Cogongrass, Imperata cylindrica (L.), is considered the seventh worst weed in the world and listed as a federal noxious weed by USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Plant Protection and Quarantine.Cogongrass infestations are being found primarily in south Georgia but is capable of growing throughout the state. Substantial management efforts have been made to control infested areas, but cogongrass must not be allowed to spread into non-infested areas. Cogon grass can be kept in control, by keeping it short, like other grass. Cogongrass is an invasive species commonly found in pastures that is not going to go away on its own. © 2020 Advance Local Media LLC. Although cogongrass has many natural pests, including more than 80 pathogens, 90 insects, and several nematodes and mites reported worldwide (Van Loan et al. Cogongrass is among the world’s most invasive weed species, The Sun Herald reported. Applicants to the program may receive herbicide treatment of the affected areas of their property. State forestry officials are warning of an invasive weed that chokes out native plants. In order to completely remove this plant, the rhizomes must be destroyed. FAO-Characteristics and Management of Cogongrass (IMCY) FL-Bureau of Invasive Plant Management Weed Alert (IMCY) FL-Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC) (IMCY) FL-Weeds in the Sunshine: Cogongrass Biology, Ecology and Control in Florida (IMCY) GU-Plant Threats to Pacific Ecosystems (IMCY) Global Invasive Species Database (IMCY) Systemic herbicides tend to act more slowly than contact herbicides. Click on the name of the product to see the label. Control Measures Read the label for specific water use restrictions. Cogon grass. For example, all of the commonly used pasture herbicides such as metsulfuron, 2,4-D, triclopyr, Velpar, and other combinations have little to no activity on cogongrass. During this time nearly all available herbicides have been tested, but few effective products have been found. Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission. They are broad spectrum, systemic herbicides. Beware of Cogon Grass. Habitat requires the use of a spray adjutant when applying on post-emergent vegetation. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your California Privacy Rights (each updated 1/1/20). Oxygen depletion can kill fish in the pond. Non-native plants threaten the native organisms in an area. Cogongrass is one of the 10 worst weeds in the world. Cogon grass can be tough to kill. Cogongrass is among the world’s most invasive weed species, The SunHerald reported. The weed is taking root in Mississippi, and the invasive species has also been found across parts of the southeastern U.S. Cogongrass Control in Pastures and Fencerows: Part 2 of a 3 Part Series. Since cogongrass is a federally listed noxious weed and is also listed as such by most southern states, state forestry and agriculture agencies will often carry out or assist in its eradication and control. An aquatically registered surfactant (see the label) will have to be added to the glyphosate solution for good results. Glyphosate is not a product name but is the active ingredient found in the herbicide and there are numerous glyphosate products available. In later stages of invasion, circular infestations can merge and linear infestations can form along highways, fences, and around water bodies. The grass isn't suitable for wildlife forage and its density makes it difficult for small animals to burrow. Experts say it could spread to the north and west in the future. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Cogongrass fires are hotter, faster and higher than native grass fires. Regrowth must be treated the following spring and possibly the next fall to ensure rhizome kill. Click for a hub of Extension resources related to the current COVID-19 situation. Allowing this plant to grow unchecked ensures its continued spread along roadways and into pastures, mining areas, forest land, parks, and other recreation areas. Cogongrass – Identifying and eradicating a grassy weed The grass spreads through seeds and rhizomes, and competes for resources with native plants and trees. Management of cogongrass invasions in perennial grass pastures requires diligence and patience at the same time. Many of the cogongrass “hot spots” are concentrated in south Mississippi, state forestry officials said. Like most perennial grass weeds, cogon grass is easiest to tackle when the stand is young -- no more than one or two seasons old. One danger with any chemical control method is the chance of an oxygen depletion after the treatment caused by the decomposition of the dead plant material. Optimizing the timing of … It is very invasive plant that should not be propagated. Based on lif… Manual Control 1 Till the soil in the spring to a depth of at least 6 inches in order to kill the plant's underground rhizomes. Roundup Ultra, Roundup Pro, or other brands of glyphosate (41% active ingredient formulations) at 5 quarts per acre or as a 1.5% solution will suppress cogongrass. For many years researchers all over the world have studied cogongrass control. Photo Credits: The majority of the aquatic plant line drawings are the copyright of the University of Florida Center for Aquatic Plants (Gainsville). Each 1-2 inch segment of the rhizome can send up a shoot, when the top … Worst yet, this invasive is […] Some tips for controlling cogongrass: They are used with permission. Currently, there is no single treatment that effectively eliminates cogongrass infestations. Habitat is a systemic herbicide that is effective on post-emergent floating and emergent aquatic vegetation. 5/18: Water Quality for Fisheries Management. Cogongrass first appeared in the area around Grand Bay, Alabama as an escape from … Deep plowing may be effective in the removal of cogongrass if the plow reaches up to 6 i… 6/15: Aquatic Vegetation- Beneficial or Pest? Ag & Natural Resources agent in your county or hire a professional. Always read the product label for directions and precautions, as the label is the law. Cogongrass continually affects the Covington County area and the Covington County Cogongrass Control Program is in its third year fighting to keep the invasive species under control. (Photo courtesy of Rocky Lemus) For help with controlling cogongrass on your property, learn more about the Cogongrass Control Program offered by the Mississippi Forestry Commission. All necessary for Pest Control to Kill Cogon Grass. In Florida alone, it has spread to more than a million acres. Top growth of cogongrass is easy to kill or eliminate, while it is the underground stems or rhizomes that are more difficult to control and must be the target of eradication-control treatments. Cogon grass is native to places like Asia, Australia, Africa, and southern Europe. At this time, there are no known biological controls for cogongrass. Habitat of cogon grass. While it is not illegal to possess this plant in Texas, it should not be introduced into new water bodies and should be treated with herbicide when present. Cogongrass can be mowed, grazed, or burned, but it is difficult to control physically because it will propagate from stem fragments or the roots. Cogon grass can be tough to kill. The threat of wildfires or unmanageable controlled burns greatly increases with the presence of cogongrass. The weed is taking root in Mississippi, and the invasive specieshas also … Aquatic plant photographs were provided by David Bayne, Jim Davis, Kelly Duffie, Billy Higginbotham, Michael Masser, John Clayton, Chetta Owens, Diane Smith, Joe Snow, Don Steinbach, Bridget Robinson Lassiter and Peter Woods. Common trade or product names include but are not limited to: Liquid glyphosate formulations have been effective on cogongrass above the water line, but ineffective on plants in the water. This plant is not native to North America, but has naturalized in much of the United States. To assist you with these determinations see SRAC #103 Calculating Area and Volume of Ponds and Tanks. These factors can spell trouble for people and structures near large infestations. Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) is a significant invasive threat in Alabama and throughout the southeastern United States. Cogongrass is non-native to the United States. Deep plowing may be effective in the removal of cogongrass if the plow reaches up to 6 inches deep. Aeration, particularly at night, for several days after treatment may help control the oxygen depletion. However, in the long run, you want to make sure that you are getting rid of cogon grass for good. Cogongrass usually invades open areas like golf courses, roadsides, pastures, and natural areas where it displaces native plant species. All work will occur within the boundaries of the State of Mississippi. It has become established in the southeastern United States within the last fifty years, with Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida having extensive acreage of roadway and pasture infested with cogongrass. If you need assistance, contact the Ag & Natural Resources agent in your county or hire a professional. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Cogongrass has also infested large parts of Alabama and has been reported in several other southern states including Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina, a website maintained by the University of Georgia shows. Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostics Laboratory, Texas A&M College of Agrculture and Life Sciences, A Diagnostics Tool for Pond Plants and Algae, SRAC #103 Calculating Area and Volume of Ponds and Tanks. A 4% solution of 41% active ingredient material (5 1/3 fluid ounces per gallon of water) sprayed on the green leaves and allowed to dry for 2 to 3 hours will kill the top growth of cogongrass. Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) is an invasive, non-native grass which occurs in Florida and several other southeastern states.A pest in 73 countries, and considered to be one of the "Top 10 Worst Weeds in the World", cogon grass affects pine productivity and survival, wildlife habitat, recreation, native plants, fire behavior, site management costs and more. Cogongrass in small (less than 20 foot diameter) patches can be treated with a glyphosate solution in early fall (August through October). and imazapyr (Arsenal, Stalker, etc.) If the pond is heavily infested with weeds, it may be possible (depending on the herbicide chosen) to treat the pond in sections and let each section decompose for about two weeks before treating another section. Priority Counties for 2021 Each seed has silky-white hairs that aid in wind-blown dissemination. It costs millions each year to control in Florida¹. Cogongrass is among the world’s most invasive weed species, The Sun Herald reported. Because of cogongrass' impact on agriculture and forest industries, Congress has given APHIS funding to partner with Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina to control the spread of this weed. Repeated applications each year for several years are ne… The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce has assembled a task force of scientists, educators, government officials and agricultural leaders to recommend a comprehensive survey and control program for cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) before the invasive weed overtakes pastures, forestland, wildlife habitats and landscapes in the state. Cogongrass is one of the 10 worst weeds in the world because it is expensive to control, and it eventually destroys entire ecosystems. and imazapyr (Arsenal AC®, Chopper® and Chopper Gen2®) have shown the most significant control. Brent Sellers and Jason Ferrell, University of Florida, IFAS. ingredients glyphosate (Accord®, Razor Pro®, Glypro Plus®, Roundup®, etc.) Do not try to burn cogongrass infestations without first consulting these experts. All rights reserved (About Us). In most situations, control requires multiple years with multiple herbicide treatments each year. Recently, surveys in Asia an East Africa for potential biological control agents, identified several insect herbivores , including several genera of stem borers and gall-forming midges, that show some promise. Cogongrass is a fire adapted species and thrives where fire is a regular occurrence. 2002), in biological control studies insects and fungi have been shown to be generally ineffective (Ivens 1980, Brook 1989, MacDonald 2007). If left uncontrolled, thick thistle stands can reduce grazing, result in less forage production, and ultimately, lower calf weaning weight. One common problem in using aquatic herbicides is determining area and/or volume of the pond or area to be treated. CAUTION: glyphosate herbicide spray mixtures should be considered non-selective when sprayed … Only glyphosate (Roundup, etc.) Listed as one of the world's ten worst weeds, cogongrass is an invasive perennial grass. Many aquatically registered herbicides have water use restrictions (See General Water Use Restrictions). Systemic herbicides are absorbed and move within the plant to the site of action. In order to completely remove this plant, the rhizomes must be destroyed. Older stands put down deeper roots and can put up more resistance to control methods. Always read and follow all label directions. In related news, the Georgia Forestry Commission’s Cogongrass Taskforce recently announced that for the first time since the Forest Service Southern Region’s Forest Health Program began funding cogongrass control in Georgia in 2004, there are more dead cogongrass spots in the state than new areas of cogongrass being reported. They may alter the food chain and/or push their native competitors out of the area. Cogongrass produces a fluffy white plume-like seed head in early spring, unlike most summer grasses that flower later in the season. The active ingredients that have been successful in treating this plant include: The active ingredient, imazapyr, inhibits the plant enzyme AHAS (acetohydroxyaced synthase). In open fields and forests cogongrass initially forms circular infestations that appear light green in summer and light brown in winter as can be viewed in these oblique aerial photographs. Imazapyr is effective at low-volume rates and does not contain heavy metals, organochlorides or phosphates, making it safe to humans and livestock. Cogongrass is an aggressive, rhizomatous, perennial grass that is distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. You may use these photos, so long as you give credit to AquaPlant. Cogongrass is an exotic plant species from Asia that has aggressively expanded its range in the Southeastern United States and is difficult to control. Considering the level of difficulty it is important to get the absolute most efficacy possible out of each application. To see the labels for these products click on the name. Cogongrass can be mowed, grazed, or burned, but it is difficult to control physically because it will propagate from stem fragments or the roots. Cogon grass rhizomes exhibit apical dominance (English, 1998), which may be an important factor both in limiting the local spread of cogon grass via rhizomes (Wilcut et al., 1988a), and reducing the efficacy of herbicidal control due to sub-lethal herbicide sink activity in … It is steadily marching through Alabama and into neighboring states. Check label for specific water use restrictions. The Cogongrass Control Program’s goal is to reduce the threat of cogongrass in relevant areas of the state. Cogongrass is VERY difficult to control. In addition to crowding out other plants, its dense growth and leaf characteristics allow cogongrass to burn hotter than most native grasses. This highly invasive pest permanently alters plant and animal communities, increases fire frequency and intensity, and requires extensive investment to control. 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