it is only the drunks who come over the side of an oil-tanker singing, but this was no drunk. a ship, lorry, or aeroplane designed to carry liquid in bulk, such as oil. (automotive, US) A tank truck. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). To suffer a sudden decline or failure. All Free. I have to call it quits after two or three beers. "Tanking" occurs when the unit's intention is to be the one taking in damage (typically by being dangerous or detrimental, or using a game mechanic that forces it to be targeted), and secondly, to ensure that they can survive this damage through sheer health pointsor mitigation. Oil tanker. An oil tanker, also known as a petroleum tanker, is a ship designed for the bulk transport of oil or its products. There are two basic types of oil tankers: crude tankers and product tankers. Crude tankers move large quantities of unrefined crude oil from its point of extraction to refineries. tanker (plural tankers) 1. Found insideThough it is designed specifically to assist readers in avoiding the use of inappropriate or erroneous phrases, the book can also be used as a regular phraseological dictionary providing definitions to individual idioms, cliches, and set ... Or importing water from the Great Lakes in railroad, Under a proposal by Robert Pinoli, president of the Skunk Train’s parent company, Mendocino Railway, diesel locomotives could pull eight, There was a shortage of truck drivers, and of, According to the Idaho State Journal, one of the disposal methods that FMC employed involved burying 21, Though a disaster did not occur, federal prosecutors said the decoupling could have caused the, Fire snaked along the train on the bridge, burning through the wooden cars, including a flatbed of lumber, heading toward two, Her appointment comes as Boeing faces problems with defense aircraft, including its military refueling, Post the Definition of tanker to Facebook, Share the Definition of tanker on Twitter, “In Vino Veritas” and Other Latin Phrases to Live By. I have to call it quits after two or three beers. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. (automotive, US) A tank truck. 2. Prove that nothing is amiss with your vocabulary skills by taking this quiz on popular eighth grade vocabulary. They pump their haul of diluted bitumen into tanker cars in the terminal's loading yard, thick with the smell of petroleum. Tanker definition: A tanker is a very large ship used for transporting large quantities of gas or liquid,... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The cargo tanker was a long-distance freight haulage solution designed by Virella Systems for use in conjunction with several classes of Xizor cargo containers. In this respect it was similar to Virella Systems' other widespread cargo vessel, the cargo freighter . ¹. Surf Terms, Slang and Phrases. 1. One of the two Oman ships had been converted into a fuel-tanker and its yawning holds were being filled first. Primarily heard in US, Canada. See more. Dude , I totally tanked that quantum mechanics test. tanker dated slang A drunkard or heavy drinker. 11 Bang-Bang/ 11 Boom-Boom / 11 Bush / (pejorative) 11 Bulletstop(per) “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? This text should be useful to both officers and noncommissioned officers who can take examples from the past and apply the successful principles to future operations, thus ensuring a continuing legacy of Transportation excellence within ... There is a ship out yonder, but its a tanker or a freighter. Found inside – Page 18The purpose of this little volume is to provide the definition of terms used in the petroleum industry . ... drilling the wells , remaking nature's crude , pipelines , wonders from oil , tankers and barges , and the oil business . I was tanked last night. The official definition of a tank has led to confusion regarding which drivers are required to have a tanker endorsement on their CDLs. Primarily heard in UK. Found insideThis is the first book dedicated to faecal sludge management. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, tap (someone or something) with (something), Tanker Strategic Aircraft Reconstitution Team, Tanker Strategic Aircraft Regeneration Team, Tanker Systems Modernization Systems Squadron. The toolkit contains eight booklets and a CD-ROM which cover a range of issues including: a port reform framework, alternative port management structures and ownership models, legal reform tools, financial implications, regulation, labour ... I-270 southbound reopens after tanker truck crash in Md. Meaning of tankers. Always central in Anderegg's account of those changes are the people who made them. This is a very personal book by an officer who participated in the transformation he describes so vividly. " Before she knows it she is enrolled in a correspondence course with a mysterious philosopher. Thus begins Jostein Gaarder's unique novel, which is not only a mystery, but also a complete and entertaining history of philosophy. The technology of oil transportation has evolved alongside the oil industry. Definition of tankers in the dictionary. (automotive, Britain) A fuel tanker, petrol tanker, road tanker. tanker meaning: 1. a ship or vehicle that is built to carry liquid or gas: 2. a ship or vehicle that is built to…. The majority of the information presented below has been compiled from various sources either from the internet or through personal day to day work … How to use tanker in a sentence. All Free. 'Tank' as a slang verb. Term used to describe ocean-going tanker hauling from 1.5 million to 2.5 million barrels of product. An Elephind search finds several instances of tanked in the sense of "gave up" or "stopped trying to win" or "never tried to win" in the context of tennis—but the earliest match for the term that I could find is from wrestling. (military) Member of a tank crew, or of an armoured unit. 2. The best way to find the definition of the term you are searching for is by pressing ctr+f in your web browser to pop up the search bar and type the term you want to find. tanker definition: 1. a ship or vehicle that is built to carry liquid or gas: 2. a ship or vehicle that is built to…. What does tank mean? Han and Leia endeavor to keep an increasingly unstable Jedi Order out of the control of government security; while Luke and his son, Ben, search a mysterious region of space for clues about Jacen's fall to the dark side. (automotive, Britain) A fuel tanker, petrol tanker, roadtanker. (nautical) A tank ship, a vessel used to transport large quantities of liquid. Found inside(See Appendix II for full definition.) Speed bumps: A tanker's derogatory term for infantry soldiers. Desert Storm-era slang still occasionally used. The OOW Maritime Dictionary is updated at frequent intervals. Found inside – Page 131Slang . 1. To make all possible charges against ( e.g. , a law- population ... A long tube attached to a tanker aircraft , or transport ( e.g. , alcoholic ... 3. Tanker - Idioms by The Free Dictionary ... dated slang A drunkard or heavy drinker. 3. (noun) Anti-static additive A substance added to a petroleum product to raise its electrical conductivity to a safe level above 50 picoSiemens/metre (pS/m) to prevent accumulation of static electricity. If used reflexively, may take on opposite meaning, as in: Dude , … Find 47 ways to say TANKER, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. A stranded oil tanker at risk of spilling in the Caribbean looks to be safe — for now, The Elk, the Tourists and the Missing Coal Country Jobs, How aerial firefighters battle blazes from the skies, Inside the Brutal Clean-up Efforts in Lac-Megantic, Costa Concordia Mess Widens With Salvage Team, Criminal Probe, America's Secret Nuclear Test Revealed in Area 51.