into a stillness, a pause of all life, that had nothing to do with the more or less noise that at the moment we might be engaged in making and that I could hear through any deepened. It was exhausting, it was exhilarating, it was horrendous, It's really been a tremendously exhilarating feeling." Recent Examples on the Web Was Watts attracted by the sheer exhilaration that marked Parker’s virtuosic flights of musical fancy? The 40th anniversary edition of the classic Newbery Medal-winning title by beloved author Katherine Paterson, with brand-new bonus materials including an author's note by Katherine herself and a foreword by New York Times bestselling author ... The Word "Examine" in Example Sentences Page 1. As they accelerated over the rutted track and down towards the road, Stephen felt a leap and surge of, 28. exhilaration British English: exhilaration NOUN / ɪɡˌzɪləˈreɪʃən / Exhilaration is a strong feeling of excitement and happiness. (decided on, chose, picked, settled on) " I will eventually finish this project. Cannes' toned-down exhilaration was because cinema was less electrifying than it had been in many years. Exhilaration is defined as a feeling of great happiness or excitement. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. And he loves the Grand Canyon with dedicated devotion and exhilaration. Will I reach the other side gasping with, 21. It's difficult to see exhilarating in a sentence. CK 1 680867 The doctor examined the baby. What does the word exhilaration mean in the sentence below? Found inside – Page 51Villon's immediate reaction to news of the repeal of his death sentence was understandably one of exhilaration . In the two ballades apparently written ... There was a sense of exhilaration about being alone on the beach. — George Varga, San Diego Union-Tribune, 24 Aug. 2021 But that same roller coaster is also capable of producing moments of exhilaration … There was a wild exhilaration in this work. excitement. Exhilaration in a sentence. English Language Learners Definition of exhilaration. : a feeling of great happiness and excitement. See the full definition for exhilaration in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Comments on exhilaration. … “defeatist” in a sentence. 19 Two of the horses collapsed with exhaustion. Declarative sentences relay information, plain and simple. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. A pair of monolithic, obsidian statues guarded the gateway to the courtyard. At the words the flaming exhilaration of the man's face vanished and his eyes took on a poignant, distant look. Her mood could swing rapidly from gloom to exhilaration. definitions. 3. 'Ignominious' is a 11 letter word starting with I and ending with S Crossword clues for 'Ignominious' Clue Answer; Shameful, disgraceful (11) Ignominious: Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Ignominious We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Ignominious will help you to finish your crossword today is not responsible for their content. challenge. The sense of exhilaration had utterly left him. 20 examples of simple sentences “defeatist” . How to use “defeatist” in a sentence. The new roller coaster ride lasts four minutes and is an exhilarating amusement. Found inside – Page 86Sentence 3 : Mary also has adequate work experience and the appropreate ... ( 5 ) Saturday evening Horace finished and felt tremendous exhilaration . 4. Which of these words is the best synonym to replace exhilaration in the sentence? Found inside – Page 255I paced the floor, returned to the table, peered again at my drawing, and a flurry of exhilaration rushed through me as I recalled more of the television ... Found inside – Page 64The sentence has two: Independent Clause Conjunction Independent Clause The CEO ... Consider this example: Exhilarated by the successful product launch, ... An unconventional tale of love and suspense in which the dark forces of Medieval Fenland reach out to the present. By the author of T̀he sun worshippers'. noun. Log in. Dictionary Menu. Lists. 1. Context sentences for "exhilaration" in Portuguese These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. All rights reserved. Exhilaration is a 12 letter word, used as a noun, an SAT word and has the letters aaehiilnortx (aehilnortx). The author shares the secret of his own self-realization and the philosophy for living in the present he has developed. CK 1 2203665 Tom exercises. Examples of exhilaration in a sentence: 1. Found inside – Page 193Learning how to help their child develop, improve, and come out of despair and loneliness is a great exhilaration for the parents. Investors are anything but monolithic in value investing. ‘they felt the exhilaration of victory’. 3. Found inside – Page 130... second part of the sentence . Its nonfiniteness creates a further dependency . But with the finite main clause ( I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration ) ... Beyond is the inexpressible monolithic reality, the abode of the. Egged on by her avenging alter egos—meek Jelly, shattered Lady Rice, sexually insatiable Angel, and practical Angelica—she gets her revenge in this seminal novel about marriage, divorce, and one woman’s liberating leap into free fall. Yet, at the same time, he felt a strange, 30. Found inside – Page 307Sentence: The government claims to be doing all it can to eradicate corruption. ... mirth, exhilaration, joviality Sentence: The news of president's death ... Q. Apple is to fruit as carrot is to . . Author of Madness, Rack, and Honey ("One of the wisest books I've read in years," according to the New York Times) and Trances of the Blast, Mary Ruefle continues to be one of the most dazzling poets in America. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Exercise" in Example Sentences Page 1. The Monolithic Church of, 16. 3. antonyms. Definition of exhilaration noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Found inside – Page lxvThis is the sentence , “ Almost I fear to think how glad I am , ” that terminates the ... What instead , describing the rush of exhilaration , the sentence ... Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. A feeling of excitement, happiness, or elation. We made it with an hour to spare, on a cloud of, The war game only lasts a few minutes but the tension it creates is beyond imagination and the, I laughed out loud in sheer pleasure, feeling the, But the top act is the eponymous Triplets, sister divas who sing and swing with tireless, The object of these walks is to enjoy the, I'm feeling a strange combination of sad broodiness from the chapter's content and a relieved, If not, consider the passion of obligation, the release of unashamedness and the, The music here is certainly exciting, but its, The airiness, the suspendedness, the drop are composed to create the sheerness of the, My breath was stuck in my stomach, my limbs benumbed, my senses catapulted into a no-go area where terror meets, At last he forgot himself and gave way to a full-mouthed toothy grin at the, I followed behind, blushing massively, until we got to school, panting with, It's a kind of recording of the daily frustration and the daily, What resulted was a game that appealed to neither the physical, Her black hair flew in the wind and she enjoyed the sheer. The classic study of human nature which depicts the degeneration of a group of schoolboys marooned on a desert island. Exhaustion in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...) Synonym: debilitation , enervation , enfeeblement . Similar words: exhaust , exhausted , exhalation , constitutional convention , exhibition , exhilaration , question , frustration . Thesaurus for Exhilaration. Found inside – Page 167... intense in feeling effervescent = “away + boil” = being bubbly, showing exhilaration perfervid = “through + boil” = overexcited, overwrought fid trust ... All sentences include two parts: the subject and … Many of the sentences have audio, too. FAMOUS ADVENTURES AND PRISON ESCAPES OF THE CIVIL WAR VARIOUS disappointment. 2. Found inside – Page 29But the exhilaration of it made me smile. Behind the drumroll of my heart I could hear a wheezer somewhere in the infirmary, its clumsy steps accompanied by ... "It's exciting, it's exhilarating. Found insideHaving de-roled the characters, there was an opportunity for reflection, and Julie spoke of the exhilaration and belonging she had experienced in her teens, ... The exhilarating film ended with the star-crossed lovers finally getting married. Examples of exhilaration in a Sentence. Stopping once more to cut wires and tear … Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. synonyms. You Never Know Your Luck, Complete | Gilbert Parker. Found insideWith the same electrical intensity of language and insight that he brought to Waiting for the Barbarians, J.M. Coetzee reinvents the story of Robinson Crusoe—and in so doing, directs our attention to the seduction and tyranny of ... CK 1 2358880 I've already examined it. (successful, victorious l) Used with verbs: " They eventually decided on a new club president. 21 They were in a state of exhaustion after climbing the mountain. "Liana enjoys the exhilaration of water skiing." Anybody who runs it will know firsthand that you have experienced the true. CK 1 2111839 Examine this. Found inside – Page 129But exhilaration is intensified by exactitude: the 'O' both propels and checks exhilaration as it turns the sentence back on itself and qualifies 'hurls' in ... the lavish spectacle results in one exhilaration after another. Examples of Exhilarating in a sentence When I won ten million dollars in the lottery, it was the most exhilarating moment in my life. excitement. Mary Ann's exhilaration gave way to gnawing fear. 1. The feeling of lively and cheerful joy, Werner sways between exhaustion, confusion, and, My heart rate soared while my hands shook with, There was an agreeable sense of buoyancy and, Yeah, Joseph responded, his heart still racing with, She had walked many miles in her life with no such, Moody typed as fast as she could, making a string of typos in her, His first moves in the stock market provided Kris a huge sense of, If anything his nerves seemed fuelled upon a thunderstorm of great, I looked at Andchana, a friendly face in this wild, aggressive, To Antony’s relief, as soon as he stepped onto the podium that evening the, Charlie thanked his friend and mentor as a sense of, His facial features relaxed as the damp Pa-hay-okee morning rekindled an, In that respect, the rest of 1946 and the whole of 1947 had moments of both frustration and, She should have felt terror, or at least a healthy dose of fear, but instead, He knew no fear, as we know it; his little heart beat the faster but from the excitement and, His eyes shone, and his cheek was flushed with the, I re-lived every minute of their deaths and felt again the sheer, The stroll down Collins Street gave Lester a feeling of, Once the tension and self-absorption slip away, the true self engages with others and knows the, Then the feeling of contentment died, pushed aside by rage as the cat remembered the cage, the fire, and the, And so, the officer said goodbye to his mother and wife and then went back to his office leaving them in a state of joyful, Yes, yes I am sir, he replied, as his tone elevated with, Pinching his arm, saying to himself, No, not a dream, as he chuckled quietly before wrote his journal entry with sheer, We were both starting to feel it, the kind of incomparable, I decided not to hang around at the show as I didn’t wish to dampen Montaine's. exhilaration meaning: 1. excitement and happiness 2. excitement and happiness. Found inside – Page 142my daughter said, shaking with exhilaration. “My tooth is loose!” Her excitement, her high piping voice, that very first tooth; I wanted never to forget ... Found inside – Page 15The first sentence has a promising note of excitement ; the last gives a satisfying conclusion even ... There was a lift in the air , an exhilaration . Because thrill-seeking filled him with exhilaration, Tyler was excited, not afraid while bungee jumping from the top of the cliff. Here are some examples. We made it with an hour to spare, on a cloud of exhilaration, exhaustion and expectancy. Cannes' toned-down exhilaration was because cinema was less electrifying than it had been in many years. The war game only lasts a few minutes but the tension it creates is beyond imagination and the exhilaration indescribable. 9. The state of being stimulated, refreshed, or elated: "Few Yosemite visitors ever see snow avalanches and fewer still know the exhilaration of riding on... Exhilaration - definition of exhilaration by The Free … SURVEY . More example sentences. 11. 2111804 I exercised. 4. nouns. See more. The war game only lasts a few minutes but the tension it creates is beyond imagination and the exhilaration indescribable. Found insideEspecially going up that last big slope, slowly, slowly in all that traffic and then, at the top, the Ferris wheel exhilaration of gliding down into the ... Learn more about the word "exhilaration", its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary. Dao Van Lat studied his naked body in the long mirror and was seized afresh with an, 27. Parts of speech. Found insideA Guide to Grammar, Usage, and Sentence Style Bernard J. Streicher, S.J. ... gouged governor exercise exhausted exhibit exhilaration existence expense ... An exclamatory sentence, or exclamation, is a more forceful version of a declarative sentence. adjectives. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. 10 examples of sentences “defeatist”. calm. Source_VOA 1 2016700 They didn't want me to examine it. Found inside – Page 53The idea behind King Mob and Boy planning to dance themselves dizzy is excellent, but the art doesn't quite sell the exhilaration of the club environment. Found inside – Page 121The Tom Wolfe sentence also spoke to exhilaration and energy , power , and speed . The sentence is like ... examples. 22 Timothy was crying, mostly from exhaustion, and his nose was running. CK 1 2203664 Tom exercised. What he had fondly imagined was a pleasant, There is that unmistakable sensation of both great, From spicy arrestees on COPS to Tom Cruise, the low-tech binge of singled-out talking heads and show-offs overwhelms, producing simultaneous, To step out into the garage and see them stacked there, and smell their familiar, musty, cardboardy smell fills me with, I was young, and my heart rose with the vague and causeless, When inhaled in the ordinary way, nitrous oxide gas induces, The use of symbols has a certain power of emancipation and, A single glass of champagne imparts a feeling of, He then returned to the punch, in the highest state of.