Create more innovative, inclusive messaging The panelists explained that a career in STEM is more than just programming the next mobile application or building new algorithms, it’s also about human impact. doi: 10.1086/595942, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Cheryan, S., Plaut, V. C., Handron, C., and Hudson, L. (2013). However, some of the greatest offenders include the fields of physics and chemistry. doi: 10.1111/j.1949-8594.1995.tb15804.x, Jones, B., Ruff, C., and Paretti, M. (2013). (2010) suggested that although young children do not have profound knowledge about science subjects, they attribute masculine traits to science at an early age. Policy Report. High School Diplomas According to Main Subject, School Canton, Canton of Residence and Gender (Interactive Tables). Drawing a scientist: what we do and do not know after fifty years of drawings. Girls score higher than boys in math in lower-income, predominantly Black areas (representing around one-quarter of school districts), but their scores are still disproportionately low compared to scores for white boys in high-income areas. Soc. The image of science among secondary school students and teachers. A product of a partnership between AAUW and Dell, the Playbook on Best Practices: Gender Equity in Tech equips advocates and employers with data-driven strategies and actionable steps to increase the representation of women in engineering and computing fields – to accelerate the rate of change and break through barriers for women in the workplace. 4060-129279). The image of a school subject can, for example, be depicted in school textbooks. 5. A study among primary school students illustrated that stereotypical beliefs that STEM school subjects are more suitable for boys than for girls were more strongly endorsed by boys than by girls. The second model was estimated for male students [Likelihood Ratio x(1,267)2 = 9.22, p ≤ 0.01, Pearson-Chi-Square 73.90 (66, 267) = 1.12]. Psychol. For easier interpretation, this value was reversed; a negative value was transformed into a positive value and a positive value into a negative value. Read AAUW’s research report for ways we can stop steering girls away from math and science, and make these field more welcoming for women. Handbook of Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. New York followed this with a gender gap of nearly 13%. 31, 1115–1132. Figure 4. Stuttgart: Kröner. Accordingly, the low proportion of women in STEM leads to the spread of a gender stereotypical image of math and science as a male domain and beliefs about male supremacy in technical and math-intensive fields. Finally, Generalized Linear Models (GzLM) were estimated (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989) to shed light on the impact of the gender image of math and science on the likelihood that female and male students aspire for a STEM field of study. Finance, legal, HR. Proc. To conclude, both models show that the image of chemistry, math and physics has an impact on students' career intentions. With regard to the impact of the masculinity image of math and science on secondary students' career aspirations, the findings of our study show that young women who potentially chose STEM as a field of study at university perceived all three school subjects—math, physics, and chemistry—as less masculine than did those young women who chose other majors. (you may want to reduce some sources and … (2011) reported that as early as second grade children perceive that math is a male domain, demonstrating the American cultural stereotype. Psychol. As the present study does not include measures of the semantic ratings of the term woman we cannot compare the attribution of the feminine traits to chemistry, math and physics and its impact on the STEM study choice. According to our findings, math is most strongly perceived as a masculine subject among female and male secondary school students, followed by physics and then chemistry, which has the weakest masculine connotations. Gender segregation in the vocational orientation of adolescents has been well documented for decades in most OECD countries (OECD, 2006, 2012). Superstars of STEM join biggest-ever mentoring program for girls. doi: 10.1108/EDI-11-2013-0097, McCullagh, P., and Nelder, J. Moreover, this study has shown that students with stereotype-consistent interest in STEM-related school subjects were particularly likely to endorse gender-science stereotypes. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6402.1994.tb01049.x, Eccles, J. S., and Wigfield, A. Recruit female employees and work to retain and promote women throughout their careers with strong advancement pipelines and continued professional development and leadership training. (2005). Math–gender stereotypes in elementary school children. Science 126, 384–390. 4:60. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2019.00060. Psychol. J. Res. The good news is the current wage gap is on average 3%, an improvement … Tackling the STEM gender bias can also warrant some self-reflection on the part of teachers. If fewer than one in five computer science graduates are women, but the IT field is the future of U.S. industry, the gravity of the situation should become clear. Society and Culture. (2006). At the end of this procedure one value for each student was calculated. Swinburne partners with Avanade Australia to help close gender gap in STEM. Since we did not control for other potential determinants in the explanatory models (e.g., self-image of students, their abilities, or interest in science), our results are limited to the investigation of the impact of gender-science stereotype on students' aspirations. (2018). In line with this, a study among first-year women engineering students reported that engineering identification was a significant predictor of persistence in engineering, and that this relationship was stronger for women than men (Jones et al., 2013). The stereotypical computer scientist: gendered media representations as a barrier to inclusion for women. The gender gaps are particularly high in some of the fastest-growing and highest-paid jobs of the future, like computer science and engineering. She looked down her nose at me and sneered, ‘What lady would take mathematics instead of Latin?’. With respect to the perception of different STEM disciplines, studies among adolescent youth have shown that female students show a more pronounced gender stereotype for math compared to male students, who are less likely to exhibit implicit gender-stereotypic associations (Steffens et al., 2010). Post-hoc comparisons (Bonferroni) has shown that the attribution of masculinity differs significantly between math and chemistry (p ≤ 0.001) and between math and physics (p ≤ 0.05). Rev. RealClearPolicy. The process of developing occupational aspirations is embedded in the comparison of one's self-image with the image of an occupation and one's judgment about the match between the two. doi: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2003.10.002, Hartung, P. J., Porfeli, E. J., and Vondracek, F. W. (2005). Women Q. It also enables us to ask whether the STEM labor force exhibits gender wage gaps similar to those in the overall labor force. doi: 10.1787/9789264281318-en. Int. In secondary education, gender is almost balanced in chemistry and biology (girls 18.4% and boys 20.5%) as a subject of specialization, whereas considerably more boys (18.4%) than girls (4.4%) decided to specialize in the subjects math and physics (FSO, 2019b). To understand the gender gap in STEM, it’s important to recognize how it manifests in each field. As a matter of fact, it’s rising much faster than the number of women. Soc. By continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of such cookies. Here are some of the STEM gender gap statistics. (2009). Nevertheless, to explore the interaction term in more detail we analyzed the attribution of masculinity to the three science subjects within the group of female and that of male students. We hypothesized that this association of the three science subjects with masculine traits would be stronger among female students.
With respect to gender differences, our findings have shown that among female students, the attribution of masculinity to the three school subjects does not differ significantly, meaning that female students rated all subjects similarly strongly as masculine. Our findings have some implications for overcoming the gender disparities in STEM. Ratschinski, G. (2009). Available online at: (accessed October 10, 2018). National differences in gender-science stereotypes predict national sex differences in science and math achievement. In other words, if young women do not perceive math and science as predominantly masculine, they opt significantly more often for studying a STEM major. The semantic differential uses bipolar scales with contrasting adjectives at each end to measure people's reactions to stimulus words and concepts (Heise, 1970, p. 235). Front. The role of motivation in gendered educational and occupational trajectories related to maths. The data originated from a cross-sectional study among 1'364 Swiss secondary school students who were close to obtaining their matriculation diploma. As bipolar constructs, gender stereotypes imply that what is masculine is not feminine and vice versa (Deaux and LaFrance, 1998; Worell, 2001; Renfrow and Howard, 2013). The mean values indicated that math has the strongest attribution of masculinity, followed by physics as second, and finally chemistry with the lowest attribution of masculinity (see Table 1). IBM SPSS Statistics 23 Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference. Abschlüsse der universitären Hochschulen und Fachhochschulen: Basistabellen [University Diploma and University of Applied sciences Diploma: Tables]. So, no matter where you look, the gender disparity in STEM jobs is obvious, and it has many wondering what the culprit is. “Wenn Frauen in MINT-Studiengängen fehlen: mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht und die Studienwahl junger Frauen [When women lack from STEM courses: teaching mathematics and Natural sciences and Young Women's Study Choices],” in Berufsorientierung und Geschlecht [Vocational orientation and gender], ed. Learn more about how we can change policies and practices to increase opportunities in STEM for girls and women. According to the theoretical framework of Gottfredson (2002, 2005), occupational aspirations are incorporated in the individual self-image developed during socialization from early childhood through adolescence. 83:44. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.83.1.44, Nosek, B. If the value is below 1, the likelihood decreases; if it is above 1, the likelihood increases. Citing a recent research report by McKinsey, Heland said that narrowing gender gap in STEM can lead to an increase of $12-28 trillion in global economy. These countries prove it. Experts say the way to beat the STEM gender gap is to encourage girls to explore their STEM options and interests at an early age. Fiske, and G. Lindzey (New York, NY: Mc Graw-Hill, 788–827. A. 95, 371–376. Paris: OECD Publishing. Soc. Educ. Available online at: (accessed December 1, 2018). Sch. Paris: OECD Publishing. Deaux, K., and LaFrance, M. (1998). Masculinity index of math and career aspirations. George, D., and Mallery, P. (2016). “Social psychology of gender and race,” in Handbook of Social Psychology, eds. Heise, D. R. (1970). Birth cohort change in the vocational interests of female and male college students. Design courses and change environments and practices in STEM studies to be more welcoming for women. J. Vocat. doi: 10.4324/9781315545899, Good, J. J., Woodzicka, J. Superstars of STEM join biggest-ever mentoring program for girls. New York, NY: NYU Press. Am. 26, 8–13. 5, 37–49. Alien or alike? By means of a standardized survey, data on students' perception of masculinity of science school subjects were collected using semantic differentials. Frauen in MINT-Berufen: Retrospektive Wahrnehmung des mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts auf der Sekundarstufe I [Women in STEM professions: retrospective perception of mathematics and science in secondary school education]. Finally, a study among secondary school students in Switzerland showed that, among female students, the semantic profile of math and physics correlated negatively with the semantic profile of the female gender, whereas the semantic attributes of chemistry were significantly related neither to the male nor to the female gender. Educ. Soc. 107:371. doi: 10.1037/a0037215, Lane, K. A., Goh, J. X., and Driver-Linn, E. (2012). Mishawaka: Wiley and Sons. Thirdly, we expected that the gender stereotype of math and science would affect female and male secondary school students' aspirations to enroll in a STEM major at university. A., Banaji, M. R., and Greenwald, A. G. (2002). Engineering and computer science — two of the most lucrative STEM fields — remain heavily male dominated. “The semantic differential and attitude research,” in Attitude Measurement, ed. Educ. Opinions about STEM content and classroom experiences as predictors of upper secondary school students' career aspirations to become researcher or teachers. In terms of hypotheses, we firstly expected differences with respect to the degree of masculinity which students attribute to chemistry, math, and physics. Career Choice Dev. Gendered Paths into STEM. There are several ways companies, organizations, and academic programs can help close the gender gap in STEM. Sci. Psychol. However, the impact of the gender image of school science subjects on young people's career choice has not yet been analyzed. Psychol. A study by Archer et al. Finally, Else-Quest et al. The Gender Gap in Science. Sch. A gendered math gap exists in elementary school — but it is really only evident among boys from higher-income and predominantly white areas performing significantly higher in math, even compared to girls attending those same schools. Produced by the former Department for Children, Schools and Families, this guide supports the delivery of Diplomas. 102, 335–345. Fort, D. C., and Varney, H. L. (1989). Act Now. All other fields of study were assigned to the category “non-STEM study choice.” The multivariate analyses were conducted with the dichotomous variable STEM field study choice (STEM field study choice = category 1; non-STEM study choice = reference category 0). 'S enrollment in particular majors at the universities of applied Sciences Diploma Tables... 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