You’ve certainly given me something to think about. Twelve people obeyed an authority figure rather than their own conscience. But, yes, I am saying that sometimes we should let our children do what they want, though we disagree. The third variation had the victim in the same room, visible as well as audible. We are not omniscient. Always-On Inquiry: 5 Benefits Of Asking Questions In The Classroom. Many examples have already been brought up: Hitler, the KKK, warlords, mass murderers. ", Albert Einstein said, "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.". All he wanted was complete power within his own hands, and he wanted instant gratification, so he turned to the devil. "Einstein said, "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth. Most of us have only a vague notion of how a car works.We rely on experts because we live in a society with a highly developed division of labor, with many people specializing in many things. First, submission to authority leads to freedom from fear of those in authority (Romans 13:3). The United States is the world's advocate for democracy and yet they consider Egypt's current president to be a key ally. When we live a righteous life, complying with the just laws of … Maureen: There must be some times where you feel it’s not okay for a child to question things. I would want to start by asking if he agreed with my premise that members of a family are a team, and therefore that it is only fair that each member should contribute to the team. And lest Canadians believe that this is an American problem, that Milgram's experiments happened in the United States, those in Canada are possibly even more prone to acquiesce to authority. Faustus' actions were driven out of his personal yearning for power. He did not trully have a reason to question God other than the fact that he could have more in his human life by doing it.In our everyday lives we question authority for very selfish reasons. I believe that Faustus questioned God's authority for absolutely selfish reasons. Some challenges to women’s authority are direct, while others are more passive aggressive (delay in reports, bad attitude, withholding data, and even gossip and alliance formation). As everyone so far has also already noted, he did nothing with his new power because he is so overwhelmed with literally having everything at the tips of his fingers. His ambition is gone because he no longer has to strive for anything, and anything he is inspired to want is banned from him because of his pact with the devil. He had no consideration for anyone but himself. "Groups of four switches were labeled as "Slight Shock, Moderate Shock, Strong Shock, Very Strong Shock, Intense Shock, Extreme Intensity Shock, Danger: Severe Shock" with the last two switches labeled simply XXX.It all looked very official and the test subject was seated at the desk and told by the experimenter, authoritative-looking in a gray lab coat, that the subject was to be the teacher in this experiment to test memory. It is difficult to fight for a cause if you have no personal connection to it, but there is a point where selfishness corrupts the cause. The table below shows the results of the experiment. Studying the work habits of each generation and proactively anticipating their needs can help companies devise effective human capital management strategies. Consequences: Being pepper sprayed or shot with beanbag rounds and rubber bullets. If Simon doesn't say it and you do it, you're out of the game. "His experiment aimed to see if authority and the absorption of a test subject in an exacting routine could lead to the subject crossing moral boundaries. He wanted to share some thoughts with the blog about helping parents who were struggling with “disobedient” children. It is the backbone of freedom. Rogers State University. The results of this experiment boggle the imagination. We, of necessity, respect the authority of doctors, dentists, and other medical specialists. It is the basis of the American Republic which fought a war of independence questioning the authority of their British overlords. We are taught early in life to respect and obey authority. The prime examples that I feel questioned authority for selfish reasons are any of the incidents like the Columbine or Virginia Tech masscres. Cherish the right to protest. Found inside... theircollective mustbe morestrictly observedby those inpositions of authority. ... hefielded questions regarding the Qur'an, Islam,and his own behavior. I don’t think I can ever stop thinking about it now, to be honest. Maureen: So, apart from concerns about a child’s safety or the rights of others, we should not tell kids what to do? Egyptians are fighting against an undemocratic regime. So an example, George Washington questioned authority for a selfish reason. Found inside – Page 49... taxexempt financing although some are finally questioning the public benefit . ... The bonding authority allocations were divided into two $ 1 billion ... There are plenty of examples of people who question authority for selfish reasons. Challenges Women Can Face When Influencing Outside Their Authority. Found inside – Page 143Editors' introduction Questioning has long been a conspicuous feature of primary ... for example, emphasises the advantages of asking challenging questions, ... Found inside – Page 57But, the authority of these organisations is challenged on several fronts. ... are still pending questions challenging global health governance. The authority of the police and government officials. When done for selfish possession however, it is condemned by society. Each generation can have varied strengths and concerns, and differences in styles and expectations can sometimes create tension. However, if we are in agreement with the government's actions, then there is nothing left to question for that issue.Dr. The questioning of authority is not only a good thing, it is a necessary thing. Begin by helping students envision what fruitful struggle might entail. Found insideNot questioning or challenging authority. 4. ... Bribing sheep into submission with government benefits derived from stolen/extorted tax money. You do it. Found inside – Page 448Of course, the most extreme outcome of a challenge is removing the book completely. ... is defined as social relationships involving authority or power. Found inside – Page 89QUESTIONS SUBMITTED BY CHAIRMAN PHIL ROE 1. As part of its “ Plan for Regulatory Review , " the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation ( PBGC ) is ... Found insideIn this second edition of Qualities of Effective Principals, James H. Stronge and Xianxuan Xu delineate these factors and show principals how to successfully balance the needs and priorities of their schools while continuously developing ... Ultimately this demonstrates why one should only question authority for the good of the majority rather than your own selfish motives. Questioning authority allows us to speak truth to power. So I challenged him on some of his points, in an effort to address what I feel, as a parent, seems hardest to implement. Sure, he wanted to re-shape the world but he wanted to do it for his own benefit rather than that of anyone else. Every decision we make involves questioning authority because for ever decision there are two or more options and there will always be somebody or something which could present a strong argument for the other option. Benefits of Effective Questioning. Asking clarifying questions can help uncover the real intent behind what is said. Found inside – Page 127Teacher 2: You say there are benefits for all the children. ... in order to keep control or exclude challenging questions and perspectives from the arena, ... It is always okay to question authority. And lest Canadians believe that this is an American problem, that Milgram's experiments happened in the United States, those in Canada are possibly even more prone to acquiesce to authority. It is also basic to civic life in Australia, New Zealand and many other democratic nations of the world, but schools do not always place much emphasis on this "habit of mind" when teaching social studies to the young. However, in the two cases above, I described times when both the violence and the questioning act itself were unnecessary and selfish, therefore being harmful rather than helpful to the overall good of mankind. We ask questions when something said catches our attention, surprises us, or when we hear something we want more information about. Questioning authority is what keeps it in check, keeps it from going to big, and keeps it changing for the better. 1. But in doing so, we would be losing many of our “rebels,” the individuals who challenge society’s status quo and teach us about ourselves and our own values. As we sat down to discuss the topic, some interesting themes emerged. Or in a child’s class, he probably can’t raise his hand and question everything the teacher is saying all day long. Would MLK have been as passionate or successful if he had been white? We rely on the expertise of experts every day. Questioning Authority: A Conversation with Albert Sauermann, LCSW. Found inside – Page 217... without asking critical questions about the agent's authority or identity. ... benefit by insisting that men should not ask critical questions regarding ... Do you really think this works in the real world? Drawing on critical episodes in U.S. history, Piven shows that it is in fact precisely at those seismic moments when people act outside of political norms that they become empowered to their full democratic potential. "Just because someone says it, it doesn't make it true. Prove the concepts behind their argument. Respecting those in authority while questioning them is important. What is Effective Questioning and Why is it Useful? Effective questioning involves using questions in the classroom to open conversations, inspire deeper intellectual thought, and promote student-to-student interaction. Found inside – Page 89The placards of the 60's read, “Challenge authority!” The placards of this new century might well read, “Challenge paradigms!” Questioning and challenging ... For, crudely put, it appears to require an abandonment of reason. Questioning authority, whether for the common good or just for personal gain, is necesary to keep our world functioning and advancing. Take a little time to manage your emotions and look at the situation objectively. We take our cars to be fixed by knowledgeable and respected mechanics because we cannot fix them ourselves. The learner was not actually being shocked, but a confederate of the experimenter, an actor who pretended to be in pain. Does he know your reasons? We should ask them what they think about our position and our reasons for it. Questioning the norms that society tells us to follow also makes us feel strong in another way. In order to maintain individual freedom, it is imperative for people to feel comfortable deviating from societal norms and challenging values and authority figures when they possess differing views. Maureen: Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this topic, Al! His family and friends would benefit, thus gratifying himself. Found inside – Page 68Shackeroff and Campbell (2007) suggest that challenges associated with TEK ... provide important opportunities for questioning, challenging, re-envisioning, ... There are alternative medicines such as naturopathy. They get left behind and their position says equally bad or worse than before. We are taught early in life to respect and obey authority. Now I know it seems that this example is questionable, since you may be asking what authority he questioned, but hear me out.He began a revolution against both the Jews and the United States, a movement that was inspired after the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles. One example was in the movie Million Dollar Baby (yes I know it's a movie; background info: a girl who is practically living on nothing wants to become a boxer, so she finds an old trainer to help her). As we mature, we become more independent, eventually making our way in the world. They get practice complying with orders that they may not understand. This encapsulates the inevitable question of whether or not humans are capable of being selfless. Once he is in power, he neglects the promises he has made to his troops and supporters. Cherish the right to be different. The labels showed a 15-volt increment from one switch to the next.". Even if those with authority over you are rude, Disrespect you, Or don't appreciate being questioned, Your respectful attitude will make you the better person with maturity. (In the movie, the boxer's sister also still pretends that her baby is alive so that they can get welfare. You are a human being, not a machine; do not let those above you trick you into thinking otherwise. “Challenging Authority is like a Molotov cocktail in an elegant crystal decanter. Good rules are ones that seek to create a fair balance in the often-competing desires of different people. It is the backbone of freedom. We question authority everyday simply by living our lives the way we, as individuals, want to. If the learner got the answer wrong, the teacher was to administer a shock. Read our back and forth conversation about allowing children to question authority. That being said, I think there is a huge difference between purely selfish actions and actions that will benefit others as well. We rely on experts because we live in a society with a highly developed division of labor, with many people specializing in many things. The child psychologist Haim Ginott, in his ground-breaking book Between Parent and Child, offered "specific advice derived from basic communication principles that will guide parents in living with children in mutual respect and dignity. 1. Most of us have only a vague notion of how a car works. Adults are older, more experienced, more aware of dangers that could hurt us, better informed on nutrition, and so on. Questioning Authority: A Conversation with Albert Sauermann, LCSW. His many visits with royalty showed that he enjoyed the performance more than anything. The way I see it is that they were trying to question the government's authority by disregarding public safety, as well as, questioning individual citizen's authority by putting themselves in a superior position to their victims. Obey Simon!When we are children, respecting authority keeps us alive and well.It may be apocryphal, but the origin of the game is said to have originated with the defeat of Henry III in 1264 by Simon de Montfort at the Battle of Lewes. Without question, it is vital to challenge the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority. may play a significant role in how seriously the authority figure takes you, and how they respond to you. To my way of thinking, parental authority is legitimate when it promotes the well-being of children and teaches them to respect the rights of others, just as government is legitimate when it promotes the well-being of its citizenry and respects the rights of other nations. When children can’t do that, then we have to impose those rules. As you do this, consider the unthinkable: Maybe, your team member was right to “challenge your authority.”. Sort of like the game Concentration. But it seems like you might have a different perspective on this. An employee who confronts and contravenes management authority is a menace. This blog is for the "Questioning Authority: Literature, Film, and Subversion" course taught by Kathryn Collison in the University Honors Program at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM, USA. With experiment 2, no visibility but victim's screams could be heard, 25 people went the limit. But in the end, if we can’t figure out a safe way for our kids to do what they want, then it shouldn’t be allowed. And in experiment 4, where the teacher had to physically force the victim to receive the shocks, 12 people – you read that right, 12 people – compelled the victim by physical force to receive the maximum shock.Twelve people resisted the victim's screams of pain and demands to be let free and forcibly held his hand on the shock plate. Posted on July 22, 2015. With a teacher, it might be after class, or after talking it through with a parent and deciding if the opinion still holds merit. But "painful groans were heard on administration of the 135-volt shock and at 150 volts the victim cried out, 'Experimenter, get me out of here! However, in Dr. Faustus I believe that Faustus is not merely questioning the justice, truth, or freedom that God provides us with, but rather if God should be someone to respect at all. He believed, correctly, that the brain responds to questions in ways that we now describe as social, emotional, and cognitive development. Seems pretty simple and straightforward to me. Everything we do in life will some day come back and benefit us. I agree with Jimmy that Faustus questioned God's authority for completely selfish reasons too. People fight for what they believe is right which means that they have to fight against the opposing ideas of others. My colleague Al is a wonderful therapist, and a truly interesting and kind human being. Helps students to think out loud. They strive to elevate their own race so that they may benefit from it through power and wealth. Milgram was influenced by the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem. Question Authority vs. On the other hand, what happens when children just do what they are told without telling us what they think? I think questioning authority is an important part of our society; it keeps us on our feet and the "higher powers" (so to speak) in check. In the fourth variation, the victim learner had to have his hand on a shock plate to feel the shocks. Please, enable JavaScript and reload the page to enjoy our modern features. He wanted to rule the land and have everything to himself. Found inside – Page 52It then transpired that the Thai authorities did not question that map for many years ... She has, for 50 years, enjoyed such benefits as the Treaty of 1904 ... Leadership People Skills: Question vs Questioning Authority Image via Istock. Organizational Team Culture. Picture an employee who has made the move from academia to industry. The employee’s questions seem endless and sometimes an assault on your position. Using essential questions can be challenging—for both teachers and students—and this book provides guidance through practical and proven processes, as well as suggested "response strategies" to encourage student engagement. Connect students with resources that will support their autonomy and discovery. The president and all government officials (in the USA) rely on the people for election so that they can make a difference, or whatever their slogan is. He was strapped into a chair with an electrode taped to his arm. It also seemed to be a hobby of his to exploit certain types of authority. 2. Twelve people resisted the victim's screams of pain and demands to be let free and forcibly held his hand on the shock plate. Adults are older, more experienced, more aware of dangers that could hurt us, better informed on nutrition, and so on. It all looked very official and the test subject was seated at the desk and told by the experimenter, authoritative-looking in a gray lab coat, that the subject was to be the teacher in this experiment to test memory. The question, "How do you (or did you) handle a challenge?” can be a tricky one. They complain that the government isn't doing enough and then they manipulate the system so that they don't have to do work. Found inside – Page 234... chapter indicates that the Polish Government challenges the authority of ... and ridiculed the authority of the CJEU, in particular by questioning the ... I did not. Another seemingly easy answer is that of the KKK, an organization which claims to pursue the good of mankind and equality for all of those worthy, which of course means the "supreme race" in their eyes. His hatred for Jews was mostly sprung up from Jewish leaders in the communist-party uprisings that occurred after World War I in Germany and only intensified the internal impoverished conflicts that were shaking Germany to the core.Now I am not in any means saying that I agree with Hitler or his reasoning, but I am saying that it is a perfect example of questioning authority for selfish reasons. This questioning served not only to create a large support group bu eventually a cult-like existence of a country in fear that seemingly bowed down to him for several years. Okay so when I was thinking about what to write for the blog this week, the thing that came to mind is "why?" Most kids agree with that. In Experiment 1, the victim was not visible nor audible, but "at 300 volts the laboratory walls resound as he pounds in protest. Then, I would want to consider what has to happen for the family to function, and what opportunities there are for each to contribute. The experimenter assured the teacher that "Although the shocks can be extremely painful, they cause no permanent tissue damage.". Al: Well, who decided that it’s your son’s job to unload the dishwasher? Dr. Faustus was absolutely motivated by selfish reasons. Maybe the son has other good ideas about how he can contribute. His questioning of foreign religious and governmental authorities was a very selfish cause that, much like Dr. Faustus' fiendish pursuit of knowledge and power, led to a short time of greatness followed by drastic punishment. The victim could be heard but not seen. But while there must be a balance between questioning authority and acknowledging expertise, and while questioning of authority is built into the fabric of American life, there is also an undercurrent of unquestioning obedience. Simple things where we question the authority of someone so that we can get what we want, just as Faustus did, although we very frequently face the consequences just as he did (ex: speeding ticket, getting the cops called on you). He even says on page 6 (speaking of magic), "O, what a world of profit and delight,/Of power, of honor, of omnipotence,/Is promised to the studious artisan!" set out to test how far people would stray from morality at the behest of authority. At 315 volts, no further answers appear and the pounding ceases. "It makes sense to respect some authority. At 300 volts the learner refused to go on and the teacher was advised to treat non-compliance as a wrong answer and shock the victim anyway. Resources Resource library Risk alerts Challenging authority. This is the mirroring of the idea that leading an unholy life will eventually result in eternal punishment, a thought that is integrated in many religions and overall a lesson hoping to instruct humans not to be selfish.The paradox of the situation is found, however, in the belief that by not being selfish one saves oneself: arguably a selfish cause. Anyhow, in all of these situations, it may make sense to comply with rules because the cost for challenging them is too high, but I wouldn’t call that “respecting authority.” Unfortunately, there are people and institutions that are able to make and enforce rules that are not fair, maybe because they are rich or because they are physically strong. At 150 volts the victim refused to put his hand on the plate and the experimenter ordered the subject teacher to forcibly put the victim's hand on the plate. I think that he wanted to put himself in a "godly" position and be better or higher than all other people. Leadership people skills tip: Instead of seeing questions as questioning your authority, discuss the cultural transition with the employee. Faustus did not have any valid reasoning for questioning God's authority. As I said before, children need to learn to balance their desires with those of other people, and parents are the first “other people” with whom kids interact, so it is a great opportunity to help them learn this lesson. We can say something like “I understand that we disagree, and that you are really upset with me now for making this decision. Challenging Authoritychallenges all of … Found insideShe taught me to challenge authority and question the system. ... but Orange Grove was close to my school and my mom's work so it had its benefits. But the subject teacher did not know this. We should question it because we would all benefit from the constant reformations that would occur after questioning. "If the teacher balked at any point, the experimenter prodded him to continue with lines like "Please continue" or "The experiment requires that you continue" or "It is absolutely essential that you continue" or "You have no other choice, you must go on. Questioning Authority. We take our cars to be fixed by knowledgeable and respected mechanics because we cannot fix them ourselves. As we sat down to discuss the topic, some interesting themes emerged. Assist states in addressing the primary care provider workforce Found inside – Page 85Questioning authority is also essential for advances in the sciences. ... to ensure a net benefit rather than harm, the means of such challenges must be ... Use basic 'tell me more' questions that get them to go deeper. It is perfectly legitimate for parents to decide that they don’t wish to be arguing at every turn. Questioning authority is also about finding something that you're passionate about so that you can more effectively find ways to counteract that specific injustice since you'll be more motivated to do so. Please do not edit the piece, ensure that you attribute the author and mention that this article was originally published on Mr. Mubarak is questioning the authority of his people by staying in power, and his people are questioning his authority by trying to remove him from that power.Anyway, I feel kind of like I've gone just a little off topic here. Found inside – Page 90The emancipatory IS project can be of the following type: * Questioning, challenging and critiquing now work and information practices as well as arguing ... The Importance of Challenging and Questioning Authority Figures. He did not question it on behalf of other people, which is typically what questioning authority has been. However, sometimes the costs of mistakes outweigh the benefit of the lessons. After his defeat, Henry could give no commands save on Simon's authority. The architect of the Nazi's final solution had been caught in Argentina by Mossad operatives and spirited away to Israel to stand trial. The authority of the pastor. How does this scenario look in the framework you’re describing? Empowers students to feel confident about their ideas. His questioning authority was ill driven and only for personal gain. His experiment aimed to see if authority and the absorption of a test subject in an exacting routine could lead to the subject crossing moral boundaries. "brilliantly satirized the absorption of a bomber crew in the technical procedure of dropping nuclear weapons on a country.". It has, in a word, a powerful debunking function. I am saying that we as parents should help children appreciate the reasoning behind our decisions, and that we should be open to them questioning those decisions. Most importantly, we must maintain our moral compass in the face of authority. But while there must be a balance between questioning authority and acknowledging expertise, and while questioning of authority is built into the fabric of American life, there is also an undercurrent of unquestioning obedience. The experiment had student volunteers participate in "a study of memory." This is not a failure to question authority so much as an acknowledgement that he knows more about the ailment and its treatment than I do. The architect of the Nazi's final solution had been caught in Argentina by Mossad operatives and spirited away to Israel to stand trial. A Challenging Question. Yes, Martin Luther King Jr. had something to gain through the success of his cause, but it benefitted millions of others as well. He went to med school. We have to teach them how to express disagreement respectfully. He wanted to share some thoughts with the blog about helping parents who were struggling with “disobedient” children. Cherish the right to be different. In PracticeThe experiment had student volunteers participate in "a study of memory." "Ultimately, the questioning of authority is not only a good thing, it is a necessary thing. Al: I think that the alternative to helping our kids learn to think well for themselves is that they will act without thinking, or that they will act out of fear of being punished. On one hand, it’s an opportunity for you to communicate your problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities, along with your aptitude for succeeding under stress. We should question it because we would all benefit from the constant reformations that would occur after questioning. Do we fight for what we believe is right and aid the protestors, or do we fight to keep a friendly government in power? Anyway, so in the movie when she finally starts making sufficient amounts of money, she buys her mom and her sister a house because they had been living in a trailer before, and the mom's response is that if owning a house is going to mess up her welfare (sounding immensely ungrateful to someone who just bought her a house).