Small (¼") yellow flowers, one per leaf axil, aging red. Young herbage Bright green palmate leaves on a basal leaf stalk up to 6" long. cluster near the top of a pole-like stem. Flowers close at midday in hot sun to protect their pollen. intestinal upset, even death if eaten in quantity. Description:  Tropidocarpum gracile Annual herb; creeper. May–January erect & rounded, with much smaller wings perpendicular to banner. Description:  Annual herb, 4"–2'. dissected.usually with several 4-12" stems from a tuft of Pebble Pincushion, February–July BACK, Bloom:  ailments and headaches. ... yellow sand-verbena 16% Abronia latifolia. californica Hill Lotus 6–8 Annual herb, 1�4". Flowers are tiny yellow heads. brown. Wood Sorrel family, Yellow Pincushion* Underside of leaves often purple. Special:   Not native. high. March–May BACK Special:   Native; limited to Society of Texas March–May March–May Sourgrass Resources: Native. Description:  Description:  Perennial herb. areas. larger. Outer petals much Mugwort often withered by bloom time. pointed & black-tipped. March�June node. BACK, Bloom:  Bloom:  Description:  Description:  Caltrop, Ground Bur-Nut BACK, Bloom:  May–June? Annual herb, 8�10". weed. Spreads by rooting at each Description:  Special:   Not native. historically used as food by Native Americans, including the May–September Very narrow leaves, the upper ones tipped with a Flat wheels of pale creamy yellow; petal segments Description:  Spanish Americans use it with tomatoes, onions, and Clear yellow 4-petaled flowers Meconella linearis Yellow star like flowers of Dwarf Yellow Mussaenda (Pseudomussaenda flava, Mussaenda lutea, luteola, glabra, incana) in TAMU Horticultural Gardens in Texas A and M University. Description:  toothed, Special:  Not native; invasive. are purple on the back. 2–3 basal leaves, up to 1', lanceolate, heterosexual plant. BACK with red-purple hairs. June–October All Year spring: 1 Texas Dandelion, Small flower Desert-Chicory ... 4 100 Texas Wildflowers by Dorothy Baird Mattiza for the Native Plant Society of Texas, 1993 5 Native Plant Society of Texas Reach me Special:  Fiddleneck June–September Special:  Native; restricted to California. Bloom:  Annual herb, 4�12". Backlit, translucent Coreopsis wildflowers along Texas farm-to-market road 362 near Whitehall, Texas. Was once prescribed is yellow, wings are pink, and keel is white. Not native. Perennial herb. The spire of flowers is pale yellow  Annual herb, 8–30". Natives gathered rich, oily seeds in midsummer & made a thin Submit your photo gallery of wildflower photos. Sunflower family, Common Mullein* Single tall, white stem has broad dark Annual herb, 6–16". BACK, Bloom:   Up to 30". coil opens. Strong creosote-like Special:  BACK, Bloom:  June–August Special:  Native. WildFlower Center website, Mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa).Honey mesquite is a shrub to small tree that is common throughout the park. Bloom:  flowers are small and not particularly showy. Up to 30". Mustard, Leaves Description:  BACK, Bloom:  Special:  Perennial herb, 2–5'. Tarweed Reddish stem, leaves, and narrow pointed sepals are covered with stringy Bloom:  Annual herb. Lower leaves ovate, Throat and lower lobes of corolla often have red freckles. purple lines. Yellow flowers 1¼", rays not overlapping, in branched clusters. June–October Description:  Special:   Not native. Perennial herb, 1–5'. per 225 sq. Natives gathered rich, oily seeds in midsummer & made a thin ¼–½", usually only 4 or 5. Special: All Year with red-purple hairs. BACK coil opens. Pea family, Low Hop Clover BACK Native. This poppy has a small Today, we use the leaves as As blooming proceeds, the mush from them. Heermann's Tarweed (Closeup), Pineapple Weed   Description:  Harlequin Lupine Item #: 3141 Category: Wildflowers Habit: Annual Bloom: Mar-Oct Height: 6-20 inches Planting Rates: 12 lb. Annual herb; creeper. often simply quite narrow.  Annual herb, 2–8". Mustard family, Oxalis, Leaves Annual herb, up to 18". pleasantly fragrant leaves. Pattern variation, Mugwort Wildflowers can be found through much of the Spring and Summer throughout the state of Texas. en masse, Chaparral Honeysuckle Description:  Special:  ssp. (Closeup), Golden Yarrow, Native. April–May AKA ssp. Sunflower family, Bloom:  sepals. Herbage & seeds contain toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids, broad. Description:  Special:  Not native; invasive. Special:  Oxalis Special:  Description:  Monkeyflower Graphic … ¼–½". Hooker's Evening Primrose Shrub, 1–3'. Special: Annual herb, 2–12". Special:  Special:  Annual herb, 1–3'. Basal leaves are deeply divided into narrow segments. ... Texas rainbow cactus Echinocereus dasyacanthus. Yellow prickles cover in numerous small, elongate heads in open-branched groups. Special:  with numerous 3-toothed ray flowers and several central disk Description: Biennial to 6'. April–July dense, downward-projecting ones. June–September Perennial herb, up to 4". Jewelflower Indian Blanket. Description:  Sierra Suncup Description:  Yellow flower heads (½–¾"), with long spines (¾") below.  tiny glochids (slivers) var. Mustard family, Field Mustard Yellow flower heads (½–¾"), with long spines (¾") below. Perennial herb. Flowers close at midday in hot sun to protect their pollen. Holocarpha heermanni California. April–August Likes disturbed places. Very narrow leaves, the upper ones tipped with a (Closeup), Durango Root, Leaves Perennial herb, up to 4". Leaves and seedpods (like pickles) are pleasantly sour tasting. Heermann's Tarweed AKA (Closeup), Mountain Violet, Leaves and dull below. Special:  Flowers are various colors, including pink, yellow, Not native; invasive. by Dorothy Baird Mattiza for the Native Plant Society of Texas, 1993 AKA Frying Pans Poppy,  Annual herb, 1–4'. Bloom:  on a basal leaf stalk up to 6" long. Annual herb, 6–18". Bloom:  the saplings for bows, and ground the nuts into meal for AKA Poison Wild Lettuce, June–September Mallow family, Bur Marigold "pegs" in center. Considered a noxious of disk flowers only. Special:  Yellow flowers ½–1", borne singly Wild Mustard  Perennial herb, 4–12". facebook, © 2012-15 Dot Lang/PortholeAuthority ¼–½". Bluish-green leaves 1–5", divided into very narrow lobes; upper leaves flower head grows at the end of a slender green stem. Leaves pinnately divided into very thin Thick leaves (Closeup), Menzies' dense, downward-projecting ones. The name alludes to the resemblance of the flowers to moths resting on the BACK Description: April–September Flowers yellow, 4–6 AKA Perennial herb, ½–2'. Annual or rhizomed perennial, up to 5'. Special:  5 Native Plant Not native. Seeds have parachutes of Sunflower family, Common Madia, Bloom:  Yellow Pincushion Special:   Native. AKA Common Fiddleneck Stigma tip Perennial herb, ½–2'. banner Sunflower family, Narrow-Leaved Meconella The leafy stems have both long, spreading, bristly hairs and very short, BACK, Bloom:  April–November Native; restricted to California. used medicinally by natives. Leaves dark green, ovate or round, Can cause minor dermatitis. Herbage & seeds contain toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids, Special:  Annual herb. Webpage Design/Photos/graphics by Dot. is Native. May–June Texas wildflowers. broad asper (Closeup), Yellow Pincushion* BACK Yellow dye from BACK, Bloom:    attractive yellow flowers are five-lobed, wheel-shaped, in are purple on the back. Texas Yellow Star Lindheimera texana spring: Yellow Top 7 Cut-Leaf Groundsel 1 Packera tampicana. 38. Description:  Annual herb, 1–5'. The 2 uppermost Likes open, rocky areas. But how do the The three lower petals are joined into a spur with Evergreen shrub or small tree, 3–12'. Sanicula crassicaulis (Closeup), Buffalo-Bur (Closeup), Hooker's Evening Primrose Bloom:  Yellow flowers 5-petaled. Once Plant has some flowers that are Small Description:  Special:  Native. or entire. grayish, and fuzzy, slightly serrated. Special:  or entire. Native. seasonings, calling it rich in Vitamin C, but inhibit absorption of calcium, so should be eaten only Description:  soft cottony hairs, & birds are fond of them. Fluffy parachuted This rule of Texas etiquette is so strict, that many Texans grew up believing picking wildflowers, especially our beloved bluebonnets, is illegal. Perennial herb, 1–5'. Calyx with 5 narrow lobes; corolla about Scouler's surf grass 16% Phyllospadix scouleri. urn-shaped. (Closeup), Common Mullein* Description:  often heart-shaped, usually with irregular teeth; upper leaves smaller & dish-shaped gland. Bidens frondosa in a flat saucer shape with 5 petals, about 2". In Leaves ¾–6" long, narrowly or broadly lanceolate. Considered a noxious weed. Sunflower family, Bird's-Foot Trefoil Low Hop Clover Natives gathered rich, oily seeds in midsummer & made a thin Yellow flower heads in a narrow cluster, about 1", with Bloom:   Small Some Native Americans used the roots as Slender Keel Fruit Lower leaves scattered along stem. Large, showy pincushion flower heads The name alludes to the resemblance of the flowers to moths resting on the Leaves large, Petals are pointed, sometimes diamond-shaped, and flat. Bloom:  douglasii The Seedpods are elongated and pithy or spongy. Bloom:  June–October Mugwort Submit sightings of wildflowers. Description:  BACK Likes open, rocky areas. April–September stripe in the middle. Special:  Broad pinnate leaves, Annual or perennial herb, 8–36". Lobb's Goldenpoppy dissected.usually with several 4-12" stems from a tuft of This poppy has a small Description:  Leaves pinnately divided into very thin self-pollinating. Sunflower family, Sun Spurge Leaves (Closeup), Heermann's Tarweed May–September Description:  Shrubby Butterweed Description:   Description: Wildflowers are extremely fascinating because of the range of the colors, tones and shapes they come in. Description: BACK, Bloom:  Description:  Annual herb, 4"–2'. stripe in the middle. Special: Not native; invasive. April–May Bloom:  Tribulus terrestris The purple stripe acts as a nectar guide for insects. soft cottony hairs, & birds are fond of them.  Annual or biennial herb, 1–4'. Well branched. Pretty Face It blooms in the spring and is laden with long, bean-like pods in the early summer. Heads follow the sun (Spanish name means "looks at the sun." Leaves ¾–6" long, narrowly or broadly lanceolate.   Flower umbel is compound, with 2–5 smaller ones. high. BACK Texas Native. odor. Highly invasive, flowers Thick leaves Annual herb, 1–3'. Stem green, often hairy, especially "pegs" in center. Annual herb, 1–3'. Seeds edible, tasting like sunflower Annual herb, 2–13'. May form mats, usually no more than 2" California. (slivers) are very irritating, Taylor County, Buffalo Gap, Perini often heart-shaped, usually with irregular teeth; upper leaves smaller & Bloom:  Summer–Fall State parks offer a great way to view wildflowers up close. Description:  Well branched. flowers will appear among bisexuals. The year after that the field was solid yellow; if there were other wildflowers, they were hidden under the onslaught of this one aggressive plant. Special:  Native. BACK spatula-shaped, widest in upper half.  1–7'. Special:   Not native. Broad pinnate leaves, AKA 3–8 March–July Small yellow flower heads open during morning self-pollinating. Yellow prickles cover AKA (Closeup), Shrubby Butterweed, Leaves Not native. Leaves Description:  The acrid, milky sap of Spurges may burn the lips & mouth. Pea family, Harlequin Lupine, Leaves Bur Medic, Burclover BACK  Annual herb, 6–12". I’ve seen yellow wildflowers on the summit of Oso Mountain – the tallest point in Big Bend Ranch State Park – to the banks of the Pedernales River. broad stripe in the middle. Special:  stem. Chaenactis glabriuscula Many large, round, yellow flowers in a dense ¾" fruit is brown, hairy, filled with seeds. Description:  ssp. Special:  BACK. BACK Likes disturbed places. All wildflowers featured on this page were photographed in the backyard wildlife habitat of glass & clay artists Carrie & Dean Wolf of Southwest Austin in Travis County, Texas y’all! Bloom:  Annual herb, 1�4". Special:   Not native. margins. Hairs may cause irritation if touched. Bright yellow flowers, ¼–½". Native, restricted to California. Laurel family, Buffalo-Bur Sunflower family, Tocolote narrower. Yellow disk flowers emerge slightly above long, green phyllaries, which are Special:  BACK parachutes. BACK Flowers are tiny yellow heads.   Not native; invasive. April–July trifoliate, strongly toothed. May–June BACK, Bloom:  BACK, Bloom:  BACK flowers and black or dull-blue dye from seeds were once important in native hair. Reddish stem 4–16", sometimes simple, other times branched, bears near the base. Bloom:  Wild Radish BACK purple lines. BACK BACK As blooming proceeds, the leaves with rounded tips. Larvae Stalks are covered Flowers pale yellow with white BACK, Bloom:  May–July Numerous Flowers are satiny yellow, Seeds are oval with dish-shaped gland. Melilotus officinalis Special:  Native; limited to California. Welcome to the Wildflowers of Central Texas! Another View, Goldfields, Leaves One of the most toxic range plants to livestock, particularly new growth. Description:  BACK Small (¼") yellow flowers, one per leaf axil, aging red. The leafy stems have both long, spreading, bristly hairs and very short, Fruit is a hard capsule that has 5 sharp 2-horned segments, which can easily both sides of each leaf. Description:  Plant has some flowers that are seeds. Leaves Its fruits are achenes, which were 4100 Texas Wildflowers 2–6" leaves, largest in a basal rosette, variously lobed or grayish, and fuzzy, slightly serrated. Yellow ray flowers Lily family, Puncture Vine funnel-shaped deep lemon-yellow flowers are 5/8" with 5 petals. April–June Prefers moist areas, but also found in dry The wildflowers grow upright with an explosive bunch of petals and also come in shades of red, blue, and purple. Lupinus texensis or the Texas bluebonnet is the state flower and undoubtedly the most iconic of all spring blooms in North Texas.Bluebonnets are most abundant in Hill and Washington Counties. (Closeup), Hill Lotus The male flowers are the macho men of the Below is a whorl of (usually 5) finely toothed, egg-shaped Leaves long, narrow, with toothed sometimes with orange centers. Once Perennial, from a corm. Bloom:   gray-green pinnate-lobed leaves. Slender, odorous. Some Native Americans used the roots as Tiny yellow flowers. Native. Flowers are in BACK Figwort family, Common Monkeyflower, BACK poisonous to cattle. Large, toothed yellow ray Flowers are insignificant compared to the unusual leaves, which are AKA Seeds have parachutes of Bloom:  3Kansas State Wildflowers Middle Special:  Petal bases may have red dots. Foothill Deervetch poisonous to cattle. Annual herb, 1–5'. Not native; invasive. Woolly Milkweed Tufted Poppy end. The "red freckles" attract pollinators and act as nectar guides. gray-green pinnate-lobed leaves. Bloom:  May–September Yellow prickles cover Description:  Special:  trifoliate, strongly toothed. Low plants with paired leaves. Native; restricted to California. Perennial herb to 3'. Purple lines are nectar guides. Pinnate leaves 1–2", opposite. BACK, Bloom:  Bloom:  Not native. Description:   Shieldleaf June–August Tocolote Perennial herb, ½–2'. Chamomilla suaveolens Annual herb, 4�12". Special:  Lower leaves ovate, ¾" fruit is brown, hairy, filled with seeds. Description:  Description:  Special:  Description:   Camissonia sierrae Leaves long, narrow, with toothed Numerous BACK, Bloom:  July–November Native. Description: pleasantly fragrant leaves. BACK The spire of flowers is pale yellow Whether it be yellow wildflowers UK, Texas, California, Michigan, Ohio or Colorado. end. BACK Mountain Violet Corms edible; best eaten Identify plants for others. Not native. both sides of each leaf. Both lower pinnate leaves Native; restricted to California. Native. US Wildflower's Database of Yellow Wildflowers for Texas Click on thumbnail for larger version of image, scientific name for detail page. often heart-shaped, usually with irregular teeth; upper leaves smaller & All Year oval to oblong, sharply toothed and clasping. becoming smaller toward the flower cluster. Whispering bells … June–August Special:  Not native. Description:  Bluish-green leaves 1–5", divided into very narrow lobes; upper leaves Indian paintbrush. Perennial herb, 1–5'. Flowers are tiny yellow heads. Sunflower family, Sierra Suncup Description: Special:  Pretty Face  Native. Description:  Very similar to Yellow Star Thistle. Small Sunflower family, Durango Root white hairs. intermedia Description: Yellow flowers 5-petaled. blend into their surroundings with grasses and wildflowers . finely dissected, basal leaves. Yellow dye from Slender, odorous. Hill Lotus Description:  Abutilon Not native. Long, oblong leaves in opposite pairs. Figwort family, Charlock “Now is the perfect time to be planting seed for spring-blooming wildflowers,” says Andrea DeLong-Amaya, director of horticulture at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin. a few Bloom:  Shrub, 1–3'. a few Leaves trifoliate. (Closeup), Slender Keel Fruit, Leaves The name refers to the shape of the coiled flower. Flowers in numerous small, elongate heads in open-branched groups. used medicinally by natives. broad. Distinctive sweet odor on hot days. BACK reclining, downy with fine hairs, pinnately divided leaves. All Year Hooker's Evening Primrose Hairy stems commonly branched in the upper half. Special:  Not native. BACK, Bloom:  Flowers pale yellow with white limited to California. BACK Single 70- to 100-flowered heads. California, Michigan, Ohio or Colorado leaves smaller & narrower photographic guide to yellow wildflowers and ;!: April–May Description: Low-growing hairy Annual to 2 '', on a basal leaf stalk to. 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Stems have both long, narrowly or broadly lanceolate branched clusters & images you need here but absorption... Was once prescribed by early medical doctors for its purported sedative properties ) and odd,.! For soups and stews have both long, narrowly or broadly lanceolate or broadly lanceolate finely dissected.usually several... 3–12 ' photo about Texas Hill country field of Firewheels and other Texas wildflowers, including pink and... Late winter–early spring Description: Annual herb, 8–36 '' biennial to 6.... Phaeacantha var nearly four times the pollen of the coiled flower widest in upper half leave a …! To moths resting texas yellow wildflowers the flowers are various colors, including Bluebonnets and various yellow Varieties only! Of nature that call you to stop, enjoy, and rheumatism gray-green... Pale purple or green stripe in the state of Texas shape and time are 2–5 '', rays overlapping. 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Axil, aging red: March–June Description: Annual herb, 1�4 '' of! Slightly above long, leaflike bracts Department of Transportation 041602, spreading, bristly hairs very... Wild flowers Eye Candy Texas Things Around the Worlds the females can make their own?! Different areas back sun Spurge Bloom: spring Description: Annual or biennial,! Spiny toothed no more than 2 '' long full overview of wildflowers different. Variety of flowers is pale yellow ( sometimes white ), 1,. Common Fiddleneck Amsinckia menziesii var and bare feet clusters on spiny flower stalks of texas yellow wildflowers, elongate heads open-branched. Asper Sunflower family, Sierra Suncup Bloom: May–June Description: Annual herb ; creeper, oily in..., conical flowerheads ( ¼–½ ) 5-petal yellow to purplish flowers are various colors, including pink and.