The USA is a big country, and it’s harder to organize a standard health care system than in, say, Spain. The issue comes when looking for specific things. Critics from … However, Germany's federal states have criticized the central government for not securing enough doses. That gives Germany … As late as 1955, 48 percent of respondents felt that Hitler would have been one of Germany’s greatest leaders, “but for the war.”. The US and Germany have had an artificial 'friendship' for some 70 plus years. Germany is a very good country for living. Image credit: rblfmr/Shutterstock. It doesn't have to be single payer, but it has to be a consistent system. WHY DOESN’T THE US HAVE A EUROPEAN-STYLE WELFARE STATE? They’ll understand you, but they’ll also correct you. We are grateful to our discussants Steve Durlauf and Frank Levy and the organizers Bill Brainard and George Perry for very Most people need a visa to stay indefinitely in the US. The Russia-to-Germany gas pipeline, known as Nord Stream 2, would bring natural gas from Russia to Germany and run under the Baltic Sea. When tyrants seek to control a people, they make sure none can vocalize their opposition. Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment. I'm not going to go into the reasons for this so much, other than to point out that how to rein in these costs has long been a flashpoint for debate. But every now and again there is “German Week at Aldi”! Walmart can boast that it has more than 8,500 stores in 15 countries, under 55 different names, that it's the largest private employer in the United States, the largest in Mexico (as Walmex), and the third largest in Canada.In fact, it's the biggest private employer in the whole world. Let that sink in. Immigration and freedom of movement is an interesting case, since it doesn't always apply directly within the United States but between the United States and other countries. Japan is primarily a civil law country, and the United States is primarily a common law country. In the United States, codified law can be found at all jurisdictional levels, and may control the outcome of a dispute. Yes, will offer discounts on many books, but not on anything released in the last 18 months or less. Asians are also pro-American. German punctuality means arriving at least 10 minutes before the appointment. Germany proves tuition-free college is not a silver bullet for America’s education woes. Nor do they seem appreciative of their huge … In my country (Germany), we have a very similar issue with civil use of nuclear energy. So here are seven things that are different in Germany than in the USA. In the US, not having a car is a huge disadvantage. Due to its vast geography and lack of good public transport requires people to own a car. Furthermore, cheap fuel makes owning a car much cheaper. Meanwhile in Germany, or in Europe for that matter cities are closely knit. While public nudity is a big no-no in the United States for example, Germany has a long tradition with what is known as FKK – short for Freikörperkultur, or … Let’s start with some factors that help us understand why the US doesn’t have universal health care but that aren’t decisive. The night of Nov. 9-10, 1938, marked the beginning of the Nazis' attack on the Jews. So there we have it – Aldi does just as many other companies in the US and keeps quiet about its German origins. If you want to retire in Germany as an American, you won’t be alone. Germany’s war debt was written off decades ago. It’s a list that grows shorter by the year, but is still fairly lengthy: Foods that are hard to find in Germany. 10. This list is informally known in global politics as the "Nuclear Club". Grocery prices in Germany were cheaper overall compared to the USA. Although officially not a military, in practice Japan is one of the strongest military powers on Earth. On Wednesday, the World Health Organization announced COVID-19’s global death rate is 3.4 percent, more than 30 times that of seasonal influenza, but also stated the coronavirus doesn’t … Germany is a country of pork. At least 20 states report rise in … Ministers have grown accustomed to Mr Trump's furious outbursts over German policy. But every now and again there is “German Week at Aldi”! A Facebook post, shared over 17,000 times, claims that Germany owes £3.7 trillion from the Second World War. What American Healthcare Can Learn From Germany. America is a country steeped in racism, it’s a sad reality. Opinion: The world doesn’t hate Trump’s America as much as people think German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron chat as … , and. “The Germans want a £40 billion BREXIT Payout. I don't really want to. Additionally, because of Satellite television there are about five-hundred or more channels available. Regarding nudity on television, they do have that on German television but I have yet to actually see SEX on television. Made in America: The German cars Trump doesn't want . by Alberto Alesina, Edward Glaeser Harvard University and NBER and Bruce Sacerdote* Dartmouth College and NBER September 2001 * The paper was presented at the Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, Sept 7, 2001. Still, that doesn't beat free. Also, cost of living can be relatively lower when compared to similar cities in Germany. But it doesn’t stop with der-die-das — the German language has more article declensions than types of whole-wheat bread, bringing any American to tears. Not only does Europe get a bunch of insanely cool cars that America doesn’t, it also has some of the best roads in the world. Bloomberg. Germany does not have a work environment that demands a college degree for every well-paying career. Millions of Americans visit online dating websites every year hoping to find a companion or even a soulmate. The U.S. is widely known to have the highest health care expenditures per capita in the world, and not just by a little, but by a lot. However, just like in America, that doesn’t mean that there is more on television, especially not quality. If America doesn’t … The highest sales tax in the USA is under 10% and most US states have lower taxes than that. ... Future plans: "I don't really have any plans to go back to America. Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says, calling on immigrants to learn German to integrate. In January, the United Kingdom announced it would allow Huawei equipment on 35 percent of its 5G networks—a decision that could provide top cover for Germany… Japan, which is only slightly larger in area than Germany, is split up into 47 ‘prefectures’. If you eat what the Germans eat (sausage, bread, seasonal items) then you will definitely pay less than in America. But Russia manages it, as does … German Week at Aldi in America. If you owe federal taxes, you can pay them online by using a U.S. bank account. The reality? Culture Guides Student Work Germany. Indeed, most of the… The apprenticeship program that Sanders bemoans having lost in America is well intact in Germany. This is something that just doesn’t exist in Germany. Still it doesn't matter. However, it's easier to point a finger at someone than to address a problem yourself. No, the U.S. does not need European-style hate speech laws. As an American, Chris thinks that's shameful. America is not yours. I love to drive long distance and enjoy the wide open space of the United States. Verdict: We have not been able to find any evidence to support this claim. Unlike in America, in Germany you will pay the exact price on the price tag. In Germany, rules are a way of life. The terms of the … Only in Germany, where U.S. favorability is down 13 points since 2009, has the positive image of the United States slipped significantly. Germans were friendly to Americans out of angst over Soviet domination. If the 2017 white-supremacist demonstrations in … In the past, Japan's Imperial forces managed to defeat Russia in 1905, and at its peak during World War II it was composed of more than five million soldiers. , Drew Armstrong. Whenever anyone passed me in the hallway, I would grin maniacally, wave, and yelp, “Hi! Filing as Married Filing Jointly: $28,400. A third reason America lacks universal health coverage and the 2016 candidates have avoided the topic altogether is that America's political institutions make it … If you ever want to know what it’s like to live in constant, mind-numbing mortal terror, try declaring yourself gay in Jamaica. Germany’s Energiewende is an “energy transition” based on relentlessly incorporating as much wind and solar power as possible with basically no consideration to cost. HAMBURG, Germany — Germany doesn’t have a problem with free speech. By. But … They have many thing that’s Germany makes better. The right is preserved in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is granted formal recognition by the laws of most nations. We could purchase fresh bread for 15 cents, a large package of bratwurst for 2.50 euros, and quality beer for 70 cents. For the last hundred years or so, the US, Germany, and Japan have continually slugged it out to claim the world’s largest patent office. 10. One of those three countries had recorded the highest volume of patent filings for a century before 2011—the year which saw China overtake the US to claim the number one spot. None of this $9.99 + tax which you never know how much it will be depending on the city or state that you’re in. You never know what you have till it’s gone. Top of the list are Italians (78%), French (75%) and Poles (73%). "It's terrible," he says. Short Answer: Not much. It takes me longer to drive through Texas than it does to drive through 5 countries in Europe. As I have tried to come to grips with this vile problem, I have learned that America is king when it comes to pornography. Compared to others, it has very few. Overall, it's safe to say that Europe thinks America's love of air-conditioning is actually quite daft. If you want to retire in Germany as an American, you won’t be alone. Germany funded the development of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine—not U.S.’s Operation Warp Speed. In Germany, for example, 85% of adults are online, but less than half of this group report using Facebook, Twitter or Xing. Also, trucks are allowed on the Autobahns, but they have speed limits in all areas and basically must remain in the right lane. Germans will know that you are a foreigner. They just do. Germans are very traditional, very hierarchical. Germans are rule-oriented in every aspect – make sure you wait at traffic lights – and prepare yourself for a lack of flexibility in rules and regulations. In Germany, rules are a way of life. The U.S. doesn't have an official campaign season, but the first candidate to jump into the presidential race, Ted Cruz, announced his candidacy on March 23 — 596 days before Election Day. The U.S. is widely known to have the highest health care expenditures per capita in the world, and not just by a little, but by a lot. All the European countries do. Germany doesn’t allow some items to cross its borders. "Speech" is not limited to public speaking and is generally taken to include other forms of expression. You never know what you have till it’s gone. For 2020 Tax Returns, you have until May 17, 2024 to claim your tax refund by filing your tax return. A New York Times article cites figures ranking Germany fourth in the world for the number of … November 9, 2020 8:14 PM PST. Military power isn’t obsolete in Europe anymore, and Germany has decided it can no longer trust America’s nuclear deterrent. Idle chit chat. The tax or VAT is always already included in the price that you pay and you won’t be taken by surprise at the register by the increase in price which many Germans discover upon their first visit to the US. If America doesn’t want socialism its people must wake up and heed the lessons being played out in counties around the world – like Denmark.. … What would have happened if Germany had won World War I? These lessons from Germany should serve as a cautionary tale for Americans rushing to destroy every Confederate monument within reach. The following is a list of states that have admitted the possession of nuclear weapons or are presumed to possess them, the approximate number of warheads under their control, and the year they tested their first weapon and their force configuration. Germany’s relationship with firearms is intriguing: while there are a lot of guns in the country, they don’t seem to kill a lot of people. Photo: frantic00 /Shutterstock. Germans apparently do not appreciate that fellow NATO member America still subsidizes their defense. 9 American habits I lost when I moved to Germany. Prohibited Items: What You Can’t Ship to Germany. However, internet access doesn’t guarantee social media use. Jewish homes and businesses were looted, desecrated … The US president is irritated by Germany's trade surplus … You can also prepare and e-File a free tax extension on with an April 15 May 17, 2021 due date. Indeed, most of the… A New York Times article cites figures ranking Germany fourth in the world for the number of … I'm not going to go into the reasons for this so much, other than to point out that how to rein in these costs has long been a flashpoint for debate. Another reason the US will never have an Autobahn is that Germany’s freeway construction standards are much higher than those in the US. ... while Germany spends just 1.2 percent and the EU as a whole ... America does … Germany is one of many nations that have what is known as a “fixed book price agreement” (FBPA). Most specifically, for the 2020 tax season with a federal tax return, but if your total yearly income goes over the minimum thresholds: Filing as Single: $12,400. Therefore, if you’re a US citizen living abroad, or a Green Card holder, you will need to file. MyUS follows all international customs laws, and will not ship any items to DE that are prohibited by German customs laws or US export laws. We also haven’t seen evidence that Germany’s debt to the UK, or the cost of war damage incurred by the UK, was worth £3.7 trillion. So there we have it – Aldi does just as many other companies in the US and keeps quiet about its German origins. Claim: There are more food banks in Germany than there are in the UK. Overall there is more money in the bank at the end of the month. Riley Griffin. In Merkel’s defense, Germany now polls as the most anti-American of any country in the European Union (only 35 percent of Germans have a positive view … Achieving a clean slate, free of historical stains, proved to be a delusion. Washington doesn't have to bear the cost of maintaining forces in Europe. Below is a list of items banned for import into Germany. There are really remote places, where you are the only human being for hundreds of square miles. American Flyer French week in Aldi Germany – Thanks to Thomas T. for scanning the flyer! America might be home to you, but if you’re not a white American, America is not yours. During my first days of work in Germany, I made sure to be super friendly to all of my coworkers. However, the US does not allow unrestricted immigration from even its neighboring countries, Canada and Mexico. And don’t worry about messing up the tenses or articles. You can't have a mix of private market … FBI Warns of Online Dating Scams. I haven’t been able to … German salaries are as much as half of that in the USA, most of the times. Japanese and American Legal Systems. In general, there is almost nothing that I cannot find in some form here that I had in the US. Nowadays, Japan's military, limited in size and responsibilities, does not pose a threat toward countries abroad. PHOTO: Kellogg’s. That's compared to 55% in the U.K. and 25% in the U.S. Germany doesn't even make the list of the top-20 nations in terms of vaccination rates worldwide. Japan does have a military, the Japan Self-Defense Forces. ... [The European Union doesn't] take a lot of what we have, and yet they send Mercedes in … To understand America's epidemic of over-incarceration, it helps to look to countries that don't having our problem. 89% of all the pornography in the world is produced in America. The order in the US is more chicken, First, size. This Kellogg’s cereal is available in Germany, but others aren’t. The German language is a lot of trouble. Under Obamacare, the U.S. healthcare system is starting to look more like Germany's. About 30% of the total Autobahn system does have speed limits. It depends on when they win it. Filing as Married Filing Separately: $12,400. It doesn’t matter if you’re African-American or Black American; if the colour of your skin is not visually white, America doesn’t belong to you. Next in popularity is beef followed by turkey then chicken. But only 560 people known to be suffering from the disease caused by the novel coronavirus have died there, putting Germany’s case fatality rate at just 0.9%. But it's unthinkable that 48 million people wouldn't have health insurance at all — the situation in America. 1. If they win a short war in 1914, with the Schlieffen Plan [the plan to quickly defeat the French first to avoid fighting on two fronts] working, it’s different than if they win a negotiated victory after a long, hard fight at the end of 1916 or early in 1917, which is the other possibility. And, despite this slippage, roughly half of Germans (51%) still see America favorably. Your German-English dictionary quickly replaces that American smartphone that doesn’t work in Europe, anyway. It has 108 stores in China alone, and operates another 100 Chinese outlets under the name of Trust-Mart. 6 Jamaica. These distinctions, however, are not perfect. The demolition and reconstruction have exposed additional unprocessed chapters of Germany’s past, especially its history of colonialism. If a restaurant serves beer on tap, they’re required to let you use the restroom. People suspected of being LGBT are frequently beaten and attacked with machetes.In 2010, a 16-year-old was hacked to death in his home for having “questionable relations” with another man. For more statistics on pornography, go here: There’s a simple explanation: Numbers vary, but according to some sources, there are 45-50 million Americans with German roots. During German Week at Aldi, there are real, authentic German products, imported from Germany! Over 25 countries around the world have decriminalized drugs to some degree, including Portugal, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, and Germany. Well, at least they’re surprising to Americans. “Germans have a completely different attitude about homeownership and renting,” according to “The American dream was always a home of one’s own...Only about 40% of Germans own their house or apartment, compared to about 60% in the U.S .” The United States does not have the kind of welfare state that many European countries, including Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden have developed, and despite recent health care reforms many Americans do not enjoy the type of high-quality health … Beginning in the 1950s, big beverage companies like Coca-Cola and Anheuser-Busch, along with Phillip Morris and others, formed a non-profit called Keep America Beautiful. If it isn’t labeled as one thing or another, assume the meat is pork (schwein). The UK repealed its FBPA law in 1995, Australia in 1972. That doesn't mean that the weapons in those "better" countries who are allowed to have them are secured any better (they're likely not). Your German-English dictionary quickly replaces that American smartphone that doesn’t work in Europe, anyway. It really wasn’t that long ago that an American living in Germany had difficulty finding familiar food items such as … When the Berlin wall fell, so too did German need for U.S. protection and the need to pretend friendship. I have spent much of the intervening years watching Germany come to terms with its history. This rule does not apply if you don't owe taxes. American Flyer French week in Aldi Germany – Thanks to Thomas T. for scanning the flyer! That doesn ’ t the US and keeps quiet about its German origins German.. Any evidence to support this claim a modern economy and has pretty much anything you can get in US... Refund by filing your tax return Germany were cheaper overall compared to some what does germany have that america doesn t of similar size, Germany.! Every year hoping to find a companion or even a soulmate the EU a! 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